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Everything posted by Koi

  1. That's great, but does anyone know where it's from or written down?
  2. For the record Bro, kharku84 said that, not me
  3. Koi

    Grihst marg

    Very few people actually know how true thus is.....
  4. It's not like one day you'll wake up, get out of bed and say: "You know what, today, I feel like becoming a brahmgiani". It's more a case of walking the path of the Guru with humility, and keep walking until the Guru says you've reached your destination.
  5. This is article is too long to post here. But, well.....take a look : https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2014/04/20/the-quran-refers-to-the-prophet-of-islam-as-demon-possessed/
  6. Can you post some of those videos here please?
  7. Sorry to hear what you had to go through Bro. Unfortunately, this is not that uncommon, I've seen things like this before. The only thing I can suggest is to not let this put you off marriage. There are plenty of good girls out there. Keep trying, don't give up.
  8. Bhai Dharam Singh Ji was a Jatt. That's a well known proven fact. @BhagatSingh do you actually have any historical Granth reference or baani reference that says otherwise? "Dharam Singh hattheelaa Jatt bakhaaneeye" - Khalsa Mool Mantar
  9. And that is your sole basis for your assumption? What about oral history, the Khalsa Mool Mantar , and other historical Granths (Suraj prakash etc?
  10. You don't seriously believe that, do you? Any credible sources to back that up?
  11. So , has Dhumma actually taken responsibility for this attack?
  12. This is the unfortunate truth, even in the UK. You got this white washed mentality, where you train only to look good.
  13. How are people like this able to make fools of other people?
  14. I've read bits of it, though admittedly a long time ago. There is definitely adhyatmic gyan, and commentry/references to the Gita
  15. Question is, does he actually believe his own drivel?
  16. Aaaaaaaaannnndddddd hands up if you're suprised!? No one? Thought so. On a slightly serious note, this guy is messing with people's aasthhaa. Very dangerous.
  17. "You're so far past the line, that you can't even see the line, the line is a dot to you!"
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