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Everything posted by dalsingh101

  1. I don't know man. We don't seem too have social inclinations (which is pretty lame considering our Guru's actions - gareeb niwaaz). We DO have heavy levels of denial in our community on a hundred and one issues. The shocking thing is that even being educated and intelligent doesn't even seem to help some people overcome this. As a small start, I thought at least people like us on this forum can get a bit more honest about things. The big question to ask is 'why?'
  2. How dare you connect us to those dirty, slave mongering, control freak bastards! I'd say it is more 'Panjabi image consciousness' - a dislike to perceive ourselves as weak, which has its positives and negatives - a BIG negative being that we keep our mouths shut when we bleed and suffer, or when our brothers or sisters do.
  3. Little known article on the Khalistani movement by an independent anthropologist who investigated it. HSD, this is especially your kettle of fish. Let us know what you think (and for effs sake don't just take it in without filtering it!)
  4. Nice one! How many pull ups/chins up can you guys do anyways? Pray do tell! BTW - I read about the difference. Chin ups - with palms facing your face, involve the biceps a lot more (and are hence easier) than 'pull ups' where your palms face away from your face, which involve your back and shoulder more. I love those diamond press ups as well, they really hit the shoulders and tris!
  5. Let me have a little think about that bhai ji. I'm sure we can find a good word. I haven't come across many of the ones in your list by the way. I must say one thing though - if you notice our people, they have a very FUNNY attitude towards disasters. It's like a mixture of hardcore stoicism and denial. They don't seem to like to dwell on such things - they seem to prefer to emphasise Sikh 'robustness' in the face of such things. That might effect what you plan? Funny, growing up (according to my mum) I was alway doing some form of 'satya naas' or another........... I must be Vishnu or something!
  6. Well, by the looks of things, the difference between many Singh Sabha and Ramgarhia Gurdwaras is that one is open/transparent about any connections with Congress/India (the two are not synonymous by the way), whilst a lot of the others, despite vocal, frothing at the mouth, angry farmer rhetoric about Khalistan - are secretly connected to Congressi instruments. Which is worse??
  7. That says a lot about the kind of people that associated themselves to the movement.
  8. Really? I was sort of pleasantly surprised that the old babay were finally taking their heads out of their arses and attempting some social work. It wouldn't surprise me if this kind of stuff was happening (to a greater or lesser extent) in all areas with a sizeable Sikh community. Anyway watch this, helping itself is not without it's problems:
  9. In all honesty, the most helpful thing you could do is put one (or more) up in your house or in a empty house you may own (for the rich mofos out there).
  10. It wasn't the Irongym Trademark one, but a Chinese manufactured copy from a supermarket. You're right, for it's price it is one good investment in health gear! Thanks for that. Here are more I found. When I first got it I could barely do 2! 3 - 4 days later (i.e. now) I can get out 5 or 6. Give it a week or two I should be getting 10 - 15 out hopefully. One issue I'm trying to nail is not to swing though. I am doing this. Actually it is quite addictive like that. Sometimes I bang a couple out at midnight when I go passed it to go for a pi55.
  11. I'm not surprised in one way, if someone tried to rape a girl and her relatives beat the crap out of him, most people I know wouldn't think much of it. What is surprising is that they never just left it at a severe beating but actually offed the guy. ???
  12. I was so impressed by this guy I went and brought one of those chin up bars that you stick in a door frame (only a £20 Tesco job, nothing fancy). Then I tried doing a bunch and ...........hhmmmmm.........will keep at it. I will say one thing, the exercise REALLY seem to tighten up the old 'tidh' - better than any sit ups I've done! I wonder if there is some guide to the different types of pull ups and what muscles they work? i.e. The wider ones with hands over the bar, the ones with the hands together under the bar etc.? This geezer is phenomenal! PS - Certain brothers need to stop trying to get Shaheediyan to post greased up pictures of his body on the forum.....ahem...ahem...no names mentioned....heheehe
  13. I have to say. It's good that the Gurdwara pardaans had enough sense to feel ashamed at how Christian organisations (Salvation Army) were helping these homeless brothers and pulled a finger out of their backside.
