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Revealed: Sas Advised 1984 Amritsar Raid:

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"London: A British MP on Monday claimed that top secret documents suggested Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's government helped Indira Gandhi plan the storming of the Golden Temple in 1984 to flush out militants from the shrine, an operation that left more than 1,000 people dead.

Tom Watson, the Labour lawmaker from West Bromwich East, said the documents released under Britain's 30-year rule included "papers from Mrs Thatcher authorising the SAS (Special Air Service) to collude with the Indian government on the planning on the raid of the Golden Temple".

The government apparently "held back" some more documents and "I don't think that's going to wash", he told BBC Asian Network.

"I think British Sikhs and all those concerned about human rights will want to know exactly the extent of Britain's collusion with this period and this episode and will expect some answers from the Foreign Secretary," Watson said.

He wrote on his website that he would write to the Foreign Secretary and raise the issue in the House of Commons to get a "full explanation". "But trying to hide what we did, not coming clean, I think would be a very grave error and I very much hope that the Foreign Secretary will...Reveal the documents that exist and give us an explanation to the House of Commons and to the country about the role of Britain at that very difficult time for Sikhism and Sikhs," he added.

- http://zeenews.india.com/news/world/thatcher-colluded-with-indira-for-op-bluestar-labour-mp_903859.html

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found http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-25723875

states in here it was a typo

The S and D are next to each other on a keyboard so easily done.

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British PM orders probe into Thatcher link to Operation Bluestar

PTI - Jan 14, 2014, 06.40 AM IST
LONDON: British Prime Minister David Cameron has directed his cabinet secretary to establish the facts behind claims that Margaret Thatcher's government may have helped Indira Gandhi plan Operation Bluestar in 1984.

Labour MP
Tom Watson and Lord Indarjit Singh had demanded an explanation after recently declassified documents indicated thatBritain's Special Air Service (SAS) officials had been dispatched to help India on the planning on the raid of the Golden Temple to flush out militants from the shrine, an operation left more than 1,000 people dead.

"These events led to a tragic loss of life and we understand the very legitimate concerns that these papers will raise. The Prime Minister has asked the cabinet secretary to look into this case urgently and establish the facts," a UK government spokesperson said in a statement issued here yesterday night.

"The PM and the foreign secretary were unaware of these papers prior to publication. Any requests today for advice from foreign governments are always evaluated carefully with full ministerial oversight and appropriate legal advice," he added.

The documents being referenced were released by the
National Archives in London under the 30-year declassification rule as part of a series over the New Year.

A letter marked "top secret and personal" dated February 23, 1984, nearly four months before the incident in Amritsar, titled 'Sikh Community', reads: "The Indian authorities recently sought British advice over a plan to remove Sikh extremists from the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

"The foreign secretary decided to respond favourably to the Indian request and, with the Prime Minister's agreement, an SAS officer has visited India and drawn up a plan which has been approved by Mrs Gandhi. The foreign secretary believes that the
Indian government may put the plan into operation shortly."

"These documents prove what Sikhs have suspected all along, that plans to invade the Golden Temple went back months even though the Indian government was claiming even weeks before that there were no such plans," Lord Singh, also the director of the Network of Sikh Organisations in the UK, told.

"I have already approached the Indian government through the high commission of India for the need of an independent international enquiry to establish the exact facts. I will now raise the issue in the
House of Lords," he added.

Some of the documents have been reproduced on the 'Stop Deportations' blog which focuses on Britain's immigration policy and claim Thatcher sent SAS officials to advise Mrs Gandhi on the operation. "I've only seen the documents this morning (Monday) and am

"I've only seen the documents this morning (Monday) and am told there are others that have been withheld. This is not good enough. It is not unreasonable to ask for an explanation about the extent of British military collusion with the government of Indira Gandhi," Watson, an MP for West Bromwich East, said.

He has written to UK foreign secretary
William Hague and plans to raise the issue in the House of Commons.

