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Everything posted by jsb

  1. what's the official technique? sometimes, i use a fork.... :shock:
  2. people who cut their hair, because they don't think Sikhi has anything to do with Physical image, that it's all spiritual.... people who think sikhi came from hinduism, because they have hindu friends the don't want to offend... good people.... warped up belief, that's all
  3. i live and go to school with similar experiences....
  4. lol at singer comment..... right now..best player in nthe world has to be figo... in my mind.. either figo or the unsung hero, Roberto Carlos
  5. Has anyone used these? I'm starting now
  6. haha i became a man.u fan after Barthez got shipped there.. That's when my interest in Man. U skyrocketed.. I'm a keeper too, so that's why. haha my local team... it's not even semi-pro..hahaha we basically have NO local team...I've gotta look to a whole different continent to find a team. I HATE Chelsea....ugh.... i don't even know why....i just HATE them
  7. wrong buddy.. Man U is still favorites to win everything, yet again.. They've got young guns to replace beckham, and with players like Giggs, and their new American Keeper.....sorry, No one will dethrone Man U..not now..not for a long long time.. That's a very smart team. The spotlight is now off them, they don't have to worry about the incredible impact the media can have on your minds. With Beckham gone, they remove a very important part of their team, but they also remove a big tumor.. I didn't think that it was a good idea to get rid of them from the business aspect, but i DO think it's an excellent move for the on the field purpose. The lack of Beckham creates even more trouble for opposing teams, now that there's no individual player that the offense runs through
  8. no...i don't think so.....it's not in your control... it happens all the time, whilst standing at bus stops or things like that....you're to do everything in your control so that it doesn't, but if it is beyond your control, then don't worry...as far as sikhi, it's not against kurahit... health wise... :?
  9. no no no lalleshvari veerji... don't you know?? EVERYTHING is the hindus fault!!
  10. SB: hehehe i juss joke! Wow i'm sooooo confused... You guys are actually really really serious about Rupy being reallly good! That's awesome, but to be honest, i haven't been watching CNN, and the only news i read is like.. local news.... being Canadian, and having no access to american news sources isn't good either... so can you post like... an artiicle, or something?? that'd be killer! and Congrats (feeling very, very stupid.... )
  11. Mugerrrrrrrr, i'll take you out if you say that again! It's gonna get reallllly ugly in here if you say Soccer Sucks again.... I hope i don't need a SOURCE to clarify that soccer does not suck.... Muger, Muger, Muger.... tsk tsk tsk.... as smart as you are, you're just not Clever! How can you not like soccer? You don't even get time to scratch your butt in soccer... You're brit....I'm Canadian....yet I love soccer, and you don't???
  12. the sad thing is that Steel Bangle was seen last fortnight talking to a horse about the world politics of today.... i think YOU should prove yourself by telling us your credentials
  13. SOCCCCCER is THE sport!!! watch out for MEEEEEE
  14. what??? who said we were joking?? gurpreet kaur penji, i think you should be the coach... we need all the buttscratching lessons we can get, and you've got the best technique i've ever seen
  15. i think i deserve to be back catcher... buttscracther=backscratcher yeah, penji! i'm soo good at buttscratching that other players ask me to scratch THEIR butts for them..... i humbly decline..
  16. mann....... if Mugermach gets to be on the team, then I BETTER be on the team! Im a better butt scratcher than he'll EVER be!
  17. i'm sure you are penji....i'm sure you are... keep telling that to yourself
  18. dude, i get so involved into the cricket game..... that I scratch my butt too, but most importantly, i get into the giddah spirit when the ump DOES point into the sky!
  19. you have to be GOOD at something before you can be qualified as aomng the greatest
  20. haha sure, why not! not like i have an account, or a credit card, but SUREEEE!
  21. i'm not saying he is...but i'm not gonna say that he isn't....that's not my call secondly, atwal WOULD be used. Newsreporters seldom know the difference. thirdly, it's been discussed soooo much on these boards, of parents who're totally into sikhi, but the kids who want to experience a bit of a western culture, too. i'm just wondering, and especially coming from a bhanji, such as you, how can you justify what he's done. and essentially everyone is either saying that the punishment fits the crime, or that he had to do it, or some stuff like that. Think about this for just a second. Son going out with white girl.... no punishment Daughter going out with white guy.... death nogroupsingh says: why do sikhi rules apply to her: granted, maybe they don't, but because the article states that they attended gurdwara regularly, and that Mr. Atwal was active in the Gurdwara, sikhi rules should at least apply to him, therefore, find me proof, that it's ok for him to kill his non-sikh daughter, if you want to call her that.
  22. look, i understand your point.....but think of my point for a second. how do you know whether he's a gursikh or not now, if he's not, why is everyone justifying his case, and if he is, how come no one can prove that he did the right thing?
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