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Everything posted by BhagatSingh

  1. "real, dark world" lol. Dally I understand the world is not good, in fact largely horrible and unforgiving. I mean its all there in the sakhis. You don't need to be a Brit to see it. But the attitude of a God-oriented person is highlighted by Guru Arjan when He says "na ko bairee nahe begana sagal sang hum ko banai". He got tortured but He did not give up His state of mind, His friendly attitude towards the world. It's called Hukam ਕਾਨੜਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ ਬਿਸਰਿ ਗਈ ਸਭ ਤਾਤਿ ਪਰਾਈ ॥ ਜਬ ਤੇ ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਮੋਹਿ ਪਾਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ ਨਾ ਕੋ ਬੈਰੀ ਨਹੀ ਬਿਗਾਨਾ ਸਗਲ ਸੰਗਿ ਹਮ ਕਉ ਬਨਿ ਆਈ ॥੧॥ ਜੋ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੀਨੋ ਸੋ ਭਲ ਮਾਨਿਓ ਏਹ ਸੁਮਤਿ ਸਾਧੂ ਤੇ ਪਾਈ ॥੨॥ ਸਭ ਮਹਿ ਰਵਿ ਰਹਿਆ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਏਕੈ ਪੇਖਿ ਪੇਖਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਬਿਗਸਾਈ ॥੩॥੮॥
  2. Jaikaara bhrava tu bai ke nazara dekh. Enu main muh ni lagda par eh sala dum hala ke a jandai. ke kariye? come on skype, we can talk there. Chal teri gal vi man lene han. Khush?
  3. Lol a loyal dog always comes back to his master even if the master kicks hims out. Shoo Shoo stop humping my leg and get out. The master has work to do. Like a dog's tail huh? Good one lol
  4. D- Bro you got worse. Your spelling is declining too, wtf is a "fundamenalist" lol. Keep practicing you'll get the hang of it. And who knows you might even come across law, morality, the "abstract" on your quest to be the ultimate snide-smartass. Later
  5. I give this a C+ on the "I am such a smartass scale". You can do much better bro. You could have said "What do you call yourself a Tinfoil-bender?" Now that is A+ material. Lol Now go away and practice. And don't show yourself until you can do much better than that.
  6. I got the font and got it to work. It turned out it wasn't Gurbilas. It was just some article criticizing gurbilas.
  7. Look paaji we are not going to solve sexual grooming by stereotyping muslims into one homogenous group. And we certainly are not going to get rid of grooming by sending the young men of our countries into prisons for common, forgivable crimes by mistaking it with sexual grooming. I disagree there. It's not broad minded thinking that harms, it is narrow minded thinking. The people who groom don't have broad minded thinking. Those who generalize the behaviour of groomers to the rest of the community don't have broad minded thinking. Social ills of society don't come from broad minded thinking. These problems are the result of narrow minded thinking. Most people don't have broad minded thinking, especially apne. Broad minded thinking is much harder to pull off! So do not mistake lack of concern and lack of urgency that apne have for broad minded thinking. It's not. Dally Don't worry bro I am as grounded as one can be.
  8. I don't appreciate your rude, snide and condescending comments. Keep them to yourself.
  9. Maturity is always a factor. What happened here? A girl and a guy wanted to have sex and met up in a hotel room. The guy was hesitant but the girl was pushing it even though she is below the age. He put on a condom and no one got pregnant, good. Now whether not they knew the laws or not, if the girl's friend didn't tell on her she'd be fine. He'd be fine. They'd have moved on. Many under-aged kids have sex in secret and you don't hear about it because they only tell their friends or no one at all. This is nothing new. The fact that they labelled him as "abuser" means absolutely nothing. Plus. Are you telling me that it's worth killing a guy's future career prospects, simply because he did what every teenager is doing in secret anyway? His name should not have been mentioned Period. The reporter should calm down. Are you seriously comparing this to murder? LOL alright I was wrong. I will just smile and nod as I back away slowly. If you are going to charge the guy, then why isn't the girl charged? Does it not take two to tango? And it is natural for girls to be attracted to older guys. and its natural for guys to be attracted to younger girls. So this law is immediately biased against guys. Boys are more likely to go to prison because of this law. Would want to ever see your own son in prison because of a biased law? Yeah put that guy in jail for nothing, and let bitches like these roam free, who have the audacity to first get pregnant, and then pin a little boy down for money. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prwlOCzeLn0 BULLSHIT!
