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Does Eating Sarbloh Bibek Effect Spirituality ?

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Baba nand Singh,baba isher singh(both nanaksar and rara sahib) and many more.

In my humble opinion sarblohi bibek should be kept only if a person is like a nihang or a nihang. Why cause they live that warrior lifestyle to this day and are not particularly ghrishti jivan living type of people(even though there are Nihangs with family's).

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my question also stands on the portion like , what if someone accidently consumes food from someone's hand but doesn't know that if that person is a tobacco user or not?

normally i see langars in india being prepared by non amritdhari sangat , and we dont know what their karams are

We don't know what the karam of amritdhari people are either.

The way I see it. This tradition was created so that you stay healthy.

You should know who is cooking your food and how they are doing it. Are they maintaining purity? Are they washing their hands? Are they licking their fingers while making your food?

All of these factors come into play in health because they control how fast an infection spreads.

If the woman eats something, and without washing her hands starts making roti. She is transferring her germs into the roti. When you are eating that in langar, you are ingesting her germs and thus are likely to get ill from an infection.

... while that will hinder your bhagti, it has no direct effect on your spirituality IMO

Edited by BhagatSingh
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Veere ..The Original Khalsa was Jungi ..and survived in Jungles ..could they afford such nakhre? Maalko..here again we can seek advice from this tuk of Taw Prasaad Sawaiyye :

Kahu lai pahan puj dhario sir kahu lai ling gare latkaio.

Kahu likhio har avachi disa meh kahu pachhah ko sis nivaio

Kauo butan ko pujat hai pas kou mritan ko pujan dhaio

Kur kria urjhio sabh hi jag sri bhagwan ko bhed na paio

Does Eating sarbloh bibek effect spirituality ?

any known spiritual person who has high state of conciousness without having sarbloh bibek diet?

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my question also stands on the portion like , what if someone accidently consumes food from someone's hand but doesn't know that if that person is a tobacco user or not?

normally i see langars in india being prepared by non amritdhari sangat , and we dont know what their karams are

I think, we are wrongly mixing 2 things, and we sholud separate them: one is the hygiene and the other is karmas.

Regarding hygiene, whether amritdharis or not amritdharis, all should be well conscious of its importance in heath issuses and try to act accordingly, whether in the langar, home, or anywhere else....

Secondly the karmas point, karmas do not get transferred from one to others, just like transferring or downloading an attachment file on internet, neither by shaking hands, or being in other´s company.

Karmas are created alone by one´s own actions, thoughts and behaviour.

Hygiene is on a physical level, while karmas are on a mental level.

I think, it was in Kabir Sahib´s time, that when he observed that people were going to the so called sacred rivers to bathe and think that by doing so, it will wash one´s karmas or sins...

So he said to them, take a "mirch" and dip it into that sacred waters belived by you people, and then cut it and taste it. You will see that the taste has not changed at all. So if these waters, can not even change, a physical attribute of something, how can you even think, that bathing in it, or drinking it, can wash your sins or karmas which are not material?

In the same way, our Guru Sahibans, have only stressed on His Naam, as the only washer or eraser of all our subtle filth of karmas and sins.

Once having tasted that Naam within, then one can see the changes, that one from a devil (sinner) or a manmukh, one is changed into a Gurmukh or a Saint.

After that stage, one´s speech, one´s thoughts, one´s actions, are changed drastically. We can say, one is converted from a crow which subsists on vishtaa or filth, to a swan which drinks the nectar of Naam only.

Such is the wadeeayee of Gurmat and Naam.

Edited by harsharan000
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Vadhiyaan veer ji !

I think, we are wrongly mixing 2 things, and we sholud separate them: one is the hygiene and the other is karmas.

Regarding hygiene, whether amritdharis or not amritdharis, all should be well conscious of its importance in heath issuses and try to act accordingly, whether in the langar, home, or anywhere else....

Secondly the karmas point, karmas do not get transferred from one to others, just like transferring or downloading an attachment file on internet, neither by shaking hands, or being in other´s company.

Karmas are created alone by one´s own actions, thoughts and behaviour.

Hygiene is on a physical level, while karmas are on a mental level.

I think, it was in Kabir Sahib´s time, that when he observed that people were going to the so called sacred rivers to bathe and think that by doing so, it will wash one´s karmas or sins...

So he said to them, take a "mirch" and dip it into that sacred waters belived by you people, and then cut it and taste it. You will see that the taste has not changed at all. So if these waters, can not even change, a physical attribute of something, how can you even think, that that bathing in it, or drinking it, can wash your sins or karmas which are not material?

In the same way, our Guru Sahibans, have only stressed on His Naam, as the only washer or eraser of all our subtle filth of karmas and sins.

Once having tasted that Naam within, then one can see the changes, that one from a devil (sinner) or a manmukh, one is changed into a Gurmukh or a Saint.

