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Mr §ingh

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Everything posted by Mr §ingh

  1. FAteh ji SAadh SAngat ji I'm Making this site, and on this site theres gonna be a Sikhism section do you think having a link with the name Sikh Models linking to this page : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/worl...sia/3127855.stm is appropreate ? thanx a lot FAteh ji
  2. http://www.sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness...ght=radhaswomis
  3. Hanji that it very possible all those people "tang" of smelly ciggs and Alcolists walking on the streets will not experience this on this Island, b'coz it would probably be forbiden.....or would that create revolts, as majority of the the older generation drinks .... But having it forbiden would bring people closer to Sikhi what do'yall think?
  4. haha I SHALL HOPE SWEDEN WILL BEAT CANADA :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:
  5. GOOD LUCK 8) Haha u aint got no chance against DA SWEDS 8) beating China was just luck.. but luck doens't work on Sweden
  6. Over all i thinks its a GREAT article if you wish to have more science in Gurbani I recommend: http://www.faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopi...science+sikhism http://www.faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopi...science+sikhism http://www.faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopi...science+sikhism http://www.faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopi...science+sikhism WHy SIkhiwsm is the best religion: http://www.faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopi...science+sikhism As you have replied in some of these links you probably know most of these links, as u are a member of faithfreedom, but in case you can ahceive any extra info i pasted the links for you Hope this helps
  7. i'm not to sure about this but i heard that from one katha Proffeser DArshan Singh ji tsaid that that is not a "holy spot" cause EVEN IF HE DID MEDITATE before his life he wasn't Guru at thaytt time i think he sais something like that any1 else heard this???
  8. Canade was on the border line to lose against CHINE Lucky CAnadians
  9. some posts keep disapearing :? well afterwards i said that it was a good point raisnen :? but i stil have it hard to belieive lottery does as much nooksaan as crack and as a pimp does :S evne thought i'm having a hard time to oppose u though its a raelly good point raisen..!
  10. You gotta point there and there is "Sachy" no opposing points I have. :roll: But it still SEEMS TO BE WORSE TO SELL Crack and be a PImp then selling lottery but i can't prove it :? you've gotta good point there bhaji :idea:
  11. NICE :D a GREAT WAY OF EXPLAINING IT :D :D *gonna have to memorize the answer as the amount of people asking the same question is UNLIMITED*
  12. I have been tought that Only the ten Gurus have the RIGHT to use NANAK in the end of each Pauri no1 else has the RIGHT to right NANAK because the have not followed the Lineage of the Gurgadi, and thus can not be Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Jot! //BHULLA CHUKKA MAAF
  13. I BELIEVE that they get married in such a young age cause their parents think that.. IF THEY ARE NOT STUDYING AND STUFF then their "tyaan" will go to other Girls/boys and thus it is better to get them married before they get a bf...and make their parents say "mai hoon aapna moo baar nhi dikha sakdi/a" I mean they dont want their kids to get a gf/bf, which they will if their "tyaan" isn't on studies thats what i think :? :? :shock:
  14. WEll anyway we can't really compare CRaCK with lottery coz crack does a lot of nooksaan to the eprson using it lottery dioesn't do AS MUCH HArm and its not permanent while crack is :shock: IN other hand I do agree that it is a good point raisen :?:
  15. NO! Cause the purpose is Good! being a PIMP OR A CRACK DEALER doesn't have any Good purposes do they ? Now if you say that the Pimp and the Crack Dealer are also collecting money for a good reason then i still say that they are not acceptable b'coz Crack does "nooksaan" to a person.. lottery doesn't ...! a Pimp ....well i dont know how to compare that with a lottery seller, OR MAY'BE I DO! lottery isn't a GREAT SIN in Sikhism. while Sex outside /before marraige is a GREAT SIn infact it is one of the Kurehits...! WHile lottery isn't rally a BIG BIG SIN..or as BIG AS the Pimp thingy but once again the lottery thing is for a good purpose thus i believe Guru ji knows everything and Forgives! I hope this helps :? //BHulla CHukka Maaf
  16. i believe that as long as UR NOT PLAYING URSELF it is OK coz u r not playing urself :roll: thats what i think ... //BHulla CHukka maaf
  17. PM N3O S!ngh I think he probably knows quite alot of it....
  18. I think i'm getting ur point to a CERTAIN extend but i'm still confused why he claimed the moon being a lamp in this metaphor :? I'm a bit confused would be nice if u could make it all clearer please thanx /BHulla CHukka Maaf WJKK WJKF
  19. UI've seena couple of quotes where it is mention in Gurbani that THe SUn is the LAmp and the Moon reflects its light but in "Kirtan" Sohela it says : Upon that cosmic plate of the sky, the sun and the moon are the lamps. The stars and their orbs are the studded pearls. gagan mai thaal rav chand deepak banay taarikaa mandal janak motee. http://www.srigranth.org/servlet/gurbani.g...unjabi=t&id=555 http://www.sikhitothemax.com/Page.asp?SourceID=G&PageNo=13 The Moon isn't a lamp :? the moon only reflects the light :? HEre is another quote which states that the Moon REFLECTS light but what about the quote in Sohela SAhib :s can any1 explain this to me :? "In the Fear of God, the sun shines, and in the Fear of God, the moon REFLECTS. They travel millions of miles, endlessly." - L.19 P.465, SGGS http://www.sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?ShabadID=1696 can anyone explain this coz i can never imagen SIkhism being proved wrong by science :| a Good Science + SIkhism thread! http://www.faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopi...sikhism+science
  20. only thing I'll SAy is WAHEGURU WAHEGURU that is so disgusting :? :?
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