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Unique solution to deal with bullys


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Sikh boys attending public schools in Western Countries who keep uncut hair covered by a patka are often teased or ridiculed for being different and in severe cases, physically assaulted. I was thinking of the Central Khalsa Orphanage in Amritsar which admits male orphans under the age of ten regardless of religious background, once admitted they are required to grow their hair until it grows long enough tied into a bun covered by a patka; which they can cut their hair again until they leave the orphanage at the age of eighteen. I was thinking, in cases of extreme bullying of Sikh boys in public schools, a Sikh charity should approach the parents of the male bully who is under the age of ten and offer to have their son live with at the Central Khalsa Orphanage for a few years to learn about Sikhism, and that Sikh charity would compensate the Central Khalsa Orphanage for the bully’s education and accommodations. The admitted bully would learn about Sikhism and the Punjabi language but at the same time, would have to follow the rules of the orphanage which would mean he would be required to grow his hair to the point where it is long enough to form a bun covered by a patka. Plus, the boys living at the orphanage would be aware of why he is admitted and would revel at the bully now looking like them.

What do you think about this?

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8 hours ago, Rosebud said:

Sikh boys attending public schools in Western Countries who keep uncut hair covered by a patka are often teased or ridiculed for being different and in severe cases, physically assaulted. I was thinking of the Central Khalsa Orphanage in Amritsar which admits male orphans under the age of ten regardless of religious background, once admitted they are required to grow their hair until it grows long enough tied into a bun covered by a patka; which they can cut their hair again until they leave the orphanage at the age of eighteen. I was thinking, in cases of extreme bullying of Sikh boys in public schools, a Sikh charity should approach the parents of the male bully who is under the age of ten and offer to have their son live with at the Central Khalsa Orphanage for a few years to learn about Sikhism, and that Sikh charity would compensate the Central Khalsa Orphanage for the bully’s education and accommodations. The admitted bully would learn about Sikhism and the Punjabi language but at the same time, would have to follow the rules of the orphanage which would mean he would be required to grow his hair to the point where it is long enough to form a bun covered by a patka. Plus, the boys living at the orphanage would be aware of why he is admitted and would revel at the bully now looking like them.

What do you think about this?

Good suggestion, but it would be really hard to implement it in real life.

Easier solution might be to invite extreme bullies for an event where they are taught about Sikhism. The bully will have to be compensated for his time, which can be done by offering him some gifts, books (spiritual), etc. The expenses should be handled by a Sikh charity.  


Bhul chuk maaf

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