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Sikh Gurdwara Vandalised And Sikh Stabbed In Australia


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Melbourne, Australia: Racial assaults continue unchecked in Australia. On Monday, a Sikh gurdwara was vandalized in Shepparton, a small town 90km north of Melbourne.

Racist graffiti and swastikas were scribbled on its walls, eggs thrown at it and the fencing around the gurdwara smashed by a car. On Tuesday, another Indian student was stabbed in the chest by a box-cutter knife on his way to college in east Melbourne.

Meanwhile, Australia set up an inquiry committee to look into the attacks even as Union minister for overseas Indian affairs Vayalar Ravi said his ministry would prepare and maintain a register of all Indians studying abroad and streamline campus placements to foreign universities.

Nardeep Singh, a 20-year-old from Ludhiana, was assaulted in a car park. The five attackers initially asked for cigarettes. When the student replied he was a non-smoker, they asked for money. On refusal, one of them stabbed him in the chest. Nardeep is a student of nursing at the Chisholm Technical Institute.

Singh, who had arrived in Australia only a month ago, fled to the police station where his statement was recorded. He is under observation in a Melbourne hospital.

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This is not a surprise, not long ago, there were four Indians on student visa in Australia who were savagely racially attacked by rednecks there which triggered swift response from Indian Diplomats to investigate the incidents and bring these people to justice.

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These people try to do the same to Lebonese people in Australia, but the Lebelonese have unity and strike back hard at these racists. That is how the early Indians dealth with racists in the UK during the 50s and 60s.

Actually brother, the Lebanese that were having problems with the rednecks, were just as bad as they were. They are both scum imo.

There have been incidents involving Sikh/Punjabi/Indian students being attacked by gangs of Lebanese thugs in Sydney as of late.

You can read about it here:


Another of the recent incidents has involving a Sikh and his dastaar:


The worst thing is that with the incident involving the Sikh student, the so-called Indian community president dismissed it as racism and said he was 'in the wrong place at the wrong time'.

Statements like that really rile me up. On top of these attacks, you have these spine-less apologists as community 'leaders'.

On another note, as this is my first post I'd like to extend a warm 'Sat Sri Akaal/Fateh' to all. I really like the overall tone of this forum as compared to some of the other ones I've been frequenting. I am glad to see that many of the forum members do not hold a strictly black and white view of Sikhi. How refreshing! :)

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for your input on what's going on in Australia.

What are the gurdwaras in the community doing there? Perhaps this would be a good idea for them to reach out to the Indian student population and start running some basic Sikhi and self-defence classes. Then we can see how brave these Lebanese and redneck thugs are when faced with a jhatha of Shastardari dumaala-sporting kirpan-wielding Gursikhs trained in shastar vidiya. :D

If the police are doing nothing about these racist attacks, then there are two options open to the Indian population there: they can organise themselves into fraternal and underground organisations like the Italian- and Sicilian-Americans who established the American Cosa Nostra in the 19th century when they emigrated to the States, or they can do what the Irish-Americans did to battle dicrimination in the US and fill the ranks of the police with people to protect their own.



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