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Everything posted by dalsingh101

  1. Independent article related to the thread: http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/yasmin-alibhai-brown/yasmin-alibhaibrown-asian-men-white-women-and-a-taboo-that-must-be-broken-2146251.html
  2. Sixteenth pauri: Overall Meaning: ਪੰਚ ਪਰਵਾਣ ਪੰਚ ਪਰਧਾਨੁ ॥ Panch Parvaan Panch Pardhaan(u).. The Panch, the supreme ones who attach their consciousness to the Naam and place their faith in the Naam, those Panch are accepted and approved, they are the leaders and guides of all ਪੰਚੇ ਪਾਵਹਿ ਦਰਗਹਿ ਮਾਨੁ ॥ Panchay Paavheh Dargheh Maan(u).. Those supreme ones who bind their consciousness with the Naam and place their faith in the Naam, such supreme ones receive great glory in the court of the Lord Word By Word: ਪੰਚ -Panch -Those humans who have attached their consciousness (Suneh(a)aa) to and placed their faith (Maneh(a)aa) to/in the Naam. Those whose consciousness is attached and those within whom faith has welled up (to/in the Naam) Those who are attached to the Naam, and believe in the Naam. ਪਰਵਾਣ -Parvaan -accepted, approved ਪੰਚ -Panch- Those humans who have attached their consciousness (Suneh(a)aa) to and placed their faith (Maneh(a)aa) to/in the Naam. Those whose consciousness is attached and those within whom faith has welled up (to/in the Naam) Those who are attached to the Naam, and believe in the Naam. ਪਰਧਾਨੁ - Pardhaan(u)-leader, great, magnificently majestic ਪੰਚੇ -Panchay -Saints..they, Saintly beings...they, Those humans who have attached their consciousness (Suneh(a)aa) to and placed their faith (Maneh(a)aa) to/in the Naam. Those whose consciousness is attached and those within whom faith has welled up (to/in the Naam) Those who are attached to the Naam, and believe in the Naam (Panch)....they ਪਾਵਹਿ -Paavheh - To obtain/to put/to receive ਦਰਗਹਿ -Dargheh - The Court of God, the timeless being, God's hall, God's court ਮਾਨੁ - Maan(u)- Honor/respect/glory/glorious greatness In a Nutshell : Those great Saints, those panch who have attached their consciousness to the Naam and put their faith solely in the Naam, those saints are honored. They are accepted and loved by all . In this life they have love for God and hereafter they are lovingly embraced and accepted into his court. They are the guides, the leaders of all and they earn great praise and honor in Darbar of the Timeless Being. Such is the power of the Naam. Little Deeper: Those who love God, those who attach themselves to his Naam and put all their hope and faith in the Naam, those souls are glorious. They are full of honor and they are welcomed in the Court of God. They have made a relationship with God in this life through attaching their consciousness to the Naam (Suneh(a)aa) and placing all their faith (Maneh(a)aa) , their hopes and desires in the Naam of the Lord. What fear do they have about the beyond? They are in love with God now and even when their body dies their love will live on. They obtain God while still in this human body! Their inner consciousness is merged with the Naam and they transcend this world. They are guides and leaders for all. They obtain glorious greatness and honor in God's court. They are embraced lovingly by God here and hereafter. Death of the body is nothing for them ! They are aware of God's everlasting presence and their soul’s immortality! Their consciousness is supreme and they glow radiantly in God's court! Overall Meaning: ਪੰਚੇ ਸੋਹਹਿ ਦਰਿ ਰਾਜਾਨੁ ॥ Panchay Soah-heh Dareh Raajaan(u).. Those great Panch, the ones who attach their consciousness to the Naam and place their faith in the Naam, they look so praiseworthily beautiful in the Court of God, the King of Kings ਪੰਚਾ ਕਾ ਗੁਰੁ ਏਕੁ ਧਿਆਨੁ ॥ Pancha Kaa Gur(u) (E)ayk(u) Dheh(a)aan(u).. Those great Panch , have one target of consciousness, their only target is the Guru Word By Word: ਪੰਚੇ -Panchay- Saints..they, Saintly beings...they, Those humans who have attached their consciousness (Suneh(a)aa) to and placed their faith (Maneh(a)aa) to/in the Naam. Those whose consciousness is attached and those within whom faith has welled up (to/in the Naam) Those who are attached to the Naam, and believe in the Naam (Panch)....they ਸੋਹਹਿ -Soah-heh- to be beauteous, to look beautiful, to be full of beauty ਦਰਿ -Dareh - door, gate, at the court of the timeless being; God ਰਾਜਾਨੁ - Raajaan(u)-The King of Kings (God) ਪੰਚਾ -Pancha -Saints..they, Saintly beings...they, Those humans who have attached their consciousness (Suneh(a)aa) to and placed their faith (Maneh(a)aa) to/in the Naam. Those whose consciousness is attached and those within whom faith has welled up (to/in the Naam) Those who are attached to the Naam, and believe in the Naam (Panch)....they ਕਾ -Kaa -of (the) ਗੁਰੁ -Gur(u) - Guru (see beginning meaning of Guru) ਏਕੁ -(E)ayk(u) -one/one and only/one/only/one sole ਗੁਰੁ ਏਕੁ-soley of the Guru, only of the Guru, one alone which is the Guru ਧਿਆਨੁ - Dheh(a)aan(u)-target/aim/goal of consciousness In a Nutshell : Those beings, whose consciousness remains attached to the Naam and those beings within whom attachment to the Lord is formed, those people (here, in this world) become respected (ਮੰਨੇ-ਪ੍ਰਮੰਨੇ) , they are the guides, the leaders of all. In the court of the Lord as well, those panch-saints (those who have attached their consciousness to and placed their faith in the Naam) , obtain great honor and glorious veneration. In the Kingdom Court of God they look praiseworthily beautiful (ਸੋਭਦੇ). The goal, the sole aim and target of the consciousness of these saints, these panch, is the Guru alone ( meaning, their consciousness is always bound to the Gur-Shabad, they are always attached to the Gur-Shabad, this is their true aim and goal).