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Why The Need For The Khalsa?


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The Khalsa must be Autonomous and Self-Respecting

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Sikh warriors.

The highly respected Itihasik granth “Sri Gur Panth Prakash” (1841) also known as “Prachin Panth Prakash” written by Bhai Rattan Singh Bhangu, is a treasure chest of Sikh history and kathavachaks (Sikh preachers) continue daily to share the stories contained within this text in Gurdwara’s around the world.

Rattan Singh Bhangu came from a lineage of Sikh warriors, and had first hand knowledge on many historical and religious practices of the Sikh nation.

Rattan Singh’s grandfather was the renowned shaheed singh Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji, who beheaded Massa Rangar for the desecration of the Harimandir Sahib at Amritsar. Rattan Singh’s father was Bhai Rai Singh Ji, who as a child survived an attack by the Muslim Government, which left his whole family dead. Bhai Rai Singh Ji later joined the Karora Singhia Misl of the Budha Dal.

Below is a passage from Prachin Panth Prakash where Bhai Rattan Singh Ji is answering questions from Captain David Murry of the British East India Company, regarding the purpose of the Khalsa :

Dohra : Then Captain Murry made further enquiries from me, That I must narrate the account of the Sikhs in minute detail. How did the Tenth Guru create the order of the Khalsa Panth? What kind of strategies did he employ to promote this order? (1)

When the whole populace of India constituted their subjects, How did the Sikhs manage to expand their influence? (2)

How did the subjects of this region (Punjab) put up a defiance to their rule? Where had the Mughal’s Army disappeared to allow this defiance? (3)

Were the Mughals not well informed about the Sikhs? Were they ignorant about the hostility between them and the Sikh Gurus? Had they reached some kind of settlement with the Sikhs? Had they accepted the Sikhs as the third religion ? (4)

Wasn’t there any politically shrewd person among the Mughals, Who could pinpoint the rising power of the Sikhs? Did the Khalsa Panth not stake their claim to sovereignty? Did the Khalsa Panth remain unnoticed by the Mughals? (5)

Dohra : The way I answered these questions put forth by Captain Murry, My Gursikh readers must listen to the same account. The Khalsa Panth was as sharp and marked since its inception, As tender thorns are sharp and pointed from their budding stage. (6)

Chaupai : How could the Khalsa Singhs remain existent in isolation and secrecy? How could the Khalsa Panth remain hidden from the public gaze? The Singhs’ organisation was created to wage a war, As the Khalsa Panth was anointed with the touch of weapons. (7)

The Khalsa Panth was initiated (Baptised) with the ceremonial sword as, The Khalsa Panth was administered the first draught of the sword immersed in elixir. With iron rings and sword on their headgear and slung across the shoulders, How could they remain unnoticed like the sharp-nailed lions in a jungle? (8)

The perfect Guru the Tenth created the Khalsa Panth in this manner, So that they must wage a war against oppression. Since no body achieves sovereignty without waging a war, The Tenth Guru had decided this strategy from the very beginning. (9)

Dohra : There had developed a great hostility and conflict, Between the Sikh Gurus and the Mughal emperor. Since Guru Tegh Bahadur had sacrificed his life for this reason, How could the Sikhs let the Mughals get away with it? (10)

Chaupai : Guru Tegh Bahadur, by making the Supreme sacrifice at Delhi, Had uprooted the Mughal Emperor’s roots from Delhi. Guru Gobind Singh had made a proper assessment that, The roots (foundations) of the Mughal empire’s had completely withered. (11)

But even an old tree does not fall down without its roots being cut, Or else a mighty storm could bring it tumbling down. Now the Mughal empire needed to be stormed with an armed attack, This was the only way to bring this crumbling empire down. (12)

So Satguru Guru Gobind Singh himself decided to pick up the sword, And bring about the destruction of the Mughal empire. But then Guru Gobind Singh felt in his heart of hearts, That he himself had no need for a worthless royal power. (13)

Sri Guru Nanak had blessed him with such a great divine seat, That all of Temporal royal power was subservient to it. Since he did not care for such an inferior temporal power, He must pass on this kind of political power to his followers. (14)

Dohra : Thereafter it occured to Satguru Guru Gobind Singh’s mind, That the reign of Mughal rulers must be replaced. For this purpose, all the chiefs of the hill states, Must be made to pick up the sword against the Mughals. (15)

Chaupai : But then on a second thought, Guru Gobind Singh thought, That these hill chiefs had never been his followers. Why should he invest them with rare power without any service? Why should he embrace these outsiders at the cost of his own followers? (16)

They are as indifferent as the stone idols that they worship, And they had always been ungrateful to the House of Nanak. (17)

As they called themselves soldiers and as belonging to martial races, They would never acknowledge that the Guru had conferred power on them. He would confer power and sovereignty on the poor people, Who would gratefully acknowledge his (Guru’s) contribution. (18)

Dohra : The needy alone deserve to be endowed with rare gifts, What is the use of empowering those who are already powerful. The House of Nanak is known for its compassion and generosity, And known as the saviour and protector of the poor. (19)

