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Mugermach Singh

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Everything posted by Mugermach Singh

  1. hello remember me people. (im jumping up and down with my arms waving like the airport man does) I still aint found it..........
  2. Oragami.. thats how you spell the word, i splet it the indian way. lol I have seen some Nihang Singhs with some Rope Gatra's [not sure if this ties in with marayada or anything but have seen some] which use a certain Knot, this is known as the........... :roll: :roll: not gonna tell ya. :roll: :twisted: :twisted: . These not only look good, but also work well with little malas.
  3. im know im sad, but i'll put up a link on knots. :shock: if people want to make their own mala's, then i suggest u use the diamond knot, its really strong, but not the easiest of knots. Just out of intrests, anyone know origami?? i cant make the crocodile yet.... like i said b4, i know im sad. lol
  4. it nice to make ur own mala's. How do you guys make ur own? or are you a Blue Peter kinda person and get a ready made one.
  5. adapted from the jokes section..... Guru and God are one, the problem arises when WE try to decide Which one. makes sense in my head, but then again im a nutter.
  6. good old metal ones across the head of you dhost. ditto.
  7. 108 - means jaya reference: wise words of Lalesvari . lol i got my rasna as my mala, but other then that the cotton ones are good cos if you figit while paath, you can figit properly then... lol, it just helps at the beggining, i ved to have those finger mala's, the one with nin beads
  8. lol, i think you should tell him about a joke. :wink:
  9. lol thats two thing im doing wrong. I lie and sniff glue. lol lol lol (that is a joke, i dont sniff glue, but i do lie, so the former may be a lie, but its not. or is it............Mu ha ha ha ha ha) :shock:
  10. hey, im in touch with my femine side. lol im pretty sure that females wont like the name Mugermach, cos to much of a MAN's name. :twisted: :twisted: thats gonna get me into trouble. lol
  11. I live near the 'Bye Pass Road' http://www.mapsofindia.com/maps/punjab/jalandhar.htm
  12. cant see nothing through my telescope no more. Damn Light pollution. But this shower should be a site to see.
  13. glue.... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: im sniffing cos i got told off. lol
  14. lol, true. but have u guys noticed that most first names are unisex, we can only tell gender usaully by second name.
  15. i wasnt aware that Khandeydhar was female, i assumed she was male becasue the title of the post was for Lying Singhs. It wasnt meant for you bik, i know you didnt put up the reht.
  16. Come On....... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: lol I know that i can;t run fast, but i still got a mean bite......
  17. from the swamp. (note: the above post is not entirely true, i will not tell you which part exactly, but it is rather obvious.)
  18. Fateh Ji. I would be happy to comment, but im not wise enough. :twisted: :twisted: I guess my common sense is not that common after all, I am very happy that veer ji has found this rehtnama , he belives in his right mind that Singhs should not lie. I agree, they shouldn't lie for no reason, but there are certains cases where it is helpfull to lie. He was dishearted by the fact that myself and a few others said it was ok to lie. For this he has gone away to prove his point by using texts, this is probably the most sensible thing to do, research the topic and then repost. But i could Lie, rgiht now and say you have changed my mind, just to put your mind at ease, so that you can think, yes, i have go through to some1. But i wont, i still stick with my decision, regardless of what the reht says, im sure i do many things that are not in accordance to every reht, but that is Me. I am not a reht Following person. I try to use common sense, but as i said before, i guess its not that common. Thanks for finding that, i will keep it mind, but to avoid repeating ourselves over again, i will not post about why we can lie or cant lie. Fateh :shock: Nutters the lot of you. :shock:
  19. echo echo echo echo echo im all alone..... and still aint found it. :cry:
  20. metal have ceratin properties, some react with human skin while others do not. But people with senstive skin will react more easily with oxidising metals. most metal oxidise, but the rate at which they do varies. If you have a kara that causes skin irratation, then i suggest heat treatment or as nihal said "nail varnish", but never tried this. An alternative to stop the kara reacting with the skin is to put it in your pocket until you get it heat treated. If you want a sarbloh kara, you must maintain it, i.e clean it etc, otherwise it will rust and it will case reactions. to clean it, Wd40 to remove the rust and a bit of sand could do it. but nothing beats a polishing wheel with very little to nearly non wax. otherwise, you kara looks more like a candle. Solution, get yourself a kara made of a non reactive metal. But if you are totally hung up about the sarbloh rehet and cant find no quote about if you can get your kara heat treated :twisted: then i suggest you get a piece of kapra and wrap it up. :twisted:
  21. lol, had to put this up. lol http://www.everyonedoesit.com/info/cannabi...is_alliance.htm lol
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