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Brahmanization Of Sikhi / Sects? This Is Perhaps Why We Should Unite?

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Why can I see it then? Why can I look at everything and everyone and see it? Down to the tiniest things in existence I can see the light if God pervading everywhere.

Why was I, an ordinary person given spiritual experiences right from childhood that let me see and understand that all is one... And actually experience it??? And this without even asking! The experiences just happened.

Brahamgyanis are not the only ones who can see it. We all can see it if we actually open our eyes!

You could say god likes you more than us cause he gifted you the sight

Now your in the military and you might have to kill another person... Would you kill him even if you see the light of god in him?

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Yes each other... Not one bow the other only. And I never ever would consider women higher than men just as men are not higher than women. Equality yes. even men are different strengths from each other that doesn't mean a weaker man should bow to a stronger one or see him as His Lord. Why wouldn't DDT also tell men to see their wives as God for the stronger emotional strength (if strength is in fact the reason)

See my edited post above as to why and how I see the world in this way.

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And how much does the ddt tuk really put the woman down? Your making it seem as the tuk saying the woman has to be a slave and she has to be whipped etc...

It goes far beyond the physical implication of having to be servile to someone. It goes straight to the core of your being that you are seen as lesser somehow than your husband, in the eyes of our very creator. That's what it's suggesting. DDT is not suggesting women and men respect each other. They are telling women that men are God to them. And saying that's how Waheguru sees them as beneath men. So why wouldn't women aspire to be like men in that system? The very system forces women to feel inadequate just for being a woman!

Edited by Satkirin_Kaur
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You could say god likes you more than us cause he gifted you the sight

Now your in the military and you might have to kill another person... Would you kill him even if you see the light of god in him?

Good one bro.

Waheguru jee kaa Khalsa

Waheguru jee kee Fateh

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In my opinion the tuk that the DDT interpreted is correct and the tuk you interpreted is correct... The tuk DDT interepreted actually goes both ways.. The tuk means respecting your significant other. The wife should look to her husband as god... And visa versa... The guru doesnt need to write every single thing down by saying a man should also bow down etc.. If that was the case our Guru Granth Sahib would be much bigger.. Nowhere in that tuk does it say now bow down to him and be his slave..

PS: There are many other steeks that have this interpretation not only DDT...

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Just ask Paapiman if that tuk goes both ways?

Obviously I have stated over and over that SGGSJ tells all of us to see God in each other. So I agree with you on this!!!!

But Paapiman came straight out and says only women have to see God in their husbands and their husbands do not have to see God in their wives. I'm only rebelling against that specific interpretation. Then he said he wants to see women give 'utmost' respect to Gursikh men. And not the other way around. There's no room to interpret it as meaning both should see God in each other the way he says. And he says he learned that from DDT

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In indian culture the wife does not seem like a wife if she can't serve her husband as god... This is 99% of the women in India have this mentality even if the husband does not want to be treated as god... It's a concept that is foreign to the western world...... Men also used to think of their wife as god but the man stopped... The woman kept it going... I wish my wife sees me as god and I see her as god...

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And that's how it should be! Why did the men stop?? Of course I will see God in my husband for everything he does for me. But I would hope he also sees the same in me for what I do for him. Neither one of us will be bowing to the other as we respect each other as not just an equal but we are so similar we actually finish each other sentences! So we feel like two halves of same one person as it should be. Why have the men stopped also serving their wives as God?

I can make a 'sammich' for him as the saying goes... But he should also make me one sometimes too!!! We both should decide family decisions together. We both will be cognizant of each other's needs. I don't see him as above me in any meaning of the word because I feel we are actually the same one soul (which is described in SGGSJ) and we have not even actually married yet!! This is just from getting to know each other leading up to the marriage! We have mutual respect and mutual care and love

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Just to be the devils advocate what if the tuk actually means what the DDT interpreted it? Then what would you think satkiran? What if paapiman is right?

What if satkiran is right paapiman? What would you think?

