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Dantewada: 75 Crpf Men Killed In Deadliest Maoist Strike


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In the deadliest attack on security forces, Maoists trapped and gunned down 75 security personnel during Operation Green Hunt, an offensive against the Left-wing extremists, on Tuesday morning in the thick forests of Mukrana in Dantewada district of Chattisgarh.

The incident took place between 6 am and 7 am, when nearly 80 personnel from the Central Reserve Police Force and the state police were returning after opening a road for the troops, to begin an operation against Maoists. While 74 of those killed were CRPF personnel, including a deputy and an assistant commandant, one was a head constable of the district police.

Dantewada Superintendent of Police Amresh Mishra said the Maoists first blew up a vehicle carrying the CRPF personnel near Chintalnar-Tarmetla village in the district.

Immediately after the blast, the CRPF personnel and a few police personnel tried to take cover when they came under heavy fire from hundreds of Maoists, well entrenched on the adjacent hillock.

The CRPF team had been camping in the interiors of Tarmetla jungles for the last three days as part of a combing operation and area domination exercise, Mishra said.

The attack shook the Centre and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh [ Images ] called up Home Minister P Chidambaram [ Images ] to make an assessment of the situation.

Both of them expressed shock over the attack and grief over the loss of lives. While the prime minister called it a 'horrific' incident, Chidambaram said the attack showed the brutality and savagery of the Maoists. Rattled by the 'very high' casualty, Chidambaram said something must have gone 'drastically wrong' in the joint operation as the personnel seemed to have walked into a trap.

Bodies of the 75 personnel have been recovered from the site of the attack, suspected to have been carried out by nearly 1,000 Maoists, Inspector General R K Vij said. The Maoists had planted improvised explosive devices, which blew up an anti-mine vehicle, killing the driver.

This was followed by heavy exchange of fire between the remaining CRPF personnel and the Maoists.

The injured CRPF men have been evacuated for treatment from the forest area, he said.

The bodies of the slain CRPF personnel will be brought to Jagdalpur by Indian Air Force helicopters from where they will be flown to Delhi [ Images ] in the IAF's AN-32 planes.

CRPF Director General Vikram Srivastava, who rushed from New Delhi to the site of the attack, said, "The CRPF men were in the forests for operational duty when the Naxals attacked. It is very tragic and sad."

Chief Minister Raman Singh called a meeting of top officials to discuss the strategy in the aftermath of the dastardly attack. "This incident showed the real face of Maoists," he said.

CRPF Special Director General Vijay Raman, who is also the commander of the Anti-Naxal Task Force, is on his way to the forest area. Additional reinforcements have already been sent and search operations are on in the area.

The operation to rescue injured jawans was over and the bodies were being airlifted.

The attack comes two days after Maoists triggered a land mine blast in Orissa's Koraput district, killing 11 security personnel of the elite anti-Naxal Special Operations Group.

On February 15, 24 personnel of the Eastern Frontier Rifles were killed in a Maoist attack on their camp in West Bengal's [ Images ] West Midnapore district.

In earlier major attacks, Maoists killed 38 greyhound commandos of the Andhra Pradesh police in a reservoir in June 2008 in Orissa, while 16 policemen were killed in the jungles of Gadchiroli in Maharashtra [ Images ] in last June.

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Nice backround article:


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Experts have advised the Government to address the root causes of the problem — poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and the caste system — and to boost investment in local policing — but it appears determined to seek a military solution to the problem, throwing thousands of poorly trained paramilitary forces into unfamiliar territory to hunt down the rebels.

I agree with the Headlines that maoists are greater threat to India than islamic militants and poverty illiteracy ,unemployment are root cause of it but Article has forgot to mention that main aim of Naxal is not elimination of poverty but to set up a communist state and that is their main goal.At present government in those area cannot do anything because

Naxals don't allow any schools,hospitals to be setup by government.We should remember that in the name of elimination of poverty many Governments in the world were overthrown by communists and majority of them failed to eradicate poverty. most of those countries have adopted democracy now because communism is a failed ideology.Also their are reports that big corporate houses in India like Tata are paying money to naxals so they can do mining in these area's

Here is the story of Girl who joined and left naxal movement


Btw the only states that are totally unaffected by this movement are Punjab,Haryana,Gujarat,Rajasthan and Kerala.Northeastern states too are unaffected but they have their own movements

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Do you think these guys have any actual real chance of success? Also is India doing that zulmi stuff they did in Panjab in the region?

These guys seem organised. I don't recall kharkoos ever getting that many faujis/cops in one go.

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Do you think these guys have any actual real chance of success? Also is India doing that zulmi stuff they did in Panjab in the region?

These guys seem organised. I don't recall kharkoos ever getting that many faujis/cops in one go.

The support of naxal movement is growing so in future

they could cause serious problems in States where there is extreme poverty but on the other hand capitalist states like Gujarat ,Punjab will never accept their model of communism so India could disintigrate because of Naxalism.

India is still quite soft on Naxals.Today Indian home minister ruled out any use of army against them and I have to say 1 thing that India is not the only country where zulmi stuff was done.All countries do this stuff

when they see a separatist movement or movement that could takeover a country.

Naxals are able to kill such a large number of CRPF jawans because they are fighting in heavily forested area while Punjab's kharkoo's were fighting in the plains of punjab.They didn't have any jungle's to hide them.On the other hand security forces become sitting ducks for Naxals because dense forest and hilly terrain

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Have they formed any known connections with other more established communist/pseudo communist states/movements?

What about weaponary? Do we know the sources and types being used?

When you say they want to establish a Naxalite state, what are the motivations for this?

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Have they formed any known connections with other more established communist/pseudo communist states/movements?

In Nepal maoists have already overthrown the king and they are now part of government.In India there are few reports about INdian maoists getting some help from Nepali maoists or china but still there is no big proof of it.

What about weaponary? Do we know the sources and types being used?

Majority of their weapons are weapons which are looted from Indian security forces.apart from that they use

some chinese or their own made weapons.

When you say they want to establish a Naxalite state, what are the motivations for this?

Their motivation is from marx.Here is the article


if they have guns then we have Marx

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Interesting quote:

Firstly, the party would like to become a centre for the country's people and their development, represent their aspirations. We represent over 95 per cent of the population. We are not working for partial reform within the bourgeois and exploitative system. We are fighting for the socio-economic demands of the people as well as for the qualitative change of the very basic structure of the society. If we succeed in clearly explaining it to the people, we will succeed to mobilise them in the war and win.

Whenever a protracted people's war has been fought without a mass base, army or liberated area, people have not succeeded in forming a strong united front. We have to strive hard to mobilise masses in the war against their enemies and build own army and establish stable base areas, and march forwards building a strong united front.[/quote]

Sounds like they are following Che Guevera's guerilla warfare manual?

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These quotes look so good on paper but one should ask them question that will they do after they take over the land.In 20th century many countries were captured by communists in the name of poor.What is their condition now? Many adopted democracy other like China adopted brutal capitalist policies to improve their economy.Once these Naxal will take over the Land what will they do? Will they invite big corporate houses of USA and force tribals to work at minimum wage ?


Maoists clear that violence is only way to achieve their goal


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