After that stage, one´s speech, one´s thoughts, one´s actions, are changed drastically. We can say, one is converted from a crow which subsists on vishtaa or filth, to a swan which drinks the nectar of Naam only.

Such is the wadeeayee of Gurmat and Naam.

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what about asa di war then?
ann dayvtaa paanee dayvtaa baisantar dayvtaa loon panjvaa paa-i-aa ghirat.
The corn is sacred, the water is sacred; the fire and salt are sacred as well; when the fifth thing, the ghee, is added,
taa ho-aa paak pavit.
then the food becomes pure and sanctified.
paapee si-o tan gadi-aa thukaa pa-ee-aa tit.
Coming into contact with the sinful human body, the food becomes so impure that is is spat upon.
gohay atai lakrhee andar keerhaa ho-ay.
In cow-dung and wood there are worms.
jaytay daanay ann kay jee-aa baajh na ko-ay.
As many as are the grains of corn, none is without life.
pahilaa paanee jee-o hai jit hari-aa sabh ko-ay.
First, there is life in the water, by which everything else is made green.
sootak ki-o kar rakhee-ai sootak pavai raso-ay.
How can it be protected from jhooth? It touches our own kitchen.
naanak sootak ayv na utrai gi-aan utaaray Dho-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, impurity jhoot cannot be removed in this way; it is washed away only by spiritual wisdom. ||1||
so food becomes jhootha or sucha with a persons karma?
Edited by savinderpalsingh
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so food becomes jhootha or sucha with a persons karma?

Can you please tell me, where are one´s karmas, so that by coming into their contact , the food becomes jhoota or sucha?

Karmas are created by the mind through the body, and are stored in the mind .

Otherwise would it not be easier for all of us, to get our body burnt a little bit every day , and in this way burn our karmas would all also be burnt.

Karmas are something subtle, but get manifested through the body.

For example, if we want to wash our hair, we will not use a toothpaste, but rather a shampoo ....though both the shampoo and the toothpaste are cleaners.

Everything needs an appropiate cleanser according to its nature.

For worldly material things, eatables, clothes, infections, etc...there are ample worldy materlalistics cleansers.

So if karmas are subtle, naturally, the cleanser has to be subtle, not material, and that subtle cleanser is Naam only.

Vikaars, sins, sanskaras, karmas, mind, maya.....are all subtle dirt or filth, which has nothing to do with material level dirts, and so this subtle dirt of karmas, can only be cleansed through Naam bhakti.

For example, one goes to a supermarket and buys bread. Suppose one is a vegetarian, but the seller in the supermarket, eats meat and drinks alcohol in his private life, but that does not mean, that his touching the bread and putting into a carrying bag, has transfered his karmas in the bread, and we shall get polluted by them.

No, no, no, that is not the correct or rational way of thinking. Each one has his own karmas in his own mind, and they can only be discharged by either paying painfully for them in some lives if they are bad karmas, or enjoy them in some spiritual lower paradises like swarg or baikunth, or you enjoy them in some life by being a wealthy person , with good health , comforts, etc...that is the law of karmas, it is on a internal personal level for each and everyone.

Nobody´s karmas can ever be transferred on someone, or on somethings, they are either paid off with pain or pleasure, or wiped away with Naam bhakti.

Sat Sree Akal.

Edited by harsharan000
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thanks but arent we overlooking the fact of

how food bought from bad earning's will get rid of your kamai? which was prooven by Guru nanak dev ji, but bringing out blood from roti !!


tobacco considered very bad ,

it destroys your previous life's kamai

but consuming even small amount, your 7 generation elders forsake you

there is a sakhi regarding this as well

also, isnt asa di vaar preety clear on this? how bad deeds effect the food you touch.

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how abbout the sakhi's where guru dasam patshah sahib only accepted food from amritdhari singhs?

If Sri guru gobind Singh ji did practice sarblohi bibek then I would thin all the gurus would have to. But in a sakhi of Sri guru har Rai sahib ji guru ji was on his horse and met a old bibi who made roti and guru ji ate it. There was no sarbloh or sucham at all. The singhs asked guru ji why he did that and guru ji said I saw prem and pyaar in that food.

We have to have a balance and guru ji shows it again and again. Probably in one sakhi guru ji does one thing and another sakhi he does another. He does opposite things to break pakhand and hankaar.

If you can keep sarblohi bibek go for it but I am not strong enough to do it. I have all the respect for somebody who can and will never break the rehit. I have seen many people who do sarblohi bibek and a year later they eat at McDonald's etc.

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The fact is guru gobind singh ji were 10 form of guru nanak himself. Its already written in karninama by guru nanak dev ji. How he will change everything in 10th form.

Final word was from patshahi 10vi and so shall it be.

I dont keep sarbloh bibek. But i dint eat from outside and always kirpan bhet before eating . always eat home cooked food. And plan on keeping sarbloh rehat after wedding .

But what my main question was. Is there any known gursikh with high consciousness state of spirituality who does not keep this rehat ?

