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The Plight Of Poor Teenage Girls In The Indian Alleways


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Many years have passed, but a police chief named Amitabh Thakur can remember the precise moment when he first set eyes on Kailash Satyarthi, who won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday.

Satyarthi was lying on the ground, bleeding profusely from the head, while a group of men converged on him with bats and iron rods. They worked for the Great Roman Circus, which was illegally employing teenagers trafficked from Nepal as dancing girls. Satyarthi, a Gandhian activist in a simple white cotton tunic, had come to free them.

As he approached the scene, the chief realized he was interrupting a savage beating.

"I remember that when I reached this man, he was rather composed," Thakur said. "I was very impressed, for the simple reason that a man was putting his life in danger for a noble cause."

Satyarthi is not an international celebrity like 17-year-old Malala Yousufzai of Pakistan, with whom he is sharing the prize. Instead, he has labored for three decades to shave away at the numbingly huge problem of child slavery in India, using undercover operatives and camera crews to find the airless workrooms and mine shafts where children were being kept.

The circus raid was a reminder of the factors that converge in favor of employers using bonded labor in India: caste differences, religious differences, political and economic leverage. About 28 million children ages 6-14 are working in India, according to UNICEF, the U.N. children's agency. Satyarthi's organization, called Bachpan Bachao Andolan, or Save the Children Mission, is credited with freeing 70,000 of them.

In 1994, he started another group, called Rugmark, now known as GoodWeave International, in which rugs are certified to have been made without child labor.

Asked to explain the origin of his life's work, Satyarthi sometimes tells a story from his childhood, when he proudly entered a schoolyard for the first time and noticed a boy his own age, the son of a cobbler, gazing at him from outside the gate. He screwed up his courage and approached the cobbler, asking why his son did not go to school.

"He replied, 'Look, sir, we are the people who are born to work,'" he said. "I was so disturbed. Why do we people have so many dreams, and they have none? This has gone so deep to my heart, and that is when I started working with poor children. It was a nonissue in my country."

Satyarthi is the eighth Indian to win a Nobel, and only the second - after Mother Teresa - to win the Peace Prize.

As India undergoes swift economic expansion, a growing middle class has created a surging demand for domestic workers, jobs often filled by children. There is virtually no enforcement of labor laws, and newspapers regularly carry accounts of children sold into service and confined in horrific conditions, paid nothing and barely fed. They are sought-after employees, and in a population struggling with dire poverty, there is little will to stamp out the practice.

Simon Steyne, a longtime friend and colleague of Satyarthi's, said reducing child labor was ultimately the responsibility of governments and lawmakers.

"I don't think Kailash would say, 'We are going to go out and rescue the other 168 million,'" Steyne said. But he added that his friend was driven by a sense of moral urgency and a ground-level network of informants who continually provide reports of exploitation.

"If there is intelligence that there are children being physically trafficked on a train, they will get raid and rescue workers together at a station," said Steyne, an official at the International Labor Organization. "And when the train stops, they'll board the train and rescue the children."

Born about 6 1/2 years after India won independence, Satyarthi, 60, was so deeply impressed with Mahatma Gandhi's teachings that, as a teenager, he invited a group of high-caste local bigwigs to a meal prepared by low-caste "untouchables"; the invited guests boycotted the event and then shunned his family. Deeply upset, the boy dropped his Brahmin family name in favor of Satyarthi, which means "seeker of truth," according to an account on his website.

A few years later, Satyarthi was studying engineering at college when Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency, cracking down on civil liberties and suspending elections. Already a Marxist, he mobilized students against the government and spent much of the period avoiding arrest warrants, said Prabhat Kumar, a longtime friend and fellow activist.

Satyarthi ultimately came to prominence by organizing raids to free child laborers. Undercover operatives posing as buyers or laborers would persuade businesspeople to reveal the location of their child workers.

