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Ideal Singh

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Everything posted by Ideal Singh

  1. Ofcourse it doesnt matter...but dont you think its better to realise the circumstances which lead to Guru Ji not visiting these places... just a general knowledge sake...
  2. Man U bite the dust at home... they seem to be down and out... Fulham played electrifying Football... it was fascinating watching them... this Noosteroy missed too much opprtunities... :evil: Man U miss Beckham for sure... Arsenal with another chance to climp to the Top...
  3. SSA Ji I think you have got a valid point about misuse of "Ekonkar" Symbol... but a person who is inclined to disrespect would find different ways to disrespect... I believe respect should be by heart and not by rituals... I keep a calender with a photo of Shri Darbar Sahib Ji in my purse all the time... it never occures to me that I was disrespecting... In Muslim counteries, which are supposed to fundamentalist to the core have, 'Hadhits' (quotes from quoran... correct if I am wrong...) embbossed on their currencies... so when they dont mind, then why should we make a fuss over it... Humble views.
  4. Breath easy both of you Sikh Scholars in the making... Dont indulge in useless backbiting... :roll: Dear Bikz: What if the people you are corresponding are jealous of lalleshwari Penji... You can not judge a person on somebody's behalf... Everybody is at different levels of understanding of... Sikhism in this case... Let us share what we have to contribute... and where ever we are wrong, simply point it out... rather than start condeming each other... the same backbiting is going on in Moderan Ram Raes Thread... Be peace with each other... Nobody is gonna change others thinking just by hurting others' egos... our knowledge is restricted to what ever we have learned so far... no need to booast of it... for Gods sake Dont prove that proverb right that "The more a person gains knowledge the more proud he gets about his knowledge... "... Remember how the people (Masands) appointed by Sikh Gurus, to preach Gurbani, themselves started claiming to be Gurus... Dont let our petty knowledge get into our heads, dear fellow members... BCM
  5. Sat Sri Akal Ji Yeah... I have read about this before... here are the extrats from that writing...
  6. Ok... :roll: There are two very simple alternatives... 1. There is no need to have photos of Gurus at all... I have never seen Jesus or Shiva on USA or Indian Currency.. that ends the contraversy... Simple !! Or 2. even simpler... Amend some RehatNama and make it mendatory for every Sikh to put his purse in upper pocket in his shirt... in that way the currency would always be near your heart... and thence the respect... 8) I my personal viewpoint there should be only embossed "Ekonkar" in Gurmukhi...
  7. Vulgar... :roll: Its more about our mentality... respect should be in our heart... Dont make that a karam kaand too... Simple example... Sikhi Kachehra, one of the five Kakkars... now as a respect you should not wear it too... :!:
  8. He is in UK somebody from there needs do some seva... For further discussion, please contact:- Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc., Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy, 144, Hamilton Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 5RE, United Kingdom Tel. 0044 118 962 3200 Remember that to your Three "Gurus" mother, father and Pandit, you render money, To your "Satguru" Nanak Dev Ji/Christ Jesus, you render your MUNN or "mind" AND, To your "Sachae Paatshah" Gobind Singh Ji, you render your TANN or "physical body" as sacrifice. SACH is bitter but it leads you to heaven whilst SATT is extremely bitter but it leads you to ANAND/Salvation. Falsehoods or KOORRS are extremely sweet, MAKHAEON MITHHA, but they lead you to Hell. Younger Brother of Jesus, the first anointed Christ and of Nanak, the second anointed Christ(Satguru), Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy. A Jat of the Panjab. E-Mail address: rajinder@nijjhar.freeserve.co.uk THERE IS NO COPYRIGHT WHATSOEVER. WORD OF GOD IS RECEIVED FREELY AND FREELY IT IS GIVEN. URLs:- HOME PAGES ON SIKHISM AND CHRISTIANITY:- http://www.nijjhar.freeserve.co.uk/sikhism.htm http://www.nijjhar.freeserve.co.uk/gnostic.htm
  9. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: WHY 5 KS By Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc. The five Ks are to combat the five evils of the heart, KAAM, KARODH, LOBH, MOH and HANKAAR Thus:- 1. KAAM:- To this is related KANGA, the comb, reminding the person to look after his body, the Temple of God and to feel proud of grooming and massaging a healthy body. As KAAM involves physical body and therefore, immoral sex, that make a person shameless, BAESHARM, is the chief enemy of a healthy body. So KANGA is to remind the person to keep the body hale and hearty in order to drive pleasure out of grooming. This is the only K that is related purely to flesh, the ASTHOOL ROOP, whilst the others are related to the spiritual states of soul, SOOKHSHUM ROOPS. 2. KARODH:- Anger is normally displayed by the once-born people of flesh who are normally led by ego, HUMAE that makes them incapable of understanding the Word. Pandit is the guru that teaches the people of flesh how to avoid anger and keep away from petty fights by obeying to the moral laws. A person under the first spiritual state of soul, HUMAE, being MOORAKH or simpleton needs the guidance of a moral teacher to lead his life and to build a strong physical body i.e. JATTI. They are led by RAJJO, i.e. to eat to their heart's content characteristic. Thus, KACHH is worth putting on by the able-bodied JATTIS. 