  10. That's (almost) nothing Lucky ji. Anyone one with confident enough state of mind can do it. I have seen people do it in self-improvement seminars and retreats e.g. Tony Robbins. A bigger challenge is moving a piece of tinfoil with the mind, which takes many weeks of practice. Even harder still is moving bigger things. I have seen demonstrations by a guy who could move natural elements, ie make clouds to disperse, change the direction of air currents, cause vibrations in water. That would be even more challenging than moving a piece of tin foil. I would class Bir ras induced strength to be on this skill level. Bir ras is different than Sant Ras, in that it needs to be built up fast whereas Sant Ras builds up slowly over time. Bir ras goes down, whereas Sant ras stays built up. Sant ras is involved in moving tin foil and other things (long term) Bir ras is required to walk over fire and perform even more deadly feats (short term). Is technique absolutely necessary? Probably not. Technique always helps though. Even when we talk about sant ras. You know the technique: relax your body and muscles, take deep breaths, say "Om", meditate on its vibration, etc. This is a technique, and it makes the task of gathering Sant ras alot easier than if tehre is no technique involved. I think bir ras might be similar in that it maybe much harder to build up without techniques.
  11. Yeah that's the idea.There have been some documented instances where people were able to lift much more weight than they normally could in times of distress. That's what I am interested in. Can the mind be manually pumped up enough to override the capacity of the body in a way that is much more drastic than what you suggest?
  12. He's 18, she's 13. You think they are mature enough? You think it's worth ruining the life of someone who didn't know better? You must be kidding.
  13. What part of it didn't make sense? It's a simple experiment. Get bir ras as much as you can, mentally, and try brawling with a professional fighter. If bir ras is effective it would immediately become obvious. As for whether Guru Gobind Singh ji advocated it or not, there are two famous examples of scrawny dudes being blessed by Guru Sahib, and showing awesome skill. There is Bhai Bachittar Singh and Mahant Kirpal Das. Is it bir ras or skill? I don't know. You'd have to experiment or hold some kind of competition to find out.
  14. They are both pretty young and naive. This dude probably didn't know that the girl was under the age of consent, and she probably didn't either. Outside of that law it appears to be consensual sex. I think the judge made the right decision.
  15. Has anyone tried obtaining as much bir ras as possible without training and fighting with bir ras alone?
  16. Dally I think the bani is meant to inspire people to train. I think most people know that they are not going to be able to actually fight unless they train themselves. If they don't know that they'll learn it soon enough.
  17. Both. The authors of Guru Granth Sahib, gurus, bhagats and sikhs, worshipped Hari and His avtaars. The avtaars of Hari is Hari Himself. The sikhs of Guru Arjan, e.g. Gyand, Mathura, considered the gurus to be avtaars of Hari as well. gur parmeshar eko jaan
  18. Oh man I thought he got shut down! Good to know he is back up and running.
  19. Yeah seems like its talking about Chaali muktey sakhi. Amarjeet where did you find this, send me the link. I wana read it.
  20. Disclaimer: You may worship whoever you like, I am just pointing out the patterns in SGGS and DG. Not really. There is Bhagti in both SGGS and DG. It's that the bhagti is towards different Bhagwans. In SGGS, there is Bhagti of Shri Hari ( who is also Ram and Krishna) In DG, it's towards Mahadev (who is also Sri Kaal, Mahakal, Sada Shiv) and Devi (who is also Bhagwati, Chandi, Kalka, Durga). Shri Hari has stories and qualities that are very different from the stories and qualities of Mahadev and Devi. The worshippers of Hari may respect Mahadev and Devi but don't worship them. Similarly, the worshippers of Mahadev and/or Devi may respect Hari but do not worship him. If they talk about the other Bhagwan, they will first announce their allegiance to the Bhagwan they worship. They will praise their own Bhagwan then proceed to talk about the other. You can see this in Chaubis Avtaar in DG (this writing starts with ਅਥ ਦੇਵੀ ਜੂ ਕੀ ਉਸਤਤ ਕਥਨੰ ॥ Now I state the praises of Devi.). What is Waheguru? Waheguru appears in Bhatt bani, the bani written by sikhs during the time of Guru Arjan, in SGGS. They say the gurus are the avtaars of Shri Hari, and seeing this they exclaim "wah! guru"! Waheguru thus in the context of SGGS is Shri Hari, Ram, Krishna and the gurus. Notice how Waheguru does not appear in DG. It only appears as a manglacharan, "sri waheguru ji ki fateh" victory belongs to the guru, that's it. BTW this idea is not unique to us. The sikhs of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, for example, also consider their guru as an avtaar of Krishna. All sikhs, everywhere in India have always considered their gurus to be an avtaar of the Bhagwan that they worship. More on these things later.
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