A 2002 documentary for PBS followed Satyarthi to a stone quarry at 5 a.m., where he found children and adult workers living in brick shacks. Some of the children cried as he hugs them. The workers lifted cloth parcels with their belongings onto their heads, and ushered 52 people onto a truck to take them away.

"If they are caught, any kind of torture is meted out to them," he tells the camera. "They are beaten up severely, burned with cigarettes, sometimes tied down on trees and beaten with stones."

He added, "It's very difficult for them to realize or internalize freedom."

Many of the children were temporarily resettled at an ashram run by Bachpan Bachao Andolan before returning to their villages.

Among those who celebrated on Friday was Mohammad Manan Ansari, who began working at a mica mine at 6, digging ore that would sell for 5 to 20 cents a pound. Ansari, now a college student in his late teens, recalled watching as a small friend was crushed by falling rocks in one of the mine's tunnels. He said he would be grateful to Satyarthi for the rest of his life.

"My happiest moment was when Bachpan Bachao Andolan workers came and saved me," he said. "Now Kailash's Nobel is the second happiest moment of my life. I can't explain my joy in my own words."

© 2014, The New York Times News Service
Story First Published: October 11, 2014 10:47 IST
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How laughable is that. Hindustani idiots don't see the hypocrisy in 'celebrating' a Nobel Peace Prize winner who has been fighting bonded child labour which is rampant in India. Get rid of the bonded child labour for good and that is a true prize.

Also an another example of his hypocrisy, he criticises the west and whites at every point yet the cyber coolie celebrates when the white man to make a political point gives the Nobel Peace Prize to a Hindustani to be shared with a Pakistani!

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Laughable is that an entire Kaum can't produce even a single booker prize winner, forget Nobel peace prize winner.

It's quite obvious your knowledge of history comes entirely from Professor babbu manns latest album " kudi mera val vekhde aa" with its top song "happy de mustang"

Exploitation has always been present in society and cannot be eliminated. Or I'm sure Jesus, Krishna and Nanak would have put an end to it. Doofus. All can happen is that it cAn be reduced and fought.

Also, you have not put a comment about amreeka being the rape capital of the world, and if you feel safe walking around in your skirt as you pick up customers on the street corner.

And where is your sister? Mrs. Bahl?

And I'm no guru or mahatma that can put the above in "simpler language" for the jatts because more than one sentence confuses you.

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What's laughable is that you are celebrating Goray giving a Hindu a Nobel Peace Prize and yet that very day that he received the Nobel Peace Prize and for every day before and every day after 7000 Indians most of them Hindus died of hunger! At least we are a Kaum where no one dies of hunger and we feed the hungry of other quam. You Hindus cannot even feed all your own people let alone feed the hungry of others. That's why Gurdwaras the world over will have many Hindus mostly students and daily labourers eating in the langar. No hungry person does to a Hindu Mandir to get fed, the only give away a couple of almonds and some measly raisins!

Now for the Nobel Prize. There have only been three Indian citizens who have won the Nobel Prize since your country of 1.2 Billion (1/4 of the world's population) became independent. And one of these three was Mother Teresa! If you want to extend the scope then you can add another three who were born in India and yet took citizenships of other countries. You can extend this even further by including those Hindus who won while India was still under the British. This adds another two. So the total is 8 Nobel prizes for a population of over 1.2 Billion! Even these prizes include 3 for the subjective subjects of Peace and Literature!

So you want to chide a quam which is 2% of the population of India because they have not received a Nobel Prize while your country of 1.2 Billion has only ever won 8 Nobel Prizes. That's one for every 150 Million people. Since Sikhs are variously estimated to be 25-30 Million to keep with the Indians you would either have to wait until we reach a population of 150 Million before your challenge makes any sense or until India gets it's Nobel Prize tally up to 20! In the last 70 odd years of Independence it has only managed 7!

As for the Booker Prize, only 4 Indians have won, do you really want me to do the maths on that one as well?