  14. Check out these bros (all of them clearly state their parents are farmers). Maybe someone who is clued up about these matters can tell us if the amounts of land they have is considered a lot (or not)?
  15. You just got every excuse in the world for your peasantry brethren. lol One very under investigated social psychology effect seems to be the acute denial of members of communities who are strongly behind negative trends. It seems like we can clearly see it when outside communities do such things (like you with your eagle eye on whitey), but some self preservation ego-defense mechanism kicks in when it comes to our own - which even causes otherwise intelligent people to go selectively blind - anything to avoid some internal introspection. Plus you are the going on like the Daily Mail, with the outright denial of anything negative from their own camp to the point of being demented. That type of obfuscation might work with simple yokels, and being one, you might feel that it might actually fools people. But it doesn't. Unless you're one of the brain dead being referred to in the OP.
  16. Seems like a dead cause to me. I doubt there will be anything that would really surprise any of us with a brain. I'm sure most of the vocal k'stanis were plants or sell outs. In that case I guess its actually quite nice to have those Ramgarhia Gurdwaras that didn't mire themselves with all the base activities during the militant period. Hell I remember how the guy before Sohi at Southall disappeared with all the Gurdwara funds (to buy a tank for the Khalistani movement apparently.........) leaving the Gurdwara in debt. Which was when Sohi came in.
  17. Motha f***er. There was me purposefully restraining myself from involving your momma, when I originally made that joke (and yes, that was the first person I thought of using but didn't because I thought it was going too low!!). Anyway, next time tell your moms to stop flirting when I'm buying my groceries at Sainsburys! lol Take that! So you are saying he might not have been an apna? There are hordes of them around those sides but again you just seem to side step the important issue of the way hordes of Jats do this weird thing of bringing their caste into any verbal exchanges at a breath taking speed. So these things don't happen then huh? What a dick. What's the point of slagging off other communities efforts? Use your loaf, anyone could as easily piss all over our own ancestors achievements just as easily in a similar vein. Thing is, the legacy of this is still alive and kicking amongst us. You can't see it because you can't/don't/wont read Panjabi literature, where you can see it spread. In anycase the definition by caste is worse for us because our own spiritual leaders have unequivocally told us to lay of that bullshit but we still willingly stoop to it. At least Hindus have the excuse of following their own precolonial traditions, what is ours? (try shouldering some responsibility about the matter as well, instead of your usual 'blame everyone but us' peasant tactic. Look, I don't think ANYONE foresaw the pervasive changes in the world that was to come about from the rapid development of technology. It's all well and good giving it a post hoc analysis, but you need to keep that strongly at the forefront of your mind when doing so. You should bear in mind that it would have only taken a medium sized revolt in British India at the same time as the wasp wars to have seriously changed the situation. Bollocks, their position was ALWAYS precarious, they just always got lucky and played the indigenous off one another. Again you are oblivious to the repercussions of this pseudo-science today. Especially amongst our peasantry. Yes, when they grow their hair a gruff Panjabi gets confused and doesn't know whether to fight them or try and shag them .lol
  18. Inconsequential today due to their relatively tiny numbers. Especially in the diaspora. Khatris have smashed it by getting a man on the top seat in India, even though he may well be a puppet of sorts. It's still an achievement - though of course our peasants will have a lot to complain about (as per usual).