This question is for both of you.

guru sahib at one palace says that soul is one i two bodies. which mean boat are at same level( becouse soul is one) and in the other bani guruji says that women should look her husband as lord then guruji is contradicting his own bani which cannot happen at any cost.
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guru sahib at one palace says that soul is one i two bodies. which mean boat are at same level( becouse soul is one) and in the other bani guruji says that women should look her husband as lord then guruji is contradicting his own bani which cannot happen at any cost.

Keeping kesh is a fundamental rehit in Sikhi. In Gurbani, there is tuk which states:


ਕਬੀਰ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਇਕ ਸਿਉ ਕੀਏ ਆਨ ਦੁਬਿਧਾ ਜਾਇ ॥ ਭਾਵੈ ਲਾਂਬੇ ਕੇਸ ਕਰੁ ਭਾਵੈ ਘਰਰਿ ਮੁਡਾਇ ॥੨੫॥

“O Kabeer! When you are in love with the One Lord, duality and alienation depart. You may have long matted hair, or you may shave your head bald. ||25||” [1]


[1] - http://www.sikhanswers.com/sikh-articles-of-faith-identity/what-is-the-significance-of-hair-kesh-for-sikhs/

The above tuk implies that it does not matter if a person keeps hair or not, as long as he has love for God.

Don't you find this contradictory?

Edited by paapiman
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Keeping kesh is a fundamental rehit in Sikhi. In Gurbani, there is tuk which states:


ਕਬੀਰ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਇਕ ਸਿਉ ਕੀਏ ਆਨ ਦੁਬਿਧਾ ਜਾਇ ॥ ਭਾਵੈ ਲਾਂਬੇ ਕੇਸ ਕਰੁ ਭਾਵੈ ਘਰਰਿ ਮੁਡਾਇ ॥੨੫॥

O Kabeer! When you are in love with the One Lord, duality and alienation depart. You may have long matted hair, or you may shave your head bald. ||25|| [1]


[1] - http://www.sikhanswers.com/sikh-articles-of-faith-identity/what-is-the-significance-of-hair-kesh-for-sikhs/

The above tuk implies that it does not matter if a person keeps hair or not, as long as he has love for God.

Don't you find this contradictory?

kesh is important in sikhi. keshdhari love god but there are hindus muslims who arenot keshdhari but love god love for god dosenot matter whather you are keshdhari or not.
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kesh is important in sikhi. keshdhari love god but there are hindus muslims who arenot keshdhari but love god love for god dosenot matter whather you are keshdhari or not.

Correct, Kabeer was a Muslim background was he not? It's just saying that since he has love for God it doesn't matter that he is following a different religion (making reference to those who matt hairs - yogis etc - and or shave their heads) It's not telling him its ok to shave his head. In fact it's not even speaking about hairs, it's speaking about his love for God, and saying that his love for God overrides the fact that he was from a different background that might do those things.

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kesh is important in sikhi. keshdhari love god but there are hindus muslims who arenot keshdhari but love god love for god dosenot matter whather you are keshdhari or not.

You cannot deny, it might seem contradictory to some people.

There are more tuks which seems to be contradictory.

- Gurbani says that God is the doctor - does that mean we should stop going to doctors? After all, Gurbani can cure all diseases.

- Gurbani states worldly education is of no use - why do we go to schools and universities? After all, God can fulfill all our needs.

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Paapiman you are not understanding the metaphors and deeper meaning in Gurbani. You are trying to apply a totally literal meaning to it all, and you can't do that.

Brahamgyanis can prove the literal meanings of Gurbani too. They can, not only cure themselves of any disease, but can cure thousands others too.

We, as normal beings need to stay within our limits, follow maryada and not talk like Brahamgyanis.

It is very easy to talk like a Brahamgyani, but very hard to walk the talk.

Edited by paapiman
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Brahamgyanis can prove the literal meanings of Gurbani too. They can, not only cure themselves of any disease, but can cure thousands others too.

We, as normal beings need to stay within our limits, follow maryada and not talk like Brahamgyanis.

It is very easy to talk like a Brahamgyani, but very hard to walk the talk.

Oh and according to you that means I have to bow to men... LMAO.

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