*note: The word Panch is for those people who have been described (discussed) in the last eight pauris. A Little Deeper: Those radiantly glowing panch look so beautiful in the court of the King of Kings (God). They shine of God's light. Their faces are brilliant and their aura is magnificent! These are the Saints- the glorious beings who have merged with God by attaching to the Naam and placing faith within the Naam. The only thing that these Saints think about is the glory of the Naam, the glory of the Gurshabad. They are emerged in the Gurshabad. They have given up lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment and found the true jewel of this human life; the Lord. They have realized that this life is temporary and God alone is permanent and his glory is never ending. They climb the ladder of this glory. Moment by Moment they remain merged in the never ending song, the never ending story, the never ending ocean of God's love and glory. Their minds are attuned to the everlasting Lord. They long only for the Lord and their consciousness never leaves God's side! Their only interest is the Guru and through hearing the story of the Guru's praise, binding their consciousness with the Guru, the Naam, and trusting the Guru, placing all faith in the Guru, these saints merge with the Guru, transcend this world, and find never ending glorious greatness. Overall Meaning: ਜੇ ਕੋ ਕਹੈ ਕਰੈ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ ॥ Jay Koa Kahai Karai Veevhaar(u).. However, even by binding with and believing in the Naam, even if one such panch tries to speak of and describe the limits of creation ਕਰਤੇ ਕੈ ਕਰਣੈ ਨਾਹੀ ਸੁਮਾਰੁ ॥ Kartay Kai Karnai Nahee Sumaar(u). The account of the Creator's creation can never be measured or written (The limits of creation can never be found.) Word By Word: ਜੇ -Jay -If ਕੋ -Koa -.anybody, someone ਕਹੈ -Kahai -to say, to speak of ਕਰੈ -Karai - to do ਵੀਚਾਰੁ - Veevhaar(u)-Description (of Gods creation), discussion (of God's creation) ਕਰਤੇ -Kartay - God, the creator ਕੈ -Kai -of ਕਰਣੈ -Karnai -creation, what God has made ਕਰਤੇ ਕੈ ਕਰਣੈ-Kartay Kai Karnai-(of) the creation of the Creator Lord, of what God has created ਨਾਹੀ -Nahee -negation word, can't,are unable to ਸੁਮਾਰੁ - Sumaar(u)-account, written account, written In a Nutshell : However this one outcome can never come from binding with the Shabad, which is that of the human being, any human being, obtaining the ability to find the limits of God's created expanse. The creation of the Timeless Being's account can never be written (meaning the limits can never be known). Even if one tries to speak of and describe it (The desire to find the limits of God and his creation cannot be fulfilled by any human in their lifetime). * Note; Once again, in ancient times some rishi or munee would go to the jungle to undergo rigorous discipline , These were the ones (rishis) who wrote the Upanishadas. These are very old historic ancient scriptures. Some of them discuss when the world was made, why it was made and how it was made, how big it is, so on and so forth. Those rishis who went for the purpose of performing devotional worship, instead of partaking in this worship, they got involved in an effort which is very far beyond the understanding of any human being. Here Satguru Ji is pointing towards this blunder. The consequence of these efforts was that common people believed this mythical falsehood that our Earth is being carried (held up) by a bull. Satguru Ji took this illustration and condemned it and proclaimed that God's creation is infinite, and the one who created it is also never ending! A Little Deeper: These panch these saints merge into God's glorious greatness. This greatness never ends. It is always new and beautiful. It only expands day by day. The consciousness never grows weary it can never be boxed in, the pleasure of God can never be worn out because God is infinite. The consciousness will never reach a limit, it will keep soaring higher and higher. Other pleasures leave the soul unsatisfied and leave one in a state on ennui. Some things seem exiting at first but when done day in and day out they become warn out. God is always ever fresh, ever new and existing. The story of God's love is never ending. Even if one were to remain merged in the shabad, they still would not find the limits of God. They could never uncover God's mystery and greatness, It is too vast ! No human in their lifetime can ever unlock God's glory! No one can find the limits of God. No one can know the limits of what God has made. There is no human being who can describe how and when all of creation, all the realms and universes were made. Life is so small and short. Creation is never ending and limitless. Which human being can comprehend the secrets of God? There is no saint who can know God's secrets . There is no saint who can know the limits of God's creation. This line is directed also at the yogis and seekers who used to go into the jungle and dit in deep meditation . They would go for years to seek answers and contemplate God and the universe. Needless to say their efforts were useless. They tried over and over but could not get answers to their many questions about God and the origin of creation. What happened as a consequence though was that a myth came about stating that the world was being supported by a bull. People all over began to seriously believe that Earth was being carried on the back of a bull! Guru Nanak Dev Ji addresses this myth in this pauri. Guru Ji tells us that God's secrets are vast and the idea of a bull holding the Earth on it's back is ridiculous as is a human thinking that they can figure out the workings of the limitless Lord. Overall Meaning: ਧੌਲੁ ਧਰਮੁ ਦਇਆ ਕਾ ਪੂਤੁ ॥ Dhoal(u) Dharam(u) D(e)eh(a)aa Ka Poot(u).. God's rules and laws, Dharma, is the supposed bull which supports this Earth. These laws are the son of God's sweet compassion (meaning out of God's kind compassion came the laws which support the Earth and it is these laws not a mythical bull which keeps the earth up in place) ਸੰਤੋਖੁ ਥਾਪਿ ਰਖਿਆ ਜਿਨਿ ਸੂਤਿ ॥ Santoakh(u) Thaap(i) Rakheh(a)aa Jehneh Soot(i). From these rules (this Dharma) comes contentment (From this Dharma everything is kept in line and there is harmony). Word By Word: ਧੌਲੁ -Dhoal(u) -Bull ਧਰਮੁ -Dharam(u) -the rules of the timeless being; God, the laws of God ਦਇਆ -D(e)eh(a)aa -compassion, mercy ਕਾ -Ka -of ਪੂਤੁ -Poot(u)..-son,child ਦਇਆ ਕਾ ਪੂਤੁ-D(e)eh(a)aa Ka Poot(u)-The son of compassion, being raised from compassion and righteousness, what is raised (brought up, what results) from compassion and righteousness, in that heart where there is compassion righteousness flourishes ਸੰਤੋਖੁ -Santoakh(u) -to contentment, to satisfaction ਥਾਪਿ -Thaap(i) -stand, keep standing, keep up, keep standing ਰਖਿਆ -Rakheh(a)aa -keep/ place ਥਾਪਿ ਰਖਿਆ -Thaap(i) Rakheh(a)aa -to keep in place/keep existing, to keep in existence, keep standing up, to raise up ਜਿਨਿ -Jehneh -one which/ the (righteousness/dharam) which ਸੂਤਿ - Soot(i)-principles/rules/laws In a Nutshell : The Timeless being's (in the form of righteousness) fixed rules (laws by which creation is bound) are in fact the bull which support the Earth. This righteousness is the son of compassion (meaning The Timeless being in his compassionate mercy made various laws and rules (in the form of dharam/ righteousness) in order to keep creation standing in it's place.) This righteousness gave birth to contentment/satisfaction. If any human can understand this concept (the one explained above) that they become fit, the parkash (display) of the Timeless Being is seen within them. If not, then think about this, how much infinite weight (the weight of the whole world) must be under this supposed bull ! The other concept is this that under this world (Earth) there is a bull supporting it, under this bull there is another Earth to support it, under that Earth there is another bull to give it support, like this there are more and more bulls, so in this sense what is there, what is left to support the final bull? Meaning: Those humans are lucky and they have high destiny, who have made following told way of the Guru the desire(aim) of their life. Those who have attached their consciousness with the Naam, those who have made a bond (relationship) of love with the Lord, by walking on this path they are pleased to live in the will od the the Lord. Naam Simran (this is their form of dharam/ righteousness) , the true dharam becomes their help and support in life. For that reason they live a contented (satisfied) life. However, a result of walking the way told by the Guru is not that one will be able to tell the limits of creation. Here, as deep a seeker is to how go, that is how much more infinite they realize that creation is. In reality (in the case shown) the only result of this impossible effort (to write/find the limits of creation) was that people believed the myth that this world is supported by a bull. The Limits of God and of creation can not be known . The desire to find the limits of God and his creation can not be fulfilled by any human in their lifetime). A Little Deeper The supposed bull (the force) which holds this earth is God's laws, the laws of nature. It is these laws that keep the universe in harmony, The various laws of nature, the laws of gravity, inertia, the laws of birth and death, the laws of the food chain, so many others , all these laws keep the world in peaceful equilibrium. These laws are the son of God's compassion meaning God in his mercy created the various laws of this world. God made the Earth, and God made water, God made the various states of water and God provided sunlight. God made beings born by womb and egg and even sweat ! God made life come from water ! God makes planets and stars and suns. When time is up, God through his dharma, through his rules, destroys these planets, suns, and stars. Everything God has ever made is subject to God's laws! The seasons, day and night, the tilt of this Earth , all are part of God's perfect order. If the angle of Earths tilt was even a millimeter off, if even a small detail were to be different , harmony would be ruined ! It is God's compassion which nourishes creation and upholds harmony. Guru Ji tells us that it is these laws of nature, which hold up the Earth and not a mythical bull! Overall Meaning: ਜੇ ਕੋ ਬੁਝੈ ਹੋਵੈ ਸਚਿਆਰੁ ॥ Jay Koa Bujhai Hoavai Sacheh(a)aar(u).. If one understands this then they are able(capable) to receive the inner display (parkash) of God, the timeless being ਧਵਲੈ ਉਪਰਿ ਕੇਤਾ ਭਾਰੁ ॥ Dhavlai (O)upar(i) Kaytaa Bhaar(u).. If not than how much infinite weight must be placed on the supposed bull Word By Word: ਜੇ -Jay -If ਕੋ -Koa -anyone ਬੁਝੈ -Bujhai -to understand ਹੋਵੈ -Hoavai -to happen/to become ਸਚਿਆਰੁ -Sacheh(a)aar(u)-able to have the display of truth within them ਧਵਲੈ -Dhavlai -Earth, ਉਪਰਿ -(O)upar(i) -On top of/above ਭਾਰੁ - Bhaar(u)-weight ਕੇਤਾ ਭਾਰੁ-Kaytaa Bhaar(u)- Infinite weight In a Nutshell : If one understands this, that everything is held in place by God's sweet compassion than they find the formless Lord, the timeless being, Akaal Purakh(u) within themselves. Otherwise think, how much weight must be on that supposed bull ! A Little Deeper: If a person comes to understand that all things are held in place by the compassion of God than they become capable of seeing the display of truth within themselves. They realize God's sweet grace everywhere they go. If not than one should think how much weight, infinite weight, must be on the mythical bull. How can a bull hold all that? Who can measure it (Guru ji is showing the ridiculousness of this theory.) note: In the first pauri of Japji Sahib the question was asked ਕਿਵ ਸਚਿਆਰਾ ਹੋਈਐ ਕਿਵ ਕੂੜੈ ਤੁਟੈ ਪਾਲਿ ॥ Kiv Sachiara Hoehai Kiv Kurai Tutai Pal How does one obtain the abode of truth? How is the heavy wall, the curtain, of falsehood broken? That too was talking about becoming Sachiaar, this line of bani goes back to that same concept and question. If one were to understand the hukam, the mercy and love of God, which keeps everything in its place, If one were to surrender to the Naam, to God's kind compassionate grace then they obtain Sachiaar, the abode of truth and the wall of falsehood is broken. God's laws are within the hukam and God's great hukam is full of love. Those who surrender to it and realize the presence of it and realize the hukam is the power for all of creation , they become Sachiaar. Overall Meaning: ਧਰਤੀ ਹੋਰੁ ਪਰੈ ਹੋਰੁ ਹੋਰੁ ॥ Dhartee Hoar(u) Parai Hoar(u) Hoar(u).. (If that is the case) than underneath Earth there must be more bulls, underneath those more Earths, underneath more and more bulls (there are so many worlds, so according to this logic there must be so many more bulls) ਤਿਸ ਤੇ ਭਾਰੁ ਤਲੈ ਕਵਣੁ ਜੋਰੁ ॥ Tehs Tay Bhaar(u) Talai Kavan(u) Joar(u).. So what power holds the weight of all of them? Word By Word: ਧਰਤੀ -Dhartee -Earth ਹੋਰੁ -Hoar(u) -more ਧਰਤੀ ਹੋਰੁ-Dhartee Hoar(u) -Underneath the Earth more bulls ਪਰੈ -Parai =beneath (those) ਹੋਰੁ -Hoar(u) -more ਹੋਰੁ -Hoar(u)..more ਤਿਸ -Tehs -pronoun him/her /that/it (in this case describing the bull) ਤੇ -Tay -of/from (something) ਤਿਸ ਤੇ-Tehs Tay - of that bull/from that bull ਭਾਰੁ -Bhaar(u) -weight ਤਲੈ -Talai -under (that bull) ਕਵਣੁ - Kavan(u) -which/what ਜੋਰੁ - Joar(u)-support ਕਵਣੁ ਜੋਰੁ-Kavan(u) Joar(u)- Which support/What Support In a Nutshell : If there is a bull holding the Earth than below that bull there must be another Earth. Under that Earth must be another bull. Where does it all end. Is it Earth,bull,Earth,bull,Earth,bull,Earth,bull......? What power holds the weight of all this ? Another Earth another bull? A Little Deeper: Guru ji shows the folly of this bull theory? If we use this logic that what about under Earth's supposed bull, there is another Earth? And another bull? Beyond that another Earth, and another bull? Where does it end? The number of worlds are countless. There are so many universes and solar systems. How does the chain go on? What holds up the other Earths? Is it earth,bull,earth,bull,earth,bull,earth,bull, how is all this weight held? What is the ultimate support under all these Earths and bulls ! Guru ji shows us the backwardness of this myth! The only support of this universe is the Lord almighty. Through his laws he runs everything. One who realizes that the one support of the world is God and that all is in God's hands, that being sees the Lord within his soul! Overall Meaning: ਜੀਅ ਜਾਤਿ ਰੰਗਾ ਕੇ ਨਾਵ ॥ Jeea Jaateh Rangaa Kay Naav.. In the Universes, in all of creation, there are so many species, so many creatures, so many beings with so many categories, colors, and names ਸਭਨਾ ਲਿਖਿਆ ਵੁੜੀ ਕਲਾਮ ॥ Sabhnaa Lehkeh(a)aa Vurdhee Kalaam.. All of creation, all the universes flow , they expand each and everyday day, God's pen is ever flowing, God writes the account of all, this written account never ends God's pen keeps going! Word By Word: ਜੀਅ -Jeea -all the beings ਜਾਤਿ -Jaateh -types/kinds/classes/categories/species ਰੰਗਾ -Rangaa -colors ਕੇ -Kay -of ਨਾਵ - Naav-names ਕੇ ਨਾਵ.-Kay Naav-of many names/of countless names ਸਭਨਾ -Sabhnaa -all of ਲਿਖਿਆ -Lehkeh(a)aa -write ਵੁੜੀ - Vurdhee -everflowing/continuous/nonstop ਕਲਾਮ - Kalaam-pen ਵੁੜੀ ਕਲਾਮ -Vurdhee Kalaam-pen that never stops flowing/pen that keeps going/continuous pen /pen which rights in one motion continuously In a Nutshell : The universe, the account of the names and colors and species of all beings and animals, God writes this with his ever-flowing and ever moving pen. A Little Deeper: The Universe is forever expanding! There are so many species and beings. Everyday species are beings born and dying. God writes the lekha of all with his ever flowing pen. The pen of God never stops .God keeps account or lekha of all. At any given second somewhere in creation countless are born and somewhere countless beings die! The universe keeps growing. Stars are always born and somewhere in creation they are always dying. So many are the galaxies and solar systems and life on countless planets. Creation is huge and each moment it gets bigger. This universe is God's project, God never stops unrolling his divine command upon all. The lekha of God, the hukam of God is endless! Overall Meaning: ਏਹੁ ਲੇਖਾ ਲਿਖਿ ਜਾਣੈ ਕੋਇ ॥ (E)ayh(u) Laykha Lekheh Jaanai Koa(e)eh (Even) If one a rare someone were to possibly know how to write this account ਲੇਖਾ ਲਿਖਿਆ ਕੇਤਾ ਹੋਇ ॥ Laykhaa Lehkeh(a)aa Kaytaa Hoa(e)eh then how huge and infinite would this account be Word By Word: ਏਹੁ -(E)ayh(u) -this ਲੇਖਾ -Laykha -written account ਲਿਖਿ -Lekheh -to write ਜਾਣੈ -Jaanai -to understand ਲਿਖਿ ਜਾਣੈ-Lekheh Jaanai - to know how to write/to have the understanding to write ਕੋਇ -Koa(e)eh-anyone (in this case a rare anyone/a are someone) ਲੇਖਾ -Laykhaa -the written account ਲਿਖਿਆ -Lehkeh(a)aa - to be written ਲੇਖਾ ਲਿਖਿਆ-Laykhaa Lehkeh(a)aa-- (if) the written account were able to be written, If God's account were to be written ਕੇਤਾ -Kaytaa -how big/how vast/how infinite ਹੋਇ - Hoa(e)eh-to be/to be done/to become ਕੇਤਾ ਹੋਇ-Kaytaa Hoa(e)eh-how big/ how infinite would (it) become/ how vastly deep would (it) be In a Nutshell : In creation there are so many species, so many types of creatures, so many names of the many beings. With the continuous ever steady ever flowing pen of God the lekha (written account) of all is forever being written but some rare person knows how to write this account (meaning no being can ever find the limits of God's creation). If one were to write this account (it cannot be estimated) how big this account would be. The power of the timeless being is infinite, the beautiful form of the timeless being is infinite, his gifts are infinite- who can give an estimate of this. The timeless being through his hukam made the whole world and with this hukam (to give life) tens of thousands of rivers were made. A Little Deeper: God's creation is infinite and it is always expanding. If someone could write this account, this lekha of God's than who can estimate its size. if one were to try to keep a record of the universe and its size, If any rare person had the capability then think how big will this record be ? One can't even fathom the size in their mind. God's creation is huge and limitless. How can one even try to keep a record of it ? It is not possible! Overall Meaning: ਕੇਤਾ ਤਾਣੁ ਸੁਆਲਿਹੁ ਰੂਪੁ ॥ Kaytaa Taan(u) Su(a)aaleh-h(u) Roop(u).. How infinite is God's power, how never ending is God's beautiful form ਕੇਤੀ ਦਾਤਿ ਜਾਣੈ ਕੌਣੁ ਕੂਤੁ ॥ Kaytee Daateh Jaanai Koan Koot(u).. How infinite are God's gifts which person can know their expanse, who can possibly estimate their great number? Word By Word: ਕੇਤਾ -Kaytaa - How big how grand how infinite ਤਾਣੁ -Taan(u) -power/might/strength ਸੁਆਲਿਹੁ -Su(a)aaleh-h(u) -beautiful/gloriously beautiful ਰੂਪੁ -Roop(u)-image/form ਕੇਤੀ -Kaytee -How big how grand how infinite ਦਾਤਿ -Daateh -gifts/things God has given ਜਾਣੈ -Jaanai -to know/to understand ਕੌਣੁ -Koan -who/which person ਕੂਤੁ - Koot(u)-estimate/guessed measurement In a Nutshell : How greatly infinite is the power of God? How infinitely beauteous is God's form? How infinite are the gifts God blesses us with? Who can possibly estimate their infinite number? A Little Deeper: God has the power to do anything and everything. God has put creation into play and is the moving force behind every molecule and particle in this Universe. Who can put a limit on God's power or yet alone who can know just how powerful God is. Who can even guess or estimate the extent of God's glorious power. All beauty comes from the Lord. All of creation is imbued with God's radiance. Just how beautiful is God's form. The beauty of God can not be described or estimated it is never ending beyond limits! Overall Meaning: ਕੀਤਾ ਪਸਾਉ ਏਕੋ ਕਵਾਉ ॥ Keetaa Pasaao(u) (E)aykoa Kavaao(u).. From God's one word, from the shabad all came into being ਤਿਸ ਤੇ ਹੋਏ ਲਖ ਦਰੀਆਉ ॥ Tehs Tay Hoa(e)ay Lakh Daree(a)aao(u).. From God's divine Hukam tens and thousands of rivers began to flow! Word By Word: ਕੀਤਾ -Keetaa -to do/to have done ਪਸਾਉ -Pasaao(u)-world ਏਕੋ - (E)aykoa -one ਕਵਾਉ - Kavaao(u)-word,order,hukam(u) ਤਿਸ -Tehs -pronoun/that/here it stands for/means hukam(u) ਤੇ -Tay -from/of ਤਿਸ ਤੇ-Tehs Tay-from that hukam ਹੋਏ -Hoa(e)ay -to happen/to be done ਲਖ -Lakh -tens of thousands ਦਰੀਆਉ - Daree(a)aao(u)-rivers ਲਖ ਦਰੀਆਉ-Lakh Daree(a)aao(u)-tens of thousands of rivers In a Nutshell : From the one shabad all of creation unfolded. From the one shabad, the one hukam, the one Lord, tens of thousands of rivers began to flow. A Little Deeper: From the one shabad of God all of creation came to being. The play of the universes and galaxies was set in motion. All of creation slowly unfolded. Gases and stars and suns and moons and planets were born. Substances and particles combined. The laws came into motion. Air, water, earth, fire, all these things were made. Dust turned to planets and solar systems and soon enough water and vegetation and animals and creatures came into beings. Humans, came from water , which formed from the starts. All this unfolded from the hukam, from the shabad, from God's divine order from the word. God, through the hukam is still unfolding the play of creation as it expands! The Whole Universe came from this one word, from that hukam tens of thousands of rivers began to flow! Overall Meaning: ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਵਣ ਕਹਾ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ ॥ Kudrateh Kavan Kahaa Veechaar(u).. What strength do I have to describe the creation of the creator. ਵਾਰਿਆ ਨ ਜਾਵਾ ਏਕ ਵਾਰ ॥ Vaareh(a)aa Na Jaavaa (E)ayk Vaar. can't even once be a sacrifice to you. Word By Word: ਕੁਦਰਤਿ -Kudrateh -power, strength ਕਵਣ -Kavan -which one/which ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਵਣ-Kudrateh Kavan- which power ? which strength? Kudrateh is a feminine word so this is it's adjective. ਕਹਾ -Kahaa - I tell/I say ਵੀਚਾਰੁ -Veechaar(u)-describe/give discourse/tell of ਕਹਾ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ -Kahaa Veechaar(u)..- I describe/ I say / I tell of ਵਾਰਿਆ -Vaareh(a)aa - sacrifice/to be a sacrifice ਨ -Na -negation word/can't ਜਾਵਾ -Jaavaa -to go ਵਾਰਿਆ ਨ ਜਾਵਾ-Vaareh(a)aa Na Jaavaa- I cannot be a sacrifice, ਏਕ -(E)ayk -one ਵਾਰ - Vaar-time In a Nutshell : Lord what strength, what power do I have to describe all that you have made. I am not worthy, not able, of even once sacrificing myself to you. A Little Deeper: Oh What power do I have to describe your Creation God. What strength do I have to describe the size and greatness and beauty of the universes and spheres ? How do I describe nature? What power to I have to fathom the little and big things you have made? The things which are in your control. Everything is so big and we humans are so tiny how can we describe God? God is grandest of the grand and the creation is a masterpiece beyond limits! I cannot once even sacrifice myself to you Lord, you are so great. What you have created is so great ! Overall Meaning: ਜੋ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਵੈ ਸਾਈ ਭਲੀ ਕਾਰ ॥ Joa Tudh(u) Bhaavai Saa(e)ee Bhalee Kaar.. Oh Lord, whatever pleases your will, that doing, that action, that work is good ਤੂ ਸਦਾ ਸਲਾਮਤਿ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ ॥੧੬॥ Too Sada Salaamat(i) Nehrankaar..16.. O Nehrankaar, O formless being Lord , you are eternal and never ending , you are the one who will always exist. 16 Word By Word: ਜੋ -Joa -whatever, that which ਤੁਧੁ -Tudh(u) -you ਭਾਵੈ -Bhaavai -pleases ਸਾਈ -Saa(e)ee -that ਭਲੀ -Bhalee -good ਕਾਰ - Kaar-work,doing,action ਸਾਈ ਕਾਰ -Saa(e)ee Kaar-that action, the work, that doing ਤੂ -Too -you ਸਦਾ -Sada -always,forever ਸਲਾਮਤਿ -Salaamat(i) -eternal/neverending/always existent/neverdying/one who will always exist and live on ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ -Nehrankaar- O Lord, O God, Lord/God In a Nutshell : So what strength do I have do describe the creation of the creator? Oh timeless being , I am not capable of being a sacrifice to you even once! Meaning my power (strength ) is very limited, Oh Formless Lord! You are never ending ! You will always remain eternal ! Whatever seems good to you, that doing, that work is good (meaning it is good to live in your divine will).16. A Little Deeper: Oh God what ever pleases you is good . Whatever you do is always good. You keep creation in harmony and everything happens for a reason! Your will controls all, life,death,birth, the rock cycle, water cycle, phases of the moon, development of beings, all these are in your divine hukam. You keep the universes in equilibrium through your grand hukam. Your hukam is always for the best. Whatever makes you happy is good. You play this world drama yet remain unattached. Oh formless Lord, you will live forever, you are beyond the limits of time! This world drama may end but you will always exist ! God will always exist and create worlds and planets and things beyond our imagination ! God is grander than anything and his creation is limitless ! Whatever makes you happy God, that alone is good, you are never ending, neverdying and beyond any shape or form! Overall Commentary on this pauri Guru ji tells us about creation. So many different faiths try to limit God and the world. So many people have so many stories about how our universe came about. No one can know the truth !Guru ji tells us that saints are all powerful. The last pauris which talks of the the actions of attaching the consciousness to the Naam (Suneh(a)aa) and placing full faith in the Naam (Maneh(a)aa) discuss the qualities and great reach of the saints . The saints have all great knowledge, they transcend the fear of death, they are the guides of all, they find the door of liberation, they lean on one God alone and obtain the greatest of glorious greatness. The one thing Guru ji explains though is that there is no saint who can ever become powerful enough to describe the greatness of God or Gods creation. Who was there? Who can know? We can't even ever see all of creation than how can we know the inner details and secrets of it? All we can do is enjoy it's never ending grandeur. Each and every day creation expands. This whole universe, each and every being, each and every aspect of nature is ever changing. God keeps everything in beautiful equilibrium through his hukam. Who can know the greatness of the hukam. Each thing God does has a beautiful reason which we can't fathom. If one little detail of the universe were to change than things could be deadly but God handles all with precision. The way the Earth is positioned to sustain life, the way that the magnetic field protects us from solar wind, the way that the tilt of Earth gives us the four seasons, the way that we are not too close to the sun to burn or too far to freeze, the little adaptations God gives creatures, the way a baby is attached by an umbilical cord , the list is endless all these are God's workings! Even as we speak God is working! God is creating and destroying and changing! God is the support of all even if we do not realize it. It is not some mythical bull. God's secrets are beyond anything and everything. The mysterious workings of nature of the hukam cannot be discovered all we can do is bow in awe. Everything God does is good and we must trust the hukam. The glory of God will never be measured but we can drown in its bliss forever!
  3. It's not just a start, it's a very solid way of getting into the field. As I said before, do some research on whether schools actually have official GCSE classes for Panjabi that are well attended, so that you know there is a demand. I remember my own classes which ran for only 1 year and had a grand total of 3 students (me included) in them.... (They were closed due to 'lack of demand'.) Hopefully the situation should be better in west London.
  4. Having known a few guys who have served prison sentences fighting this stuff and faced violent reprisals, all I can ask is: What more do you expect guys in the UK to do? The problem it seems is now a culture of denial and hiding ugly family truths in order to save face. No, not every apnee who runs of with a sullah is being manipulated or made to do so against her will, but clearly these people will take advantage of any vulnerable non Muslim girl who falls their way. PS - The police don't want to know and the feeling is mutual for many apnay towards having dealings with these white animals or their token pets. So don't suggest that.
