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Everything posted by amardeep

  1. i was having a discussion regarding the kesh/keshki issue with a friend, and presented him this hukamnamma of Maharaj as a proof that kesh is kakaar. yet, he says that this hukamnamma was not written by Maharaj as it does not mention Kanga as kakaar, hereby Maharaj is only mentioning 4 kakaars for the khalsa. so is it genuine? what does sikh scholars say..was it written by Maharaj or not.. "Sarbat sangat Kabul Guru rakhe ga Tusa ute asaadee bahut khusi hai Tusi Khande da Amrit Panja to lena Kes rakhne...ih asadee mohur hair; Kachh, Kirpan da visah nahee karna SARB LOH da kara hath rakhna Dono vakat kesa dee palna karna Sarbat sangat abhakhia da kutha Khave naheen, Tamakoo na vartana Bhadni tatha kanya-maran-vale so mel na rakhe Meene, Massandei, Ramraiye ki sangat na baiso Gurbani parhni...Waheguru, Waheguru japna Guru kee rahat rakhnee Sarbat sangat oopar meri khushi hai. Patshahi Dasvi Jeth 26, Samat 1756 (To the entire sangat at Kabul. The Guru will protect the Sangat, I am pleased with you all. You should take baptism by the sword, from the Five Beloveds. Keep your hair uncut for this is a seal of the Guru, Accept the use of shorts and a sword. Always wear IRON KARA on your wrist, Keep your hair clean and comb it twice a day. Do not eat Halal (Kosher) meat, Do not use tobacco in any form, Have no connection with those who kill their daughters Or permit the cutting of their children's hair. Do not associate with Meenas, Massands and Ram-raiyas (anti-Sikh cults) Recite the Guru's hymns Meditate on "The Name of our Wonderful Lord", Follow the Sikh code of discipline I give the entire sangat my blessing) Signature of 10th Guru Jeth 26, 1756 Bikrami (23rd May 1699 A.D)
  2. what is the point of discussin..all of his questions and accusations have been answered and debunked..... all the rest is useless..he is never going to agree with us, so just leave him on his path to God..
  3. if a great scholar of Sikhi does not know whether if it is Gurbani or not, it must mean that he himself doubted it..
  4. does the suraj prakash granth not also say that Ragmaala is NOT gurbani?
  5. quite indeed...but i would also like to know what parts that are controversial ?
  6. is there any controversy over Suraj Prakash Granth?
  7. how come Bhai Nand Lala did not take amrit, if he was so fascinated at the Gurus teaching and went to stay with him in Anandpur, and was so close to Maharaj at all times?
  8. Woow.im impressed Bimel..thats the spirit of a true Sikh... May Akaal Purakh bless you
  9. why does the site not work anymore? why has it been closed down.
  10. Gurfateh ji Niranjana. can you provide me the sources for Dr Tarlochans Singhs work as i have never ran across an analysis of this maryada..
  11. i dont know much about it. im having a friend translate it into english..
  12. interesting..... anyone else have any input? maybe to back up what brother dynamic banda has said.
  13. i came across something interesting....so it made me wonder,..what are the two paths which the Gurus are talking about? Is it Islam amd hinduism(or in a larger scale- Indian religions and middle eastern religions) ?. Page 688, Line 13 ਏਕੁ ਸਾਹਿਬੁ ਦੁਇ ਰਾਹ ਵਾਦ ਵਧੰਦਿਆ ਜੀਉ ॥ एकु साहिबु दुइ राह वाद वधंदिआ जीउ ॥ ayk saahib du-ay raah vaad vaDhandi-aa jee-o. There is only the One Lord and Master, but there are two paths, by which conflict increases. ਦੁਇ ਰਾਹ ਚਲਾਏ ਹੁਕਮਿ ਸਬਾਏ ਜਨਮਿ ਮੁਆ ਸੰਸਾਰਾ ॥ दुइ राह चलाए हुकमि सबाए जनमि मुआ संसारा ॥ du-ay raah chalaa-ay hukam sabaa-ay janam mu-aa sansaaraa. All follow these two paths, by the Hukam of the Lord's Command; the world is born, only to die. and also: Page 142, Line 8 ਰਾਹ ਦੋਵੈ ਇਕੁ ਜਾਣੈ ਸੋਈ ਸਿਝਸੀ ॥ राह दोवै इकु जाणै सोई सिझसी ॥ raah dovai ik jaanai so-ee sijhsee. He, who deems both the ways lead to one Lord, shall be emancipated. Guru Gobind Singh created the third path right?
  14. lol...so because i dont hate islam im a muslim? i dont hate girls either, does that make me a woman? hahahaha stupid....try to follow the footsteps of our beloved Gurus who did not discreminate against the slaves of God..
  15. thanks brother.. i really appreciate it. how many scholars find this sehaj dhari maryada to be authentic? and how does the scholars who support it, argument for the brahmin thing?
  16. the way i see it, Bhai Gurdass is narrating the history of the muslims....all of the events that he tells took place after Muhammad had died.. it is common sence among scholars that what muslims did after the dead of the prophet had NOTHING to do with Muhammads teachings.. i am not familiar with the sayings of Bhai Mati Dass, but it sounds interesting.
  17. the bhai gurdass vaara call Muhammad a beloved of God, and Bani of Guru Arjan Maharaj calls him rasool, meaning prophet.. he was a prophet indeed..
  18. thats true..but islam does not teach you to spread your religion by force... thats like saying "in sikhi it is allowed to drink alcohol because punjab is the state in india where people consume most alcohol" :..bla bla...
  19. those freaks does not have the proper understandig of islam.. most of what they write on that page is a lie
  20. was Guru Nanak not a part of the Avatar line of Krishna, Ram vishnu etc in the same way as Muhammad was a part of the prophet line of Abraham and Jesus etc.. the way i see it is that ancient Hinduism when it was revealed was identical to Sikhism..and then when pundits corrupted it, God sent Guru Nanak to put people back to the ancient dharm....the same way Muhammad was sent to put christians and jews back to Islam(early christianity and judaism was actually Islam)... the word Christian and jew did not even occour until after their prophets died....they did not have a name... in the same way the word Budhist and hindu did not occour untill after their prophets had died...but the name muslim and sikh was given by their prophets/Gurus..
  21. Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh. where can i find the sehaj dhari maryada written by shaheed bhai mani singh to see what the guidelines for a sehaj dhari are
  22. is the narration of abu tarani true or false?? i heard of people who contacted the university, and they say they have never heard of such book.
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