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Brown People's Inferiority Complex


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The way they pushed the white supremacy agenda subtly and blatantly you're probably on the money. 

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LOL! What a hilarious video. She looked like she had boot polish on her face and a wig on. LOL!!! I saw the comments on youtube. Apparently it's a parody. 

Anyway, who is pushing this 'white agenda'? Are you saying white people are behind whitening creams in India? I very much doubt that.

Anyway let's face the facts. All people of Indian descent have a 'penchant' for fair skins including those who are so vociferous against the usage of whitening creams. When they get caught getting married to a fairer partner, their usual answer would be, "I looked beyond her skin color, we just fell in love, bla, bla, bla...." ya, right. LOL! So let's all stop kidding ourselves, ok. LOL!!!!

Secondly, wanting to be fairer and white are 2 different things. Have you met really, really white people? I'm talking about those pasty white people that obviously don't go out in the sun much where their skin is almost a reddish hue. Not saying they're ugly but they don't look that great either. The ones you see on tv are actually the 'darker' ones, the ones with some 'color'. Hence the term, tall, dark and handsome. So no, I don't believe it's wanting to be 'white' but more so wanting to be 'fairer'. Two different concepts.

Lastly I believe Indians having a penchant for fair skin existed much earlier, before the any white man set foot in India. I believe it has something to do with the original fairer invaders in the North (India) from Central Asia invading and pushing the darker Dravidians to the south. My guess is that the 'invaders' were superior culturally which is why they could easily defeat the original inhabitants and push them south. So everybody wants to emulate the stronger and culturally superior fairer people. My theory anyways. 

Lastly, we always want something that is not obtainable. This is human nature. If tomorrow something happened whereby all Indians suddenly became super fair, you would see the rise of tanning booths. I know this sounds crazy but that is exactly what is happening in the West. It's human nature. I remember once where Persian cats were the craze. So many people imported them and then they started mating with the local cats and now you see so many 'Persian starys' that it's no more a craze anymore.

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Lastly I believe Indians having a penchant for fair skin existed much earlier, before the any white man set foot in India. I believe it has something to do with the original fairer invaders in the North (India) from Central Asia invading and pushing the darker Dravidians to the south. My guess is that the 'invaders' were superior culturally which is why they could easily defeat the original inhabitants and push them south. So everybody wants to emulate the stronger and culturally superior fairer people. My theory anyways. 

You've just brought into the whole 'Aryan invasion theory' without evaluating it. Well done. 

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Evangelizing conquest method historically practiced by goras has given way to more crafty scheme of promoting liberalism, dumbocracy and other isms for export.

Notice how many Desis fall for feminism, liberalism, capitalism, libertarianism, socialism etc...it represents a new chapter in our intellectual slavery to the West. I go on social media and these kids in India identifying themselves by these isms, left wing, right wing, all sorts of imported dialectic. I even see our people trying to prove how Indic faiths promote XYZ westernism just so that they can get a pat on the back from saheb. Muslims on the other hand are so clever that they are able to subvert something like feminism to the point that even White feminists will repeat some nonsense about how hijab is liberating, world hijab day etc..

All of those narratives are controlled by the west, and like dalsingh ji rightly noted, the African americans seem to have caught on to the agenda :


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Good ideas from anywhere are welcome. But must be tailored to local circumstances and applied. Lifting entire meme complexes from elsewhere and forcing it with scant regard to Indian traditions, history & complexity will only result in disaster. In this regard, even the "right thinking" Hindus & Sikhs, like the ones in UK who support EDL for e.g., share an innate inferiority complex stemming from their lack of knowledge & deep understanding of how the world works, let alone know nuances of Indic traditions/history.

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Ibn Khaldun, a great thinker of Islam, on cultural imperialism :-

“The vanquished always seek to imitate the victors in their dress, insignia, beliefs and other customs and usages. This is because men are always inclined to attribute perfection to those who have defeated and subjugated them. Men do this either because the reverence they feel for their conquerors makes them see perfection in them or because they refuse to admit that their defeat could have been brought about by ordinary causes and hence suppose it is due to the perfection of their conquerors.

Should this belief persist for long, it will change into a profound conviction and will lead to the adoption of all the tenets of the victors and the imitation of all their characteristics. This imitation may come about consciously or unconsciously or because of a mistaken belief that the victory of their conquerors was due not to their superior solidarity and strength but due to the inferiority of the customs and beliefs of the conquered. Hence arises the further belief that such an imitation will remove the cause of defeat.”

Edited by asingh10
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Forget anything else, get over your own complex on the matter. I know a few top ranking Sikh leaders in the misl period were dark skinned from surviving contemporary evidence. No one had a problem with it then (and no I can't be bothered to hunt it out and show people before anyone asks). 


I don't think Sikhs obsessed with it like some do now in the past. I don't think skin colour was 'racialised' like it is now with the introduction of that stupid theory you referred to earlier. I've read a fair bit of older original Sikh literature and no one mentions this in the racial way of Aryan and Scythian invasion theories until goray put the idea in their heads, then it starts popping up in post British invasion literature. It's a foreign concept that subtly implies the superiority of white skin from a time that whites were convincing themselves of their own superiority and keen for us to accept our own subjugation as natural.. 

I don't want to even get into this bullshit anymore. It's boring. I was just trying to highlight the bewakoofi when I made the OP. Talking from a male hetro perspective: I know plenty of dark skinned women that are stunningly beautiful, and plenty of fair skinned chicks look like dogs. End of. 

The fact that we are still on this as a community or individuals says a lot about our depth (or lack of).

All we need to do is condemn this 5hit and shame those still obsessed with it (quickly) and move onto more interesting things. 

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Fact is sakas are scythian Russians & were our vassals in mahabharat. 


Persian zorastrians speak Sanskrit with one vowel changed & claim they come from Indus. 


What else to say, end of day for those Desi men who want to stay in the west & have no problem with debauchery.. 


Fact is white women already throw themselves at us go do love jihad. 


When our own women see goris running at us like locomotives, they will turn towards Desi culture harder. I.e use polygamy to control women 


As for the men, it seems historically 1/3 men reproduce so we can't really hel every single male. Just save the ones you can & focus on the women as they are the future. 



Far as English education thing with that is multi-faceted & will take 25-30yrs to bring back Sanskrit education where even Sikhs learned Mahabharat Ramayan from birth. *gasp

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