Edited by tonyhp32
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Very easy to feed 10, 20 million people even harder when it reaches 100 million or a billion. The rise in poverty levels amongst the Sikhs is a result of this phenom. Your living on borrowed time and will follow the same trend as the communities before you. That includes poverty, internal conflict and the religion going in multiple directions. I believe your already seeing it.

Btw, your mom the Queen played a special role in the poverty of the third world. I believe you may know something about the billions looted from Indians.

Nobel peace prizes etc. are just the tip of the iceberg. Yindoos are nearly at the top of every field nationally and internationally leaving the other two communities behind. You want me to post some?

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Shocking! Hang on a second, aren't the hindus blathering on about how brave and noble their ancestors were? How their kingdoms extended from one end of the earth to the other end of it? So, what went wrong that they now have resorted to raping young helpless women? I always knew how dirty and filthy these hindus were. You can judge from the language they use when dealing with challenging situations and are unable to handle them like a normal human beings. I think this piece of news has really embarrassed them so much they have left the forum with their tails tucked between their legs. they can't take it anymore!

They have done the disappearing act on us. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say!!

They say 'empty vessels make most noise' and here we have a good example. Nothing ever embarrasses them ever because they have no shame or self respect. If they did have any shame would they allow women being raped on such a scale? Would they have the world's dirtiest and filthiest slums in their country? Would they have poor people going to sleep at night without food? I once read an article about their knowledge of hygiene and the person said they would score 0/100 for hygiene and cleanliness. Have you ever seen a good looking hindu man or a woman? I haven't.

They have done a disappearing act because this topic challenges them of their ability to deal with present day issues. Issues such as child labor, rape incidents, poverty, lack of indoor toilet facilities in every household, illiteracy on massive scale, corruption, no medical health facilities and I read they don't even have any dental facilities either in their country.

They are so ignorant and foolish to realize if it wasn't for the western industrial countries they will still be living in the little holes with the rat population unable to feed themselves or their families and forget about sending their children to schools.

They should forever be thanking us for outsourcing our jobs to them where they are living at a pay scale which is akin to peanuts. Because of their uncontrolled birth rate due to lack of birth control facilities their population provides cheapest labor ever for our countries. So, they are still the slaves of our powerful western democracies. They will never be free from slavery. They are totally deluded if they think they have progressed. Their society has fragmented and soon the unit of their family will also disappear along with their stone age values and customs and traditions.

They have tasted the money for the first time in their lives which is paid by our countries even if it is peanuts. They have become too big for their boots. Their boots have become too small to contain their newly earned money.

Edited by SatpalM
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Very easy to feed 10, 20 million people even harder when it reaches 100 million or a billion. The rise in poverty levels amongst the Sikhs is a result of this phenom. Your living on borrowed time and will follow the same trend as the communities before you. That includes poverty, internal conflict and the religion going in multiple directions. I believe your already seeing it.

Btw, your mom the Queen played a special role in the poverty of the third world. I believe you may know something about the billions looted from Indians.

Nobel peace prizes etc. are just the tip of the iceberg. Yindoos are nearly at the top of every field nationally and internationally leaving the other two communities behind. You want me to post some?

Dumb Hindu. We are talking about a Quam riven by disunity with traitors leading it and yet it manages to feed all it's people. Then you have a nation state with all the organisation that entails with the power to raise taxes and a presence in each village and yet it cannot feed all of it's people.

Sikhs despite the Badals are doing well, you should look after your own people who are dying at the rate of 2.5 Million each year from hunger. You Hindu haramis cry about the Muslims having killed 70-80 Million Hindus during their conquest of your country and yet you don't care about double that number who have died of hunger since the British left.

Your responses to my questioning you and the other Hindu Punjabi haramis is that you never have a direct answer for why you allow 2,5 Million of your fellow Hindus to die from hunger. Again you give the laughable answer that Sikhs are on borrowed time! Sala Hindu aapde ghar nu agg lagi hoveh tey sarhda hoiya Sikhan nu kahay tuhade ghar nu agg lagan wali hai!