"I think British Sikhs and all those concerned about human rights will want to know exactly the extent of Britain's collusion with this period and this episode and will expect some answers from the foreign secretary.

"But trying to hide what we did, not coming clean, I think would be a very grave error and I very much hope that the foreign secretary will...reveal the documents that exist and give us an explanation to the
House of Commons and to the country about the role of Britain at that very difficult time for Sikhism and Sikhs," he added.

Five months after Operation Bluestar, Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in retaliation for the raid on the Golden Temple.

source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/uk/British-PM-orders-probe-into-Thatcher-link-to-Operation-Bluestar/articleshow/28771352.cms
Edited by Soul_jyot
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That's just some damage limitation exercise.

Our people are generally still dumb though, they'd still fall for any pandering from Anglo quarters like gullible kids (especially hogis!). We've had a hundred and fifty years plus of devious lies and manipulation by the British, that has cost us dearly in terms of Sikh life; and in all this while they've been claiming they are our friends and allies. When will we wake up?

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This is mind-blowing.

I've always said these people were no friends of Sikhs.

Eh? I told some of you a few years ago that some juicy stuff would come out in 2014. Most of you said it wouldnt be surprising, I presumed this wasnt going to come as a surprise to you. After all we have had the Wikileaks revelations that American mercenary companies were wary of supporting the Indian govt during the late 80s because of the CIA's position on the Khalistan issue (which was that it was a good sideshow to prevent India helping their commie buddies in Afghanistan rather than some love of Sikh independence). Though after 1989 they were happy to take contracts as British mercenary companies had done already.

So where do we go from here? Obviously the munshis in Whitehall are getting our taxes worth out of their shredders so that any documents that do come out give a positive spin. Or support the 'honest, it wasnt us gov' narrative.

FIrst they'll probably ask for proof that the SAS actually provided any help in planning the actual attack. No doubt ignoring the fact that the Indian govt had built a replica of the temple for planning for some kind of attack (a training tactic common among the SAS and SBS) and the SAS officer probably didnt just wander around the Taj Mahal on his trip.

Then they'll say the attack wasnt anything like an SAS raid. Of course it wasnt - the enemy werent some goatfuckers on opium or some phoney terrorists holed up in an embassy. The first stage of the Indian attack involved a clandestine attack by special forces. It may have even been led by the SAS for all we know. Just as the SAS attacks against determined and prepared defenders usually turns to shit in other cases like during WW2 or the first time in Afghanistan (against Kommandos and Spetsnaz respectively) so did this attack. I'm guessing but the Indian staff officers probably panicked as it dawned on them that if morning broke in Amritsar whilst they were still besieging Harimandir Sahib, their position may become unwinnable. Shades of Ferozeshah some might say. So they called in the tanks and artillery in a last ditch attempt to win and re-organise themselves before day broke.

Finally we'll be told so what? Accusations of terrorism, feigning offence at the thought that Britain could do wrong, cries of 'what have the Sikhs ever done for us?!' all trying to guilt trip and threaten us back into conformity. Be a good little Sikh and you too might have a daughter with such low self esteem that any angrezi can pick her up or have your son marry a gori and have children so you can finally feel accepted and no longer an outsider. You might even get to move to an area with no other Sikhs so you can revel in your tokenism. And dont tell me Sikhs wont fall for this. We've been falling for it for ages. How can you blame Sikh girls for being groomed when they see their elders jump up and down on other's metaphorical *****.

As for Cameron, this is his Churchill or Dyer moment. I'm guessing as he is outraged at the idea of sensitive papers being released as much as the SAS's hand in a massacre, it'll be the latter. What's Punjabi for whitewash?

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I thought the witch of the west and her Tory cronies were just coolly indifferent to events in Panjab, and doing that weird love/hate thing they do with apnay back in the 80s (love us when we act like their bitches; detest us when we show a drop of independence).

Boy, I didn't think the bastards were that deeply involved in 84, but being clued up about the intrinsic deviousness of the Anglos, it doesn't surprise me. The English leopard never changes its spots. What does shock me (and I'm shedding my naivety quickly on the matter), is how well and long these devils can keep truth suppressed.