  5. Are you kidding me? Most of the Sikhs I mixed with growing up and even now are Jats. I've worked in many Jat majority environments over the years, be this in booze warehouses or on building sites. It is you who acts like a proper Paki and tries to downplay and deny any sort of critical analysis of your own people. Just so you know: If I see foul behaviour from Pakis - I'll call it - you know this. If I see foul behaviour from apnay, even if they may be some group you might presume I identify with - I'll call it. Unlike yourself, I don't believe in or practice that tactic of denial and subterfuge. And I'll tell you why, so maybe you will stop doing it yourself. In the end the lies just catch up with you because denial and cover ups only lead to a situation where the foulness becomes so obvious, that you end up looking like bigger idiots trying to continue covering it up. Just like Pakis who deny this shit in their own community and just like the Jat majority have with lots of crap emanating from their quarters, stemming from their own culture or mindset. Your attempts to cover stuff up with stats is proper low but inline with what I've learned of your culture. For the record, I'd never even heard the phrase Jattboot in my life and had only come across it before as a user name of someone on this very site. I'd only heard it was a perceived insult in the last few weeks on another forum and in that case a pendu Jatt boy was bemoaning the fact that Afghan Sikhs call his people this?? I have no sympathy - most Jats freely use derogatory terms for other Sikhs from what I've seen over the years. If Afghan Sikhs say Jattbot, jatts use bhappay all the time. So you know, yes, I look down on Jatt culture because it is destroying Sikhi in multiple ways in my eyes. Plus the behaviour and attitude of the majority of Jatts I've met has been pretty rubbish. It's hard to see how you are any different to them. If you really care about your people you should be preoccupied with reforming the multiple corrupt philosophies that have crept within your society that normally I wouldn't care a toss about personally, but seeing as it has seriously started to infect the whole Sikh community in various ways, I am forced to face.
  6. Well Tony, to be frank you're doing a Paki in my mind too, in the way you turn a blind eye to all sorts of evil shite emanating from your own community. I've heard plenty of sleazy Jatt boys making comments akin to Pakis over the years, British raised ones and pindus. Hell just a few days ago I walked out of the Gurdwara with some Jatt desi I just met and the guy had no shame in eying up some 15 year old looking gori literally outside the Gurdwara like an idiot. Even telling him we just left a Gurdwara didn't make him feel anything? Go out on the town in certain areas with a lot of desis and see how they are out and about on the pull with no shame, I've had to tell a few freshies to calm down over drunk arse goris who could barely walk as well as seriously non 'han dey kuris'. Again, you are being a Paki because you don't want acknowledge stuff from your own quarter, which does happen frequently - NOT as exceptional cases as you make out. It is part of the cultural mindset. The Jatt rapist is a well known phenomena. Farmers need to address it. The difference between Pakis and certain apnay is that apnay limit abuse to themselves, they don't get their cousins, mates, uncles etc. in on the act. Shaheediyan should recognise this difference for the sake of truth. One operates as an individual one as a member of a pack. And I know Pks have been at it since AT LEAST 21 years ago, when I first encountered it. We are right to point fingers but to act like some of our own aren't nonces as well is living in pure denial. I don't feel it is out of place to add that animals like the Paks above usually get an extra kick out of it when they get some dumb apnee in their clutches for obvious historical grudge purposes. And I'm not a liberal type in these matters but completely blaming the stupid ass, naive bird that ends up in these situations is pretty much letting the nonce cases of the hook and lame. If some much older head took advantage of your own innocent daughter would you blame her? If so - you are a sick man.
  7. That's good to hear. When I was teaching here in colleges, I was really disappointed to find that the vast majority of Sikh kids couldn't speak Panjabi very well. Some refused to, like they were ashamed of it. In contrast, all of the Pakistani Panjabis knew how to speak it well. Oh well. A lot of Sikh parents seem to view learning Panjabi as unimportant these days. They'll push their kids into education but neglect their religio-cultural education.
  8. Okay, so what makes 'high caste' Sikhs engage in sexual abuse as well? Is it the same mechanism or something different? Maybe it isn't entirely religious Xyl. Maybe it is just a by product of an indoctrination of supremacy and hatred, mixed with kaam? So the perpetrators fulfill sexual urges with victims their beliefs have dehumanised in any case? Shaheediyan is right to highlight that some of our own lot are guilty too. What makes them do it?
  9. What about the impact of cultural mindsets on the people engaging in this type of stuff as groups? I have no doubt some haraam de apnay do bad kaam inspired stuff as individuals, but that isn't akin to what we are talking about here is it. That being said, you right right in that there is some parallel with some sexual abuse that takes place from people perceiving themselves to be "high" caste towards those they perceive as beneath them. It's just a shame that we skirt around this issue instead of openly naming the specific 'high caste' group who does this.
  10. I don't care what anybody says, this brother is in danger of neck, back and spine injuries.
  11. First you have to identify a need for Panjabi teaching. In the areas around Hounslow there are lots of Sikhs and I think they may well have the subject as an option in schools at GCSE level? But be warned that there may be little need for it outside of Sikh areas. My own experience has been that Sikhs parents are frequently apathetic about ensuring their kids learn Panjabi. Teaching usually involves doing a year long PGCE at university. I would suggest your wife go to the local Gurdwara and volunteer teaching there in the meanwhile for some experience. She should also be made aware of the big difference in attitude and behaviour by kids in the west to those back home - lest she has a heart attack at the former...lol Hope this helps.
