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Posts posted by Ragmaala

  1. 2 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    And do share you experiences when you do please.

    Just some advice, make sure someone is with you that doesn't take it so they can watch out for you, incase it's a bit strong for you.  

    Maybe in a year or 2 when I get a chance to go to India, given the recent times it might be a kong while.When they give parshad , they add water and its a huge baata, so very very diluted form. Plus if Sant Gurbachan Singh ji is right, it’s probably just Shardai without sukha. But will find out when I get there.

  2. 5 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Did you consume the Parshad of Sukhnidhaan? If yes, how was it? 


    Bhul chuk maaf

    At that time I didn’t have enough information or knowledge so I was reluctant and hesitant to take it. Although I was curious about it. We were there around half hour and I did not see anyone taking the prashad. I did witness that they take bata of prashad inside takhat sahib for bhog.

    I was just listening to the katha link I posted previously by Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa and he mentioned that the shardai that goes for bhog does not have bhang/sukha in it. Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindrawale also mentioned that there was a pujari who came from Brindaban who would do bhog to Maharaj, and the maryada got established of putting sukha in shardai.It was banned by the committee a long time ago. But we would need to check with current Jathedar ji, and local singhs who do sewa to find out if they still use sukha/ bhang in sukhnidhan.

    This is something I will definitely find out or personally experience next time at Hazur Sahib 🙏🏽 I will take the prashad and see for myself.

  3. 6 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    Author's gupt, but assess the granth for yourself brother. It's at the very least very early 1800s (confirmable) if not earlier (possibly much earlier). It's shockingly sophisticated. 





    Let me know if you have any problems downloading and we'll find some some other way to get it to you. 


    Thanks. Are you able to upload the punjabi version as a pdf here? I don’t have a scribd subscription. I found the english version pdf online.

    Yes, it will be interesting to read it and see for myself. 

  4. 1 hour ago, paapiman said:

    Bro, you are saying that even micro-dosing is bad, especially for non-Amritdhari Sikhs? 


    One recent clinical trial found that microdosing just 1 mg of THC, and even 0.5 mg, was effective at relieving chronic pain.


    [1] - How To Microdose Cannabis | Weedmaps


    Bhul chuk maaf

    I was replying in context of micro-dosing for babies. It’s risky. I am in favor of using it as a medicine in worst case scenario when nothing else works but not in favor of using it regularly without any indication or for just getting that psychoactive high.Definitely cbd oil, thc has medicinal properties, no doubt. Personally, I wouldn’t use it for chronic pain, Maharaj Kirpa. 

    Interesting link that you provided, and info on biphasic reactions , how it can cause anxiety and paranoia if mismanaged, and dose requirement varies for everyone. 

    Its good to have this knowledge. But personally for me , I have more important matters to take care of than worrying about sukha use, such as Am I spiritually ready to leave my body, time is running out. There are other priorities.

  5. 18 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    Daas remembers hearing in Katha that Gyani Thakur Singh jee mentioned that our kids are having mental related illnesses due to lack of drinking "Shardai". Shardai is the same as Sukhnidhaan, without Sukha in it.

    Furthermore, it is possible that micro-dosing cannabis (by putting tiny quantities of it in Shardai) might be beneficial in the brain development of the kids. 

    It's a bad idea brother, not worth the risk. Almonds are good. The focus should be on producing everything naturally, through proper meditation and Japa techniques. 

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