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Mr §ingh

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Everything posted by Mr §ingh

  1. agree with u and Mr steel Bangle ji WHy make a Big deal outta a minor thingy.. they complete each other.... end of story...innit? //bhulla CHukka maaf
  2. on faithfreedom.org i Found a SIikh brother posting this. -> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sikhism supports evolution, something which every major religion opposes, especially the Semitic ones! Here are the quotes from the SGGS which support evolution! "The Lord Himself directs the evolution of the world" - SGGS p. 721 "Shattering and breaking apart, He creates and re-creates; creating, He shatters again. He builds up what He has demolished, and demolishes what He has built." - SGGS, p. 936 "Nights, days, weeks and seasons; wind, water, fire and the nether regions—in the midst of these, He established the earth as a home for Dharma. Upon it, He placed the various species of beings. Their names are uncounted and endless." - SGGS p. 8 "There are beings and creatures in the water and on the land, in the worlds and universes, form upon form." - SGGS, p. 467 There are plenty more quotes, please download the SGGS at: http://www.geocities.com/sikhismnow and see for yourself. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- and hey-.. also check out : http://www.sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness...opic.php?t=1085 read Mr "NogroupSingh"'s post very usful //bhulla chukka maaf
  3. aaapa oos chiij vaal koy jaa rhe ha jis..to Guru ji ne sanu OLE kita why are we trying to figure out sumthin that Guru Ji didn't SHOW us why dont we jus keep toGuru Ji's teaching...which we were meant to see why are we trying to visionize sumthin that Guru Ji didn't want us to see personally Ö i dont belive in the goat theory......or shall i simplpy say goat "story"
  4. i wake up at about 5:30 am but hre inSWEDEN da sun rises at about 7 am in da norning is da Amrit Wela? sumtimes in winter da sun rises as late as 10 am :? but 5:30 it is
  5. dunnu.. but what i do know is.. its really disgusting :evil: *yuck * :evil:
  6. yes yes this is the one :D :D thanx a lot CHukriya Ji and I also liked the other links as well thanx a lot :D :D
  7. Before I formated my comp I had a good site in my favorites which I forgot to save which was comparinging Sikhism to All da main religions Buddhism Jewdaism Islam Christianity etc but i can't find it now....n e 1 got dis good site? ooh yea BTW ne1 got a Good Site With...Sikhi stuff in common with scioence? thanx a lot WJKK WJKF
  8. First WE DONT WORSHIP SGGS G By Matha Teekna WE RESPECT IT... WHOS DA SIKh's GURU??? Meaning Guru's (THE TAECHERS) Soul is in Guru Granth Sahib Ji and we respect it as our GUIDE or MENTOR and dont worship it..as seeing as GOD IK ONKAR -> GOD WE WROSHIP SGGS -> Guiding us teh rite way //hope this answerd ur question BHulla Chukka Maaf
  9. thats soooooooooooooooo WICKED AM i aloud to put it up on my site ? Of course u'll get credit for it
  10. YEeeeeeeeei WE Swedes are jus 8) GRRRRRRRRRREAT 8) lol
  11. Good point there.. and as I said b4 Have u reacherd PG 1430 in SGGSJ ? WEll what i think is first read the entire Gurbani..and understand it.. and start "vicharna" about RaagMala when u reach there ....aight? //bhulla CHukka Maaf WJKK WJKF
  12. true said After ALl its not us sayign it its GUru ji Good pointed out ther Khalsa Souljah
