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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Brilliant. I agree with that....Amen brother palm_w1 :mrgreen:
  2. ^ please ignore - i got way too much free time
  3. I'm confused??? Ottawa play against a tree :? Whats kobe? I know Euro 2004 is coming up - looks like Jamie Carragher is going to play as centre back coz john terry has an injury. This is real football (even though we is talkin about NHL). Whats NHL stand for? Nit-filled Horticultural Liposuctioners?
  4. ^ what the...? So why make the post? Really, now that was immature wasn't it. I'm sure there were others there apart from me who heard the comment. And like I said earlier, noone in the crowd found it offensive. And we are talking about some of the best medics/doctors in the UK (+ possibly Europe) - these guys aren't brain dead. They may not know much abt Sanatan Sikhi but they can tell when someone is being offensive. Unless some other Gurdev called him a fat slob? :?:
  5. There you go, Singh47....the perfect oppurtunity. And shindasingh, may I suggest you watch the Paramount channel for a few days. Need to improve ur sense of humour bro! :mrgreen: ... And as long as its goats they killng I'm sure NNS will be very happy 8)
  6. U live in the USA or Canada? Coz he gonna be in New York end of August
  7. ^ oh you're talking about Niddar Singh! Mod's Note: Message edited! Please change your tone of talking. This was a piolete question?! I was there at the talk and yes people, he did call Baba Santa singh a "fat slob". Where abouts were you sitting shindasingh, its important to ascertain how much you saw and heard his speech. You see, the comment was, taken in context, a joke. That may be something difficult for you to understand, because the 150+ other people in the room (80% of whom had NEVER been exposed to Sanatan ideology before) found the funny side of the comment
  8. Is he? I thought this debate was about British influences in Sikh history? It may have escaped your attention Singh47 but not all caucasians ('gorey') are British. There is this little continent called Europe that also contains many fair-skinned people. :roll:
  9. haha lay off her man, she in he same boat as me. Sometimes watching paint dry is more important than actually making the effort to go to a gym and sweating!! But seriously, start going to the gym. After a few weeks you will become addicted to it. I'm gonna start erm...next week...............maybe.
  10. HeyDudeWassup, I was the first to write in support of Namdharis on this thread: There is a difference between accepting that they take Sikhi in a different direction to us and agreeing with that direction. I agree with you that in my opinion they are not of the same jot as Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji through to Guru Gobind Singh Ji (I have real difficulty trying to accept their rationality that Guru Gobind Singh lived the remainder of his life in hiding and then passed the gurguddi to Baba Balak (?) Singh). But at the same time, they are nowhere near as bad as nirankari's and radhasoami's. They accept the divinity of the Guru Granth Sahib (even though they may not call it 'Guru') and treat the Granth (along with Dasam Granth and Sarbloh Grant ???) with immense respect. I do understand your point of view, but I hope that after you read the above you will maybe realise/contemplate that Namdhari's are not that bad (to the best of my knowledge).
  11. sikh princess, you have not commented at all on Narsingha'a original post. All you have done is used misdirection to turn attention elsewhere. What about Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj, is this title blasphemous? Your original reply to Narsingha was just full of cheap 'insults', and your subsequent posts have all attempted to misdirect the readers away from a request by myself and Sumeet Kaur to actually counter his remarks.
  12. I'm a bit out of my depth here, but here goes. If the term 'Hindu' was created by British in the 1800s then what about the sakhi where Guru Nanak Dev Ji said "Na koi Hindu, Nah Koi Mussalman"? :?
  13. Depends on what you feel inside. For me its okay - my brother is a member of a gym and he never goes, yet I don't think the gym will refund him the money for those months that he's never attended! I try and go as often as I can on his card. Think about it --> the membership is payment to the gym for letting you use their facilities. Whether you go or your friend goes, they gym is still receiving the money.
  14. ^ Enough to produce a couple of websites, which seems to be more than what you're doing. Also, misdirection is a nice tactic. But your post has done nothing to counter any of the points he put forward.
  15. yeah right, what a load of crap And certain groups try and enforce upon others their version of 'true sikhi'.
  16. Also, what gives the person who wrote the site the authority to deem who is acceptable to Sikhi and who is not? How dare they try and decide for the rest of us who is anti-panthic. Yes, present evidence against each website for their flaws and views against Sikhi, but don't try to brainwash us into believing what 'proper' Sikhi is. Terming Baba Santa Singh a 'nan-g' is the cheapest insult - have the guts to go up to him and call him a nan-g. Fully agree with Hari
  17. ^ but they still mann the Guru Granth Sahib as their Guru. Their belief in Sikhi as a whole may not be as great as some of the members on this forum, but I'm sure that not even they would deny that. If a person in their heart believes the Guru Granth Sahib to be their Guru then who are we to judge whether they are Sikh or not? Let Dharam-Raj deal with that, while we carry on striving to be Gursikhs/better people.
  18. I agree with jsb, sukhi_v and sikh princess that there is a dispute on whether the Namdhari's deserve to be called Sikhs. However, wheras their beliefs are different to ours, at least they are not as bad as nirankari's and radha-soami's, who have on numerous occasions shown a vile disregard for the Guru Granth Sahib. The question on whether Namdhari's are Sikhs is debatable, but they should not be put in the same bracket as radha-soami's and nirankari's who cannot justifiably label themselves as Sikhs. Namdhari's have never been blasphemous towards the 10 Guru's, wheras the other two have. Just to repeat from my earlier post, we should be grateful to the Namdhari's for preserving Raag vidiya, and also accept the fact that they have different beliefs to ourselves.
  19. Also, a lot of people seem to contain Namdhari's alongside nirankari's and radha-soami's. But to the best of my knowledge, kukai aren't really that bad. Yes, we differ in that we believe that the Gurguddi was passed to Guru Granth Sahib wheras they believe Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj went into 'hiding'. But Namdhari's retained the Raag vidiya that a lot of Sikhs decided to forsake in favour of the harmonium.
  20. ^ He said in another thread that it stands for 'the world', ie duniyan.
  21. *and from her dream wakes to find heself back in the straightjacket, where she is being force fed the crusty stuff beneath Guv's mouldy toenails*
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