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Everything posted by Beast

  1. lol - u can only say that for 3more days!
  2. the one where he's sittin on the chair....he only really gets in 2 strikes.
  3. yes please. i always make a mess. (when i cry)
  4. When I used to go to my mate's house we used to get freaked out by the cemetary opposite him. We would see eery lights above each gravestone. Now that I'm older and wiser I've figured out that those lights were actually lamps.
  5. woohoo! *everybody runs to congratulate the Beast* I call this a job well done people. A job well done. 8)
  6. i was gonna say the last one....but couldn't understand what you wrote. lol
  7. does this mean i can now use soap to cook sausages? lol
  8. she is going.....it was in one of the stalking letters that she keeps sending me. it's gonna conflict with her court order to keep a 1 mile radius away from me. I might chat to the judge and get a temporary reprieve as long as she makes me and the Singhs food all week on demand.
  9. *blushes* thankyou number 5.
  10. he has given an explanation of his mind change on Sarbloh website.
  11. grow up ghosty boy....don't wanna get soaked again at camp now do we? lol Listen up....Liverpool's achievements were par excellence (bad a$$ french there!)....like hairyplam said, not even the best team in Europe. And they still did MAGNIFICENTLY well against Milan. I for one have never ever been happier then I was last Wednesday. I seriously had tears in my eyes.
  12. sorry, I'm not the smartest when it comes to these things.... but I always thought that "Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach" was also part of Mool Mantar? Apologies if I said something really stupid!
  13. lol only coz ppl like sukhi are too lazy and unskilled and lazy and ..... well....dumb.
  14. hmmmm...doaba likes nihangs I see. lol I saw loads of Nihangs there....or at least I thought I did!
  15. the tommy hilfiger thing was fake? damn, I'm gonna have to throw all of his gear away now. lol
  16. There's a Hari Gupta book as well that i spotted on amazon
  17. lol damn, I gotta change my deoderant! well, can anyone maybe recommend a good book on the misl period? (please)
  18. u can't do that in the uk. The laws are very strict regarding the culling of livestock, which is why so many abbatoirs have had to shut down.
  19. So how did the British beat the Sikhs to gain control of Punjab? What was the role of Dogras and Maharaja Ranjit Singh's wife?
  20. well, it's slow in the uk then! performance is much better on opera though I have to admit (which also remembers the login name).
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