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Your attitude is very offensive. Is there a competition in progress to see which country is the 'Rape Capital of the World?' If there is one no one is aware of it. In India there have also been rape incidents involving western tourists and it is not a nice to thing to say lets have a competiton to find out which country is the capital in this crime. Instead of showing sympathy towards the victims you have chosen to be insulting and derogatory in all your comments. Your bad attitude can be sensed by reading your posts. Your comments are enough to tell me what kind of a horrible person you must be in real life. You have no decency to treat the whole matter with sensitivity or kind words. The reason rape incidents are so common in India against those poor helpless women is because of people like you who lack sympathy and insight into what a serious crime this is. You are suppose to accept this problem first then do something to stop it from happening so regularly in India. If you keep making fun and ignoring it you are not doing anything towards stopping it. For this you need strength of character and courage. You don't seem to have either. Why do you need to blow your trumpet about your great history whether it is authentic or not if you can't even sit down and think about the seriousness of this crime? What is the point of having knowledge about your past history if you have not learnt anything from it? Education is suppose to teach us how to deal with our problems and not brush them under the carpet. India needs to sort its problems out and there is no need to show off and compare it with the world's number one country whether it is in terms of its economy or social mobility. I do think India is not what you claim it to be.

Martin, you have also noticed the tone in which this idiot has responded to the whole issue reported by the newspaper? This foolish person does not realize it is not what you say it is how you say something that counts. There was no need to compare India with the USA on this issue. It does appear as though this person is implying some kind of competition and it is so repulsive to see the way he/she responded so quicky with comments regarding the achievements of his fellow Indians.

I would agree his/her behavior is tactless and insenstive. There is also very good evidence this person has insight deficit too!

Edited by SatpalM
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Sarey Jahan se accha Cyber Coolistan hamara !

Indian progress

From This


To this


The only difference now is that they even take on the white man's names. At least as real coolies they were still Gangu and Laloo now they are Gaary and Loouie!

Or Lulu! (as in the British singer)

They are still doing the CHAMCHAGIRRI as you would say it in hindi.

Edited by SatpalM
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Or Lulu! (as in the British singer)

They are still doing the CHAMCHAGIRRI as you would say it in hindi.

How does the Queens arse taste?

Dumb Hindu. We are talking about a Quam riven by disunity with traitors leading it and yet it manages to feed all it's people. Then you have a nation state with all the organisation that entails with the power to raise taxes and a presence in each village and yet it cannot feed all of it's people.

Sikhs despite the Badals are doing well, you should look after your own people who are dying at the rate of 2.5 Million each year from hunger. You Hindu haramis cry about the Muslims having killed 70-80 Million Hindus during their conquest of your country and yet you don't care about double that number who have died of hunger since the British left.

Your responses to my questioning you and the other Hindu Punjabi haramis is that you never have a direct answer for why you allow 2,5 Million of your fellow Hindus to die from hunger. Again you give the laughable answer that Sikhs are on borrowed time! Sala Hindu aapde ghar nu agg lagi hoveh tey sarhda hoiya Sikhan nu kahay tuhade ghar nu agg lagan wali hai!

Dumb Hindu. We are talking about a Quam riven by disunity with traitors leading it and yet it manages to feed all it's people. Then you have a nation state with all the organisation that entails with the power to raise taxes and a presence in each village and yet it cannot feed all of it's people.

Sikhs despite the Badals are doing well, you should look after your own people who are dying at the rate of 2.5 Million each year from hunger. You Hindu haramis cry about the Muslims having killed 70-80 Million Hindus during their conquest of your country and yet you don't care about double that number who have died of hunger since the British left.

Your responses to my questioning you and the other Hindu Punjabi haramis is that you never have a direct answer for why you allow 2,5 Million of your fellow Hindus to die from hunger. Again you give the laughable answer that Sikhs are on borrowed time! Sala Hindu aapde ghar nu agg lagi hoveh tey sarhda hoiya Sikhan nu kahay tuhade ghar nu agg lagan wali hai!