  12. Fair point, but we do seem to be seeing a lot of it from P quarters in the UK and some of our people have been claiming this stuff has been going on for some time now? There is no need to go to the exaggerated extreme of saying all of 'them' are at it, like some apnay do, but it is something to note. And even the BBC flagged the fact that a lot of 'Asian' men seemed to be getting caught at it of late. It wasn't long ago we had this, remember: http://www.sikhawareness.com//index.php?showtopic=13411
  13. Now I'm not suggesting that we don't have perverts in our own community but I think enough cases have occurred of Pakistani men doing this stuff in groups for us to ask what some people may feel are politically incorrect and uncomfortable questions. And before anyone jumps in with claims of Muslimophobia please note that the BBC News report (watch the video) itself makes a point about a number of such cases being discovered involving, quote "Asian men" and that an investigation needs to take place asking why. I know we have nonce cases in our own community but I think the frequency with which girls are targeted and abused by a group of men is something possibly peculiar to certain quarters. Especially when we usually find that the girls involved are usually from outside communities to the one the perpetrators belong to. One reason I highlight this is because a good few years ago when some Sikh guys were talking about this very thing, they were made out to be exaggerating. Even the then police chief of the Met (head pig) had the front to suggest that these people were starting unfounded rumours. Anyway, incase any apnay are still stupid enough to think there isn't an issue:
  14. Thanks for that. Back to BVS. Maybe we should focus discussion on Bhai Sahibs point that Sikhs should not be worshiping a particular representation of singled out powers of Waheguru?
  15. That is a VERY contentious statement! lol I confess I don't know who Shankaracharya is, will look it up. What I wonder is why so many Panjabis converted to Islam? And I don't believe it is at all accurate or even intelligent to suggest these people all crapped their khudhees and converted out of fear.
  16. Veer ji, here is the book. You can read about the encounter with the Durga worshiping robbers from page 86 to 90. As you will read, they ultimately converted to Buddhism. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=B0NO0oU6GiAC&dq=the+life+of+hiuen+tsiang++beal&q=durga#v=onepage&q=durga&f=true
  17. I think they were a bunch of murderous thugs who happened to worship kali. Other people who didn't believe in kali were doing the same thing. I mean Sajjan thug is an obvious example.
  18. Got this from....ta ta ta! sikhsangat.com (who incidentally seem to be administering a lot more open mindedly these days?). I felt the need to share, I like the general tone.
  19. Brother it's all good. I was wondering about the distinct differences in belief and practices between non Sikh Bhakti yoga and Raj yoga. Where do they differ? I know bhakti yoga has a heavy emphasis on an emotional bond of love with the object of veneration. One area where we obviously differ from nonSikh bhakti is with the object of veneration. Plus bhakti has a lot of emphasis on singing prayers and a social element. Obviously what I have just stated doesn't go very far in describing bhakti yoga, but I was wondering what underpins raj yoga? What makes you think that Dasmesh pita expanded the bhakti style practice and incorporated raj joga? I would agree with you here. Chandi di vaar is essentially all about that. I wonder if Krishna Avtaar in DG is too? I have my own theory about this bhai ji. Personally I think the thuggee thing was a bogey man exaggerated by Victorian goray in a bizarre twist of exoticism and probably fear with a dollop of propaganda too. Goray even till today go on about the big favour they did by ridding India of this 'menace' but I find it strange that something that was so 'fear inspiring', ingrained and potent to them as a force finds no mention as some organised group in any Sikh literature. I believe there were probably some fellows who were robbers who believed in devi and the whole thing was blown out of proportion by an over active Victorian imagination. I mean, murdering wayfarers for their belongs isn't or wasn't anything new in India was it. I'm very skeptical about the whole 'thugee' phenomena as made out by goray myself. You've got a valid, arguable point there, but from what we've read of Bhai Vir Singh so far, he doesn't seem to support this notion himself. I'm sure he will go into this matter in more detail latter in the work.
  20. Jaikara I would really be interested in hearing what you consider to be the main differences between the Bhakti yog marag and the Raj yog one outside of a Sikh context? You made some very interesting observations that I will comment on soon.
  21. Translator's thoughts: Having previously covered material under the title of 'Devi in Hindu thought' I found that this title was clearly a misnomer on closer inspection. What that section actually contained was an analysis of devi in the Hindu (and ancient Indic) world as conceptualised by white Victorian era influenced individuals that were contemporary or semi-contemporary to bhai sahib. Some of these individuals (as much of the period as a whole), were generally very racially and imperialistically motivated. In the following extract we find Bhai Vir Singh on surer ground as he searches for the place of devi within Sikh thought. The references, give a clear window into his sources, being made up of Sikh scripture and historical 'granths'. Sikh holy text is openly quoted throughout and Bhai Vir Singh presents his argument that Sikhi does not sanction the worshiping of the divine singularity in the form of an entity derived from a particular aspect of it's power. Also covered is the matter of gender in relation to a Sikh conceptualisation of a creator God. As ever, positive feedback is welcome on the translation. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Prabhjot Singh (PJS) of sikhsangat.com and Bhagat Singh (Canada) for their help in semantic deciphering of what I found to be a very difficult sentence. Needless to say, I do not claim infallibility, and any input to assist in improving the accuracy of the translation is more than welcome. Please accept my apologies for not possessing sufficient linguistic skill to refer to Waheguru in a gender neutral way myself. As such I've used the forms He and Him to encompass such references.
  22. I'll have to hunt for it now lol. Some time ago I read an extant rehatnama issue by one of the Gurus and if I recall rightly the instructions were 'Guru guru japo'. Plus I think you may find other naam simran techniques in extant puratan rehats. Waheguru has an early precedent as can be seen by the importance placed on it in Bhai Gurdas's vaars. Ultimately though, single minded, devoted focus on the formless, eternal truth is going to be beneficial and accepted no matter what name is used. No?
  23. This is an interesting topic. I remember reading an extant hukam-nama where Sikhs were instructed 'Guru Guru jap' or something similar.
  24. I couldn't help notice that aunkars that aren't pronounced in Giani Thakur Singh's santhiya are pronounced here. Can anyone shed some light?
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