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Everything posted by sikh_fauge

  1. inder-pole! its prounounced POLE!! anyhoo, yes guv..its true..my heart calls out anothers name..but who is it?
  2. How about the sakhi where guru nanak dev ji asked his disciple (bhai lehna i think) to eat a human carcass..he answered, 'where shall i start?'??? Doesnt that imply we should be willing to follow gurus shabad without question and with full devotion?
  3. desicomedy IS HILARIOUS!!! lol
  4. What makes u think we will get heavily persecuted lalleshvari??
  5. ^ so true..we can still keep our gurus traditions alive! nothing stopping us but our ego (however some people might see puratan maryada as impractical in the west i.e. when working,etc)
  6. hehe thas bad lalleshvari! the guys a singh! any idea where the topknot comes from??
  7. alot of 'ol skool' singhs and singhnia have tatoos..usually on their hand with a small green symbol 'ik onkar'! looks nice! i want a tatoo!
  8. I agree..i think he meant within the islamic community and not all people of the world!
  9. No..not for me. Just like there no flaws in islam for a muslim, or for buddhists following buddhism. How can there be any 'flaws' if you are submitting to the dharams teachings (hence the gurus) and using that knowledge as your source of liberation and freedom. You have to humble yourself before your guru (whichever guru that might be) and listen to what hes telling you. So there cant possibly be any flaws, only flaws in the person!!
  10. Of course he would have aged singh..well i think so! (unless he rising from the dead) But as far as i know, he isnt dead!
  11. listen, back off the lot of ya!! before i unleash the dragon
  12. lol not permantly singh..just a holiday man! did anything happen on the jay sean day??
  13. sodhi u goin? call u know who, and we go together..ive not been in years man..miss all them..ahem..early mornings and cold showers
  14. lol..ur mad singh..i tells ya!
  15. singh lol sachi..u really are worrying me now..too much gayness..and i love it!
  16. ^ lol at mugermach singh! and sodhi, bruv i can dance for u whenever u want me to baybeeeee
  17. Me And thats the problem singh..how can we have a country when most of us who claim to be khalistani, dont have the desire or more importantly the power to do anything about it. At the end of the day, as cold as it sounds, we live in the uk..and we have our own problems to face. Trying to solve the problems in the punjab isnt likely to happen in the uk, its something the sikhs in india have to work for (of course with any help they need from us.) If anyone has the chance to read cynthia mahmoods book please do..i read the first few chapters and i was so touched and hurt at the treatment these gursikhs received..until i read chapters later on, and realised some of these "freedom fighters" were infact wrong in their actions i.e one singh strapped bombs to a child and sent him in the middle of a hindu village (because they were saying derogatory comments towards sikhs.) There is two sides to a story..and i think what began as a movement with good intentions has turned into a blind ritual of shouting slogans and leaflets. Theres no actions..only words
  18. tut tut..singh ur going crazy..im gonna take them cottage cheese dabai away from u! they must have summing in em!
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