Easy there. How does the Queens arse taste? Did you arrive on a shipping container? Or did you hide on a boat? Maybe you married your sister for citizenship, you are quite famous for that.

Your also famous for the drug trade here in Vancouver, along with wife beating and even killing. The kicker is picking berries on farms for a living.

2% communities don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

That and treating the langar at gurudwaras as a 24/7 meal service. Just like your famous sant used to do by lying around a manja all day only to be smased by the IG.

Invite me to one of your protests LOL! Is that whats left? hahaha...maybe a petition or a khalistani summons.

These jatts openly admit that reading and writing does not interest them. That explains everything.

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In the second picture all the cyber coolies have the Indian flag by their desks in case they forget what shythole of a country they are in

People without a country can easily say that. This is what you get when you a beautiful religion like Sikhism hijacked by a group of people who added no contribution to it.

Picking berries for a living...LOL

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Can you tell us why India has not been able to combat these incidents which are becoming so common there? Whose fault is it if the Indian police is corrupt? Why is the victim blamed for this? You just want to pass the buck and not take responsiblity for all the evils that are present in your society. There is no use in showing off about your few achievements when such major crime is an everyday occurrence in India. Shame on India.

Crime is not rampant in America? The highest number of incarcerations in the world. Why show off your achievements (America) when such major crime is an everyday occurrence. Why do anything? Science, Education, Business let's just sit at home, shall we?

Edited by Amandeep Hindustani
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Latest news from the sole superpower.

The Independent ‏@Independent 23m23 minutes ago

Black teen in the US? You're 21 times more likely to be shot by police http://i100.io/iZOZpzN

Los Angeles Times ‏@latimes 43m43 minutes ago

LAPD falsified records to make it appear that officers were patrolling when they weren't, investigation finds: http://lat.ms/1so0GhR

Salon.com ‏@Salon 41s41 seconds ago

The latest NFL bombshell: Former exec says teams have covered up "hundreds and hundreds" of domestic violence cases http://slnm.us/nQlUj6l

Police: 4-year-old took heroin to day care

SELBYVILLE, Del. (AP) — A 4-year-old girl mistakenly took hundreds of packets of heroin to her day care center and began passing it out to classmates, thinking it was candy, Delaware State Police said Tuesday.

Several children who received the packets Monday morning went to the hospital as a precaution, police said. But no packets were opened, and all of the kids were released after being examined.

Police say the child unknowingly brought the heroin to the center when her mother gave her a different backpack because the girl's regular backpack had been ruined by the family pet. Police say the backpack contained nearly 250 packets of heroin, totaling nearly 4 grams, all labeled "Slam."

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Mom, beau plead not guilty in alcohol-in-IV death

ST. JOHNSBURY, Vt. (AP) — A man told police he poured vodka into the IV feeding tube of his girlfriend's disabled 13-year-old son to settle him down, a dose of alcohol that contributed to his death, according to court documents released Wednesday.

Walter Richters and Melissa Robitille, both 38, were charged with second-degree murder in the Aug. 22 death of Isaac Robitille. They entered not-guilty pleas at their arraignment Wednesday afternoon in Caledonia County and were ordered held without bail. Neither spoke.

"There is great evidence of guilt," said Maria Byford, deputy state's attorney.

Isaac was born with significant medical conditions and disabilities that required the assistance of caretakers for up to 80 hours a week. Feeding tubes supplied him with a strict diet of a pediatric nutritional drink, baby formula, water and vitamins. Court records show that Robitille told police that an insurance foul-up meant she was paying $800 a month for the formulas.

http://news.yahoo.com/cops-pair-put-boo ... 17764.html
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Police have taken almost 2.5 Billion dollars from motorists in the States who were not charged with any crime.


Police Chief admits to sexually assaulting unconscious women but let off


Women working 4 part time jobs to make ends meet dies in her car while trying to get some sleep.