3. LOBH:- This is the chief characteristic of the MUNNMUKHS, the twice-born evil-spirited clever people, who are normally dominated by the desires of their mind or MUNN. They are dominated by TAMMO. MUNNMUKHS are stubborn in their desire for money and they would even kill their close relations to acquire wealth. The elder son of Satguru Ram Dassji named Prithvi Chand was a MUNNMUKH and so was BANDA BAHADUR, a very clever person who changed many names and was an opportunist. Such people cannot be rectified through the word of mouth but sword only. So, KIRPAN is used to sort out the stubborn greedy persons, the MUNNMUKHS. Royal King Gobind Singhji fried to death the MUNNMUKH MASANDS but to-day the Gurdwaras are riddled with MUNNMUKH GRANTHIS much worse than those greedy Masands fried alive. 4. MOH:- The worldly attachment to one's family, property, etc. that deters the wise men dominated by SATTO from serving God by not renouncing the secular world. The disciples of Jesus, who formed the first Church of God, got rid of all their wealth to join the commune in which all were treated alike. But the bishops soon became greedy and immoral telling the Apostles, NIRMALLAE SANTS, to leave their Churches and them in peace so that they could enjoy the secular power in the name of Beast. Further, the KHALSAS being the spiritual philanthropic soldiers, SHIV SENA, are to see that the people go by their businesses justly and honestly i.e. RAAJ KARAE GAA KHALSA, AAKI(WRONG DOERS) RAHAE NAA KOAE. Further, as KES is related to the third KHASHTRI VARN, the people who oversee the secular affairs are themselves expected to be shameful and honest. Beard as you know is normally pointed at if someone acts irresponsibly or dishonestly, so beard and Kes is the norm of the people of the Khashtri Varn. Because the secular administrators became corrupt like the shopkeepers, so they became clean shaven so that people could not point to their beards anymore to put them to shame. 5. HANKAAR:- People get proud of their status in life, wealth, etc. but if these worldly possessions are renounced, then one does not feel proud but an equal companion in the PANTH. This Sachae Paatshah Gobind Singh Ji demonstrated by becoming part of the Khalsas through Baptism. So, KARRA is the bangle of iron that the Khalsas put on to permanently renounce their family homes and status in life for the service of God. This is also related to RAKHRRI that people tie around the wrists of men who protect them in their secular life. The soldiers of kings used to get them from their families when they used to leave their family homes to fight for the country but on their return to homes, it was torn away or let it wear off. But this iron bangle, KARRA signifies permanent renunciation of their homes and this is well stressed during the Amrit Baptism that initiates a person into the third Khalsa Panth(community) that from now on I am yours and work for you and not for my own family. Thus, the Khalsas are not householders or family people and this is well stressed in the story of Bhai Joga Singh, who was called to duty at the eleventh hour during the wedding ceremony. Royal King Gobind Singhji himself did not consummate His last third marriage and the clever psychic Banda Singh Bahadur was specifically instructed not to get married, sit on a secular throne or become a guru. The Kalsas are also not allowed to work for money but for philanthropy that involves no payment. That is why out of the "hired warriors", those who went for their wages were refused the Baptism and those who made their choice of Amrit to wages were Baptised into the Khalsa Brotherhood or Panth. Anybody who went against this norm was disgraced by rebuking him by the name "TANKHAIYA", meaning paid Khalsa. The Khalsas being wise in the Word of God, SATT, do not stand in the need of any spiritual instructions from any one but ponder over the Word and enjoy the ANAND, bliss, of the Royal Kingdom of God. That is why the name of the town, which is the Headquarters of Khalsas, is called ANAND PUR SAHIB. But the irony of the simpletons who are dominated by the MUNNMUKH GRANTHIS is that at the wedding ceremonies, the father of the girl normally puts on a KARRA of gold to the boy that normally signifies that you leave the house to join the khalsas and do not marry my daughter. If such a TATT Khalsa be around, then all the secular administrative machinery works honestly and people would not dare to do wrong things. It is in this context that we say:- RAAJ KARAE GAA KHALSA, AAKI(DUKHI) RAHAE NAA KOAYE.
  10. Taken... Have a look at this stuff... its weird... http://www.nijjhar.freeserve.co.uk/sikhism.htm
  11. We should not percieve these events as depressing coz every event is responsible for evolution of Sikhism... although mine too is pity depressing.. :roll:
  12. No Offence... I meant : What is this discussion all about...? Is only a particular kind ardaas acceptable to Waheguru & not others... Do you mean He discriminates?
  13. Dear JOY(ce) dont worry about the response... appreciating anyone is a tough mental block for humans... but still you can look at the number of views for your each posts... so rest assured... everybody is reading your stuff... so keep posting... Aman
  14. Ha Ha God is omnipresent... so dont worry on that aspect... hez watching each and every move of ours... Ehem you know what me talking about... everything... :twisted:
  15. I visited some spritual forum they seem to be obsessed by Buddhism coz they say its amazingly compatible with science... someone wrote as follows... Also, one depressing thing, they seemed totally unaware of Sikhism :!: :cry:
  16. Think about the future... What about Credit/Debit Cards... ? 8) no need to print paper currency... Credit Cards hold the future... 8)
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