  19. What happened Chatanga? Had enough all ready?
  20. Yeah, he does big up Jatt Majails frequently, but as you noticed, he also straight out exposes the truth about the nonSikh Jat enemies. How does that square with those fools who like to go on like jatts are some super loyal 'pure Sikhs'??? Personally I think a lot of those antiSikh jats later joint the Khalsa when they got their arses kicked. We are still suffering from their nonSikh rubbish today. It's interesting to note, how he is compelled to explicitly point out the broad spectrum of castes in the panth of his own, and his forefathers time. How many Jatts do the very opposite to this today. These days we piss off and make Mazhabis walk off. How sad is that.... One of things that made them this was their docility. It's mentioned by a few high ranking Brit soldiers. Example: There is much more like this. Jats don't like to mention that one of the characteristics of a so-called 'martial race' is political subservience or docility to authority. In relation to the thread, notice Falcon's point on recruiting Sikh carpenters (he wrote a guidebook for recruiting Sikhs into the army that was published in 1896), and how they: So judging by this, they couldn't afford to hire carpenters due to low wages and farmers were more than willing to take that pay? Only certain credulous, low IQ types in my opinion. Look at what kind of 'struggling with GCSEs' white boys that typically amke up the rank and file of the Brit army for example. Whenever I have ever gone into ANY Ramgarhia Gurdwaras, I always see a preponderance of sharp, starched African paghs, so I do believe it came from Africa. My theory is that the skills required in Africa were not peasantry ones, but mostly artisan ones (like building railways, houses etc.) and hence a disproportionate amount of them there. Once there, as Matheen has suggested, they saw that they could come from under a numerically larger and actively dominant Jat strain and hence opened up their Gurdwaras. Their Gurdwaras were different from the Singh Sabha ones (i'm just hypothesising now) because they didn't have that military relationship with whitey like Jats did? Plus they didn't believe they were outsider Scythians, Aryans or whatever whitey was pushing, so they got on with other Indians better. There whole political worldview was (is) different from the Singh Sabhaists? I mean I recently attempted to read Max Muller's attempt at translating the Rig Veda (I don't think he knew what he was doing myself) and noticed that it had references to Vishkarma, who was apparently the Carpenter deity or something prior to their conversion to Sikhism. The veda is considered to be the oldest book in the world, and it comes from the good ole' Panjab, so if their is a link between Viskarma and Tarkhans, they appear to have been around in Punjab from a LONG time ago?
  21. Next time put a muzzle on your girlfriend before you let her out then!! lol jk! I didn't get hostile or morose. I tried to school the fools where possible. The idiot at Gravesend really blew me away. After seeing my kara he goes: "Yeah, how you doing. You got a light?" Then "Your Sikh innit." "Yeah I'm Jat innit what caste are you?" I had to give that young arse fool some East London wisdom. lol What killed it was he subsequently told me how he was being bullied and attacked by whites (in Belvedere I think?) and that was why he never wore a kara. Jerk. I don't agree with you. Those Marathas had their strengths and successes. Look at Tipu Sultan as well. As for apnay at that point, one thing they actually did was the wonderful tactic of feigning loyalty and leaving the other side in the shite at the last minute (Afghan style). Then whitey came along and hordes of them actually became anally retentive with the loyalty.......you've read those letters in Omissi's book I posted! When you read the whole thing, most of teh soldiers are banging on about their caste like they had inferiority complexes and wanted to prove themselves to whitey. You didn't get any of that shit with the Pashtuns though! What you are talking about is almost ENTIRELY down to the maneuvers of a single one eyed man. This fact wasnt lost on the British. If we had beaten them on land and sea, Lahore would have been to the Indian Ocean what Rome once was to the Mediterranean Sea. We are a landlocked people man. Get over this sea faring thing! The obsession with classification isn't just Victorian it is a European thing! It is what defines 'westerness'. At that point in history to, whitey (by this I also include the French and Germans) were going mad with Indology, Egyptology etc. The whole subject of how their experiences and what they found in India kicked of a whole high level cultural debate that was to subsequently define 'westerness' or Europeaness or the Orient is a big one that our people were (are?) unwittingly slap bang in the middle of. For Brits (intellectually) our place was finally decided for them by a reputed brilliant German linguist (the infamous) Trumph. That is why, after he published his work claiming Sikhi was nothing original theologically, the west generally stop taking us seriously as a source of some new thought. Instead they patronised the largest peasant group (and not without reason because the whole Panjab agriculture thing had been a MASSIVE money maker in pre modern times). So it was a mixture of motivated classification. No doubt if our lot had remained obdurate and held out and whitey had successfully used poorbias to eventually suppress us (and if they remained loyal) we'd probably be the ones characterised as effeminate and they the 'martial race'. Think about that. If this is true then why do Sikhs affiliated to the modern day Singh Sabha incarnation crawl up the British establishments arse so easily? Pray do tell.
  22. Okay I realise I totally misunderstood your original question. When you said Akalis I thought you meant the older type, as in nihungs as opposed to the later political party...........................doh!
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