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Mugermach Singh

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Everything posted by Mugermach Singh

  1. like i sadi b4. Man in blue, man with no clue.
  2. bowling is cool. I kick any of your buttscratching butts.
  3. not played riven so im guessing it can be a state of mind/
  4. Can it be taken as a state of mind?
  5. Great work out for Neck Muscles when not playing.
  6. Better to have a Shaster (and know how to use it) and not need it, than need a Shaster and not Have it.
  7. Has it not got something to do with breathing aswell??
  8. The matrix. Take the red pill and stay in the dark. Take the blue pill and You will see the truth. What is the pill related to nowadays....... Once you in the Matrix, things mess up even more, is what you are studying real, or just a figment of you imagination. Are you really in the matrix, Are you being played by the matrix or is the matrix playing you. Whos in control. Do the rules Apply, Are there any Rules??? Can you do anything?? Without the matrix you are a robot, but once in the matrix are you still a robot or a free spirit. To all others you seem like a robot, but you know that you and some selected others know that you arnt. Who's the Robot?? Me or You...
  9. Facts about Crickets It is possible to tell the temperature in degrees fahrenheit by counting the number of times a cricket chirps in 14 seconds, then adding 40 to that number.
  10. seeing the lack of response, i wish to make it clear that PDA is not Public Display of Affection. Its more like that computer gismo
  11. liked it all except this. its doesnt neutralise because either there is Darkness or Light. You cant have both, By doing good deed the Light removes the darkness. So even if you have 1000 years of darkness, one Light can remove all this.
  12. Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Kabbadi Try saying that in one go without breathing. Kabbadi is a wicked game. Good wrestling. But not as good as ping pong.
  13. Stupid Soccer.. Bring it on JSB, i kicked your butt in Minesweep too. Nah, football is ok. Better than shitty cricket.
  14. you can do waht the older generation singhs did. If anyone smoked near them, smack their hand with a lahtee. But that means you have to walk around with a latee.
  15. PDA's, new form of gutkas. Do you think that they will ever replace the old ones.? Also how much respect shall we show to these new gutkas. Wash hands, remove shoes etc. Cover in a Ramala.
  16. Is there a reason why they are releasing it on India's Independence Day??
  17. Napkins. Bog roll more like it. Also, I dont understand..... :twisted:
  18. The Art of Butt Scratching. five useful tips when scratching butts. When scratching a butt of any size be weary that the buttocks are clean. If not, its a good idea to keep baby wipes. When Scratching a Butt of ethnic Indian origin, Please be sure to ask all necessary questions such as " Did you eat chillies last Night??" When Scratching a Butt of a Religious Man, Ask for his blessing after you have finished or he may bless you whilst you are scratching. When scratching a butt of a elderly person, please be sure that you get underneath all excess skin. When Scratching a butt of a baseball player, be sure not to hit his bat or b**ls. :shock:
  19. lol. Humbly, we practically had to force you to stop. Bechara Ideal Singh still has a rash.
  20. Bangladesh Zindabad. Ping Pong Zindabad http://www.ping-pong.com/
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