Chaupai : Those who belong to the various offshoots of lowly twelve sub-castes, And who know nothing about the game of power politics. Who are contemptuously known as rustic peasants, in the society, or known as traders, small time shopkeepers and petty fighters. (20)

Those who belong to the low castes of blacksmiths and carpenters, And the lowly placed tailors and wine-venders would receive his benediction. This fraternity will also include the low caste cattle grazers, rustics, and cow herds, And the ignoble vegetable growers and scheduled castes. (21)

Water-carriers, Barbers, small venders, potters will also join this community, Sainis, goldsmiths, sweepers and cobblers will form a part of this brotherhood. Ballad-singers, priests, and mendicants will also be the alliance partners, Salt-traders, potters and artisans will also share power. (22)

I shall confer sovereignty on these poor and needy Gursikhs, So that they may remember my patronage and benediction. Saying this Guru Gobind Singh challenged his followers, That they should pick up swords and attack the Mughals. (23)

Dohra : The Sikhs did not agree to Guru Gobind Singh’s proposal, Since they were highly scared of the Mughal empire’s power. The Mughals had a large and powerful army, When would they relinquish power and their hold over India? (24)

Chaupai : So the Sikhs did not accept Guru Gobind Singh’s advice, As they felt that they would not be able to defeat the Mughals. The Sikhs were just timid sparrows as compared to the Hawk like Mughals, Or The Sikhs were just lambs against the lion like Mughals. (25)

How could the Guru expect deer-like Sikhs to vanquish the lion-like Mughal forces? How could a downward flowing rivulet flow back towards the high-sloped mountains? Their forces consisted of veteran soldiers and warrior Pathans. While the Sikhs Constituted poor unskilled rustics, barbers and carpenters. (26)

They told the Guru that he had selected all the low-caste people, Who were completely defenceless and unarmed. He should throw this challenge before the martial royal chiefs, As they were the right persons who could serve his purpose. (27)

Dohra : Then Sri Guru Gobind Singh felt anguished and thought, That his followers did not wish to achieve anything in life. He had wished to confer power and sovereignty on them, But they were repeatedly refusing to accept this honour. (28)

Chaupai : Sri Guru Gobind Singh, being the knower of all hearts, Had diagnosed the root cause of his Sikh’s psychic malady. Since these Sikhs had been peaceful followers of a Charan Pahul tradition,There was no spark of self-assertion and retaliation in their psyche. (29)

Dohra : They had been used to wearing a black woolen silken cap as head cover, As they had been indoctrinated to call themselves as servants or slaves, They being grounded in excessive compassion and humility, It would be futile to ask them to pick up swords. (30)

Chaupai : He should first bring about a transformation in their character, And make their appearance formidable that evokes fear and awe. He should give his organisation a charismatic nomenclature, And administer a heavy dose of powerful elixir to them. (31)

So Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh arrived at a firm resolution, And made efforts to implement it after deep contemplation. They must adopt the dress code of a martial warrior race, And grow hair and wear turbans on their heads. (32)

The warrior Kshtriyas had been suffixing the title “Singhs”. The same name “Singh” would suit his followers’ names as well. He resolved to administer to them the “Khandey-ki-Pahul”, In order to make the Khalsa formidable and resolute. (33)

In this way, they would learn the art of wielding power, And develop a feeling of having become rulers and sovereigns. From people weak as straw and reeds, he would turn them into men of steel, After partaking of sword-initiated elixir, they would not be scared to pick up swords. (34)

Dohra : The Khalsa must be as autonomous and self-respecting, As embodiment of all the Divine attributes in plenty. Never submitting to the sovereignty of anyone else, Except the sovereignty and autonomy of God alone. (35)

Chaupai : From then on, the Khalsa would not worship any spirits and graves of Pirs, Nor would they be worshippers of “Gugapir Sultan”. They would no longer wear saffron mark, sacred thread or lose apparel (dhoti), Eliminating all caste distinctions, they would dine together. (36)

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  • 8 months later...

the khalsa tries to be autonomour, but the SGPC keeps trying again and again to stick their leg in and corrupt it!

I could say the same about caste based phudhus like yourself, who keep dragging the Khalsa down into the realm of 'peasant religion'.

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I could say the same about caste based phudhus like yourself, who keep dragging the Khalsa down into the realm of 'peasant religion'.

oh dear, are you wound up again? What have the lowly peasants done to you this time? The khalsa cannot lose its kshatri dharam due to a few lowly peasants can it? And yes these peasants are following religion now, they have become "advanced" because the british introduced them to "religion". Only need a few bibles now and the missions shall be complete!

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  • 1 year later...

oh dear, are you wound up again? What have the lowly peasants done to you this time? The khalsa cannot lose its kshatri dharam due to a few lowly peasants can it? And yes these peasants are following religion now, they have become "advanced" because the british introduced them to "religion". Only need a few bibles now and the missions shall be complete!

dog, u're name is london da jatt.

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