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Another example -

One day Shabri, the old-aged adivasi woman, saw Shri Ram coming to her cottage in the forests. She had nothing but berries. But some of these berries were really sour others were sweet. So when Shri Ram entered and asked for some food, she bit off the berries to check if they were sweet. She ate the sour ones but gave the sweet ones to Shri Ram.

Shri Ram ate Jootha food from Shabri. Lakshman commented that it's jooth but Shri Ram said "Bro, it's given to me by immense love"

Immense love = Bhagti

Is there any known gursikh with high consciousness state of spirituality who does not keep this rehat ?

Who can be a bigger Gur-Sikh than Shri Ram?

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how bad deeds effect the food you touch?

Ok, let us have another look at this topic.

If one thinks, bad deeds of some can effect the food you touch.....then as an antidote for it, it is not less true also, that remebering Him with His Simran before any activity can also turn that negative point into a psotive one, isn´t it?

As His powers are far superior to any sins or karmas.....His one glance can burn any negativity into ashes and fill us with His Daya Meher....

Satisfied brother savinderpalsingh jee?

Or still any doubts left?

Why look at the darkness alone?

Just turn on His Light(His remeberance), then even one ray of His, is suffice to dispell any amount of darkness, agyanta, karmas, or call it sins ....

Sat Sree Akal.

Edited by harsharan000
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Just a personal comment as an addition to this thread, and also what I see usually people talk about our Guru Sahibans of what they did or said here and there.

Undoubtley, it is good to keep in mind what they said and did. But then, they should not be limited to our interests, but raher kept in mind all that they taught us, because their teachings are the real Dharam, the real sikhee which will take us out from this maha bhavsagar and take us back to our Nijh Ghar.

Whta they did, and why they did so, only themselves they know ...... we can not imitate them, rather for the meanwhile we can tread the path they have paved for us, which is Gurmat.

For example, if they walk on the water , they will not get drowned, like Christ for example.... but we if we try to imitate them, without having reached that higher level of consciousness, we will surely fail in doing what they did. So let us not lightly say what they did or not, they are Supreme beings of other dimesions....while we are moorakhs.

What the Bani says, and what the Guru Sahibans stressed upon, that we cunningly overlook, because it is not of so called personal interest.

For example the Bani says: saas saas simroh Gobind

At other place it says: jan Nanak ko Gur ehe mat deenee, jap man sada Satnam... jap Har bhavjal tarnaa.

Let us ask ourselves sincerely, how many of us follow this essence of Gurmat?

You see, our Guru sahibans left this wisdom for us, so as to say we grow spiritually to their level and have that spiritual maturity to see and understand His creation around us, and ultimately become one with Him.

If we follow Gurmat implictly, there is hardly going to be any obstacles in our spiritual advance, our road is clear with his Light, as He is accompanying us as our guide, through His Grace, through His Simran.

Wah wah Sachay Patshah, oouch apaar Beant Soami, kaun jane gun Tere.

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har har naam dhhiaae man har dharageh paavehi maan

Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O mortal being, and, you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord.

kilavikh paap sabh katteeahi houmai chukai gumaan

All your sins and terrible mistakes shall be taken away, and you shall be rid of your pride and egotism.

In the upper 2 lines of Satgur Sachay Patshah Amar Das Maharaj, He gives us some tips on how to deal with life. Supposing we think we have collected some sins from getting in touch with a sinner, or served by a sinner, He says meditate on the name of the Lord, and all your sins and mistakes shall be taken away.

Is it not fantastic, how beautifully Satguru Jee in a simple way, paves the way for us, by telling us how to remove the obstacles from our way, if ever we think they appear before us, whether expected or unexpected, but in any case, the same solution.

And moreover He tells us, that if we do this devotion on a regular basis everyday, our haume, our ego, shall be broken, (which otherwise is harder than the hardest, and unbreakable if not broken with the hammer of Naam Simrran), and also, gathering this wealth of Naam, we shall be entitled to enter His Darbar, His Kingdom.

So much Daya Meher, so much bakshish from Guru Jee, what else do we need?

The least we can do, is kot kot namaskar to Wahiguru Akal Purukh, by being so merciful, so bountiful...


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satkar jog veer jio.

i have read all your views, however
i cannot deny guru sahibs bachan in asa di war .
forgive my insolence , maybe my budhi is too tuch

after reading all this, only one thing comes to my mind

jahan tahan ka khaye prasaad

so naa mera sikh aa jugaad

also, i did not get any answer to my original question yet .

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thanks but arent we overlooking the fact of

how food bought from bad earning's will get rid of your kamai? which was prooven by Guru nanak dev ji, but bringing out blood from roti !!


tobacco considered very bad ,

it destroys your previous life's kamai

but consuming even small amount, your 7 generation elders forsake you

there is a sakhi regarding this as well

also, isnt asa di vaar preety clear on this? how bad deeds effect the food you touch.

I agree with you.
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