Mother fed her daughter tapeworms to make skinny for a beauty pageant.


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The Hindu doesn't have an answer to why rape and sexual assaults are so rampant in his shythole of a country. All the Harami can do is do a google search on crime in the USA and and claim the same happens there. How's that for a Hindu. He recently put figures that show that there are more rapes reported in the USA than India. The Hindu idiot doesn't understand is that in India for a woman to report a rape basically is the end of her life with regard to marriage so the real number of rapes must be many times more

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The indian govt is not "hindu" if you didnt know, there are actually several million sikhs in the indian government... its actually comprised of all sects and religions and other fractions you can think of... i really dont know why your still alive. Doesnt your stupidity confront you sometimes and persuade you to kill yourself? Your black and white world doesnt exist. Please go back to your local singh sabha gurdwara and patronize the golak chor and khalistanis. You ignorant losers dont belong in any legitimate conversation on history.

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And how does a ignoramus like you manage to exist in a civilized country. I know people like you number many millions if not over a Billion in India and in a shythole like that fools like you get even progress to high level positions in the government but in a civilised and free country like Canada you are achieving the impossible, Haven't Social services got on your case yet?

I thought Modi's India is now a Hindu Rashtra? When it comes to sending a pointless probe to Mars it's the achievement of Hindus but when it comes to fighting rape and stopping 7,000 people dying daily from hunger it's a joint effort!!

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Can you tell us why India has not been able to combat these incidents which are becoming so common there? Whose fault is it if the Indian police is corrupt? Why is the victim blamed for this? You just want to pass the buck and not take responsiblity for all the evils that are present in your society. There is no use in showing off about your few achievements when such major crime is an everyday occurrence in India. Shame on India.

Sir, madam, I do'nt know every answers, rich say India is rich but the poor people which suffer all the time. If rich persons do crime give bribe to police they not get punishment if the poor do crime they beaten by police and taken to jail to get punished. there is no value of a human life in India. It is only rich they run this country and poor not educated properly. Also many Indian peoples want to leave to live in foreign countrys because they get treated very bad in India. Too many rich peoples drive big cars also think they are very special and don't take notice of poor peoples. Indian people not same like westarn people, Indians do'nt like poor peoples rich peoples they always treat us like their shoes. pls also see satyamev jayate on T.v.

Edited by ashok kalia
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And how does a ignoramus like you manage to exist in a civilized country. I know people like you number many millions if not over a Billion in India and in a shythole like that fools like you get even progress to high level positions in the government but in a civilised and free country like Canada you are achieving the impossible, Haven't Social services got on your case yet?

I thought Modi's India is now a Hindu Rashtra? When it comes to sending a pointless probe to Mars it's the achievement of Hindus but when it comes to fighting rape and stopping 7,000 people dying daily from hunger it's a joint effort!!

Have you stopped rape in your Queens England? Rotherham sex scandal is happening right now. Arguably, the worst pedo ring in modern times. Involves police, pakistanis and some sikh girls.

Where is your khalsa?

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The Hindu doesn't have an answer to why rape and sexual assaults are so rampant in his shythole of a country. All the Harami can do is do a google search on crime in the USA and and claim the same happens there. How's that for a Hindu. He recently put figures that show that there are more rapes reported in the USA than India. The Hindu idiot doesn't understand is that in India for a woman to report a rape basically is the end of her life with regard to marriage so the real number of rapes must be many times more

What makes you think rapes are not unreported in the States? After you're done sniffing the Queens arse for some medals let me know I can put up some current news from jolly ol England as well.

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Have you stopped rape in your Queens England? Rotherham sex scandal is happening right now. Arguably, the worst pedo ring in modern times. Involves police, pakistanis and some sikh girls.

Where is your khalsa?


Hindu girls get abused all the time but you won't find any Hindu soormay risking jail to defend their girls! Most of the Hindu Fudhus are too busy revising for their exams while their sister is getting shagged by a Musla downstairs!

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