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Muslims Clash With Anti-Islamisation Protesters In Brum


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Since, the last one went so well, I decided that I would have to go and watch this one first hand.

The news reports the England Defence League and the UAF guys causing trouble when it was actually fantical Muslims (along with their Unite Against Fascism But Not Islamofascism friends) who were the ones making the threatening gestures and started the bottle and brick throwing. See here for pics:


I am going to have to start practising dodging bottles to my real life combat training methinks, since some silly Mulsim goon managed to bruise my hand with a misaimed lob. (He apologised, so I didn't turn him into a halaal kebab.)

The EDL was relatively well-behaved until some whiteys started to hurl back bottles and crap.

All in all a fun day out for all the family.


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Since, the last one went so well, I decided that I would have to go and watch this one first hand.

The news reports the England Defence League and the UAF guys causing trouble when it was actually fantical Muslims (along with their Unite Against Fascism But Not Islamofascism friends) who were the ones making the threatening gestures and started the bottle and brick throwing. See here for pics:


I am going to have to start practising dodging bottles to my real life combat training methinks, since some silly Mulsim goon managed to bruise my hand with a misaimed lob. (He apologised, so I didn't turn him into a halaal kebab.)

The EDL was relatively well-behaved until some whiteys started to hurl back bottles and crap.

All in all a fun day out for all the family.


I've seen the media use terms like 'South-Asian' and 'Anti-facist' to describe these sullay. Basically any word except for what they really are; Muslims.

And these guys have the nerve to spread conspiracy theories about the media being run by Jews - pull the other one Abdul.

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I saw on sky news how the EDL had put indian, israeli and jamaican flags on one of the buses they used to get to birmingham. I found it funny at first but realised that if they really do have links to the BNP, then these sort of gestures will help get support from ordinary whites by 'convincing' them they are not racist. That will open the door to more BNP support.......

Also of interest: http://www.easterneye.eu/news.html?groupId=7&newsId=5395#top

I think its a lie as i havent found anything on http://www.englishdefenceleague.org/index.html

If it is a lie, then we need to complain at these journalists who like to scaremonger about what sikhs are supposedly doing. One minute they say we have links to al-qaeda and then to the EDL, its hard sometimes trying to keep up with who we're meant to be in cahoots with! lol

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