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Gur Sangat Jee,

I wanted to get your input on Savaa Lakh Jaaps and 40 day Jaaps. I am not sure if I am correct but is there always an Imtihan or Test while or when you finish these Jaaps? Is it always that the individual doing these jaaps has to undergo some kind've hardship before things become better?

Could you pls provide your insight or experiences or other bachans you may have heard about these from various Gursikhs/Mahapurshes.

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When you do bhakti of any sort, you will always experience difficulties in the begginning stages. when doing naam simran you will first experience your mind to wander, this being because your mind has nothing physical to rest itself upon. You need to focus on the 3rd eye, which lies inbetween your eyes browes. Once you do start doing it on a regular basis, you will see physical obsticles. For example, your mind will get distracted and you will say 'i'll do it on 5 minutes' but that 5 minutes will never come. You will also start to feel tired when you start to do your paath, and you will want to go to sleep, this is just you being test to see where your priorities lie. You will also feel angry and get annoyed at every little thing. This is your inner soul getting clensed, spiritually. Depending on your karma, the more bad you have done, that has stained your soul, the more distractions you will get. this is where you have to control your anger and your temptations. in Kaal Yug, the more you go towards naam, the more obsticles you face. The only way you can over come them is by understanding, and controlling them. Getting onto the latter stages, once you get into the routine of doing bhakti, you will feel like something is blowing in the middle of your forehead, where your 3rd eye is located. In a nut shell, your eye has been triggered basically. At the same time you will also experience 'pin-pricks- on your toes, this is also a auspicious sign. You also feel your this on your forehead. After that, you will get a sooting sensation in your stomoch when doing naam simran, these are your inner chakras that are being activated/aroused. In the latter stages, you will start seeing flashes of different sorts, Blue/White/Yellow. This is your psychic/cosmic energies coming into practise. You will then experience dreams, may be of you doing a jhakara, you may see the SGGS Ji, or even the Gurus coming into your dream and guiding you in some sort of way.

What i do is, Mool Mantar - Nitnem - Naam Simran. Before i start to do anysort of bhakti i tend to do 1 mala of Chachri chand from jaap sahib. I personally feel this has helped me alot as this created a cosmic field that protects you agains any evils that may distract you anlong the the path to Hari. The most important thing is 'Ardas'. Never for get to do that. There are many learned Gursikhs on this forum that can assist also. Good Luck,



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Thanks for the detailed reply,

I have experienced many of the things you have mentioned like the dreams, soothing sensation in the stomach, pain in the area where we tie our jooraa, sleepyness, short temperness.

I am not sure how I am feeling these days, sometimes it seems as if God has made it very difficult to walk on this path - and I ask why? Why is it so difficult and so many pyhsical and mental obstacles. Why is Dukh Daroo? So much tension and uncertanity.

I feel sometimes as if God is the best and worst friend a person could ever have...............when he is there he is there and when not it seems as if he doesn't listen and we have no way of convincing him to help.

I mean there is no gaurantee, is there that if you do naam jap or bhakti that you wil be excepted - It all rely's on his grace. No wonder hardly anybody wants to walk on this path..............

My life is in shambles...............everything is falling apart and nothing i do materializes into anything good. I am so tired waiting for this grace to come...................why me?????

Every Sant Mahapursh who I ask always say it is an Imthihan, test...................I am so tired of hearing this, what is being tested and what do we gain from the test? I really don't understand and my mental tension is increasing day by day........................I only find that I am drowning in more tension and doubt........why me???

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Thanks for the response. In Kalyug, whoever treads on the path of rightousness will certainly experoence difficulties. Kaal will try to distract you from the path of rightousness and comes in many forms. Maya is the biggest. Sri uru Granth sahib ji is our living gur. If you have a Question, speak to SGGS Ji. You will get your answer. In reality, what is it thats falling apart? We come into this world on your own, and you will go alone. If your not getting materialistic gains, then you need to understand that its really just temporary. You first need to accept death and realise whjy you are on this plane? this is just a test and the more emphasis you put on what you are not gaining materialistically, will take you away from your spirituality. Although there are paaths you do, you need to keep rahit maryada. What i mean is that you need to be pure, have a clean heart and never speak bad about anyone. its hard when you step on the path of rightousness with so many materialistic gains and expectations because when you do bhakti, you should really discard all these comforts.



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The thing is why is there so much info/parchaar out there that bani will solve your problems whether they are wordly or spiritual??? When I hear that stuff I try and do those things, but things don't get mended and I loose faith................

For ex. lots of the katha by today Sants like Ginai Thakur Singh Patiala, Bh Guriqbal Singh Mata Kaulan, etc, etc lots of there katha focus's on praying to solve your problems based on like Bh Santokh writngs and "Sharda Pooran" which as I understand was asked to Guru Gobing Singh by Bh.Mani Singh - how will Sikhs get there problems solved rather going to Pundits, etc.

What is one to do, when we have so many issues that need resolving and sincered need help..........who else to turn to to................Jaas Japat Pooran Sabh Kaam...........sabh kaam doesn't it mean all work?

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Samosasingh, I feel for you and don't take this the wrong way, but we need 100% pooran sharda & vishvas (faith) first, then it is guaranteed that whatever Gurbani says will happen.

From your posts, it seems you still have doubts. Gurbani can and will solve any problems, but sometimes what we see as a problem is in reality medicine for our future wellbeing. "Dukh Daroo, Sukh Rog Bhaiyaa...." Also, we sometimes ask for things that will be detrimental to us and of course Guru Ji doesn't give these to us just like a father knows what is good and bad for his child.

There is a sakhi about 2 friends, one used to go to sangat in the evenings, the other to a prostitute. One day, the one who went to Sangat got a thorn in his foot and was in pain while the one who went to the prostitute found a case filled with gold coins. The Gurmukh asked his Guru why this happened. Guru Ji said, "because of your previous karam, you were meant to be hanged today, but by coming to sangat and doing paath etc your karams have reduced to the point that instead of faansi, you just got pricked by a thorn. On the other hand, your friend had good previous karam and was to become a Raja, but because of his actions, all he got was a case of gold coins."

Sometimes it seems like we are really suffering, but who knows what would have been if we weren't in Guru Sahib's sharan.

Do ardas with faith and pyar and Guru Ji will listen, that is guaranteed. In the mean time, accept Hukam gratefully - look at the lives of our Gurus, they went through so much for us, to teach us to be happy whatever happens. Thay had unlimited shakti to do as they pleased but still sacrificed everything.

Another thing is not to go to every Mahapursh you hear of. If you are lucky to have sangat of a pooran Sant, then stick with what they tell you and don't wander from one door to another, you won't achieve anything.

The best way to bring change in your life is to read GUrbani and do what Guru Ji tells us to do - i.e. reading Gurbani is not enough, we must ACT on the words.

Are you in the UK?

Guru Rakha.

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I agree we need pooran faith, maybe I lack that. Life has been full of very disturbing and difficult experiences and situations keep always keep repeating and never get better, I am bogged down by all of these problems constantly.................How do we know if the Mahapursh is pooran? I have met many, many Sants. They all give me lots of time to discuss my issues with them. Some hours upon hours, but I laways find that very little actually gets solved..................I don't know really doubtfull these days.......I am in Canada.

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I feel your pain samosa singh i alot of the time feel preety much the same way and question alot of things even the existance of God at times.

I came across this quote recently on pain by an american poet Jim Morrison i think it was

“People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.”
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