Interesting post from Sikhchic.

The Sikhs actively participated in, and saved the British during two World Wars, and this is how they repay us! This is a hard pill to swallow because I have always been proud to be British. This is a slap in the face. I think it's time to take off our blinkers. Here is British history towards the Sikhs: a) The Sikh Empire is usurped in 1849, and Maharaja Duleep Singh, while still a child, is taken to England and virtually kept there a prisoner. B) The entire ignominious history of the Raj, exemplified by the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in Amritsar. c) Execution of countless Shaheeds including Bhagat Singh and Kartar Singh Sarabha. d) Attempt to undermine Sikhi and control the gurdwaras. e) The tragic saga of the Komagata Maru. f) Partition of Punjab in 1947. And now ... g) 1984! What have they ever done for us other than use and betray us? If we are something today, it is only because of our Sikh spirit, hard-work and the Guru's grace. What about Canada? There is no doubt in my mind that CSIS (Canadian Secret Service) was either fully aware of or actually involved in the Air India bombing ... along with India. At a minimum they helped cover up the black ops done by India's RAW operatives. What about the US? Didn't they ban the turban in their army only after 1984? Don't the Wikileak files prove they also knew the truth about 1984? Do we really have any friends? How do we get 'friends'? Let me ask you how have the Israelis done it? Ask yourself that question

Edited by dalsingh101
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Blogger broke news of alleged UK role in 1984 Amritsar attack

Independent researcher and journalist uncovered government papers in the National Archives released under the 30-year rule

The revelation of alleged SAS involvement in the planning of the 1984 expulsion of militants from the Golden Temple Amritsar was posted online on the same day as BBC News director James Harding's observation that Watergate-style scoops are as likely to be broken by bloggers these days as mainstream news organisations.

Phil Miller, an independent researcher and journalist behind the scoop, went to the National Archives in Kew seeking information on SAS involvement in Sri Lanka, a topic he has written extensively on since the government started to deport a larger number of Sri Lankans from the UK in 2011.

Instead he found letters revealing the then foreign secretary, Sir Geoffrey Howe, responding favourably to a request from Delhi for help to remove militants from the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Hundreds lost their lives in a six-day operation codenamed Blue Star. The correspondence was published on Monday on the Stop Deportations blog.

David Cameron has asked the cabinet secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, to conduct an urgent investigation into the decision by Margaret Thatcher's government to send an SAS officer to Delhi in 1984 to advise the Indian government on the expulsion of militants from the Golden Temple.

Heywood will want to examine why the papers were not marked sensitive and held back when papers from 1984 were released under the annual 30-year rule.

Miller co-founded the blog two years ago aiming to highlight the post-colonial role the UK has played in ongoing conflicts around the world.

"A lot of people ask why asylum seekers are here, when in actual fact, our continued involvement means we have a responsibility to give them refuge," he said. He quoted Institute of Race Relations director Ambalavaner Sivanandan's remark that "we are here because you were there" to further illustrate the point.

Miller referred to the apparent hypocrisy of Indira Ghandi whom, the letters show, was highly critical of the involvement of British intelligence personnel in Sri Lanka, only to request their assistance herself at a later date.

He is gradually piecing together the role of MI5 and the SAS in South Asia, using freedom of information requests, archives and interviewing asylum-seekers. Many have vivid childhood memories of seeing British military equipment in their home countries during conflicts. After discovering the Amritsar letters, he checked with a Sikh activist, who told him this was the confirmation they had waited 30 years to receive about the fateful event. It is often referred to as one of the darkest episodes in Sikh history.

The correspondence was released to the public at the National Archives in Kew under the annual 30-year rule. Anyone can request and view these documents in person, and in many cases online. The new wave of records released at the beginning of January have already revealed that Margaret Thatcher had planned to declare a state of emergency and use the military to transport coal at the height of the miner's strike.


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