  13. WJKK WJKF.. Good point raised there .. SImple answer: NO! WHOS DA SIKh's GURU??? THis means that THE SOUL is in SGGSJ and the BODY of the GUru is in the PANTH aight its a good point raised and hey it DOES happen i GUrudwaras But THAT isn't what our GUru tought I mean If we thought that u should put a blanket on SGGS in Winter there it MUST be so that is that is the case SGGSJ would be able to also get a cold ..coz u have to give him a blanket.....etc. IF U DONT give SGGSJ a blanket...what will happen? WIll it get a cold??...If I'm corrct..a SOUL CAN't GET a Cold :? BUT NO!!! basically we dont belive in this stuff..... its only MANMAAT -> (A PERSON's OWN WIll..NOT GODS WILL or BASICALLY -> AGAINST GOD'S WILL) WE DONT BELIVE IN THIS KINDA STUFF......... I probably didn't answer this to well..but i hope u understand... coz in other terms.... basically we dont belive in such "STUFF" (used a nice term here ) .. yea PPl do ...do such stuff. but its TOTALLY AGAINST SIKHI.. ITS TEACHINGS AND PRINCIPLES //Bhulla CHukka Maaf WJKK WJKF
  14. my vir RishiPal Singh ji's...post as u meantioned...Jap JI sahib doesn't have Mahala 1 THOUGH it does have Ik OMkar...SatNam..KartaPurkh..NiBhau...Nivair..AKal Morat,... Aajuni SAibang...GurParsad...JAp...Aad Sach...Jugad ..Such..NANAK HOOSi BHi Saach that explains it all doesn't it? In all GUru JI's Bani They've Always written NANAK @least 1nce in each Shabad/Bani etc... Please read the RaagMala on : www.sikhnet.com/sggs/translation/1430.html AND please tell me WHere Nanak is stated. now I'm nto trying 2 argue or sumthihn jus a simple question :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: //BHulla CHUkka Maaf WJKK WJKF
  15. THAT WAs one of the resons and then again Whats Khalsa.. Khalsa is GOD's ARmy and keeping justice instide the world. or :S ? wHat u ppl think?!?!
  16. The fourth Bazar Kurehat is DIshonoring the hair: removing the hair from n e part of da body thus yes it is NOT alloud 2 pluck of hair from the eye browses bhulla CHUkka Maaf
  17. Steel Bangle Ji i liek ur SIgnature .. "Parnam SHaheeda nu" gr8 stuff
  18. lol...i kinda just have 2 get used 2 it NONE of da boys in my class believe in equality :S WOmen should have less pay 4 da same job as a man.........dats what they belive so kinda have 2 *praod feminist * :twisted:
  19. hmmm was it meant 2 b 5 Males?? i dont think so!!!! he ask 4 5 heads---..now with a co-insidence it was 5 males.... so acctually it shouldn´t matter.. ..IF as u call it "EQUALITY" EXCISTS within Sikhism.. SO u mena that Sikh REhat Maryada :S and da other lots of Articles on da Net are completly wrong.. Because of the fact that u dont seem 2 want that women have da SAME RIGHTS as the males-.... well correct me if I´m wrong Sikhism TEAches EQUALITY and Guru Govind Singh ji both abandoned the caste system within Sikhism and the differences between man and women..... so I WOULD connsider that Guru Govind Singh ji would be NOTHIN but proad of his khalsa.. lookin at that pic.. he wouldn´t say: OMG there´s a WOmen in there their prepared Amrit is not "lekhe lagya hoya" Coz according 2 sum ppl here ...WOman ain´t aloud 2 be part in the Panj pyaare.. thus they think that GUYru Govind Singh ji would say that :S but hey thats my PERSONALL point of veiw... //Bhulla CHukka Maaf WJKK WJKF
  20. Lol Awwwwwwwwww those pics of the Singh bache...posted by Steel Bangle r REALLY cute
  21. hmmm WJKK WJKF hmmm I personally would Maatha Teek only towards the Gutkas / GUrbani and not towards the mortis.. :S WJKK WJKF //BHulla CHukka maaf
  22. hmmm yea true said..it was our Manvir Bhaji :S Dunnu where he disappeared thanx Steel Bangle ji was look 4 1 myself...but didn´t find any Good pic.. I guess this is the end of the discussion thne... wiv da Conclusion: WOmen are ALloud 2 B a part of Panj Pyaaare..because of teh fact that Sikhism spports equality. or what u say :S Once again tahnx a lot 4 dat pic Steel Bangle ji //bhulla CHukka Maaf WJKK WJKF
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