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Cure For Tinnitus


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I have begun reading this forum and have read somewhere that he or she has Tinnitus..this health problem is extremely serious and it must be cured immediately otherwise it can become chronic. many people have committed suicide because its irritating tinnitus (and eye conditions) are caused by hyperreactivity of the 5 senses. 

The hyperactivity is caused by lack of cells in the brain, nerve weakness, and electrical changes in the brain.  The whole disorder is due to dryness in then brain.Dehydration, poor quality fresh oxygen, lack of electrolytes, poor nutrition particularly lack of fats, lack of excercise and malnutrtion of essential vitamins and minerals.

The most important cause of Tinnitus is audio pollution in society.  Smoking drug use both legal pharma drugs and illegal and alcohol will contribute to this problem greatly. Tiredness from work, mental health pollution and lack of sleep all contribute to the growth of this problem.  Now the cure is to decrease the input of audio signal just like sunglasses cuts out UVR.  Headphones of high quality that cut out noise should be comfortable have to be worn for the day time.  Complete absistence from higher midrange to treble frequencies have to be eliminated.  A holiday break is needed to a green sunny natural place with lots of walk paths and relaxation.  What you see with eyes must be important not bright lights and no near focus, seeing should be long distance like in top hills. living near a phone mast is also  linked to these type of problems.

Once after following the above advice the person should then listen to music on his headphone at low volume and the music should only be classical without beats percussion and at a slow tempo.  Plz see below the link to this track you must listen to it.  You should also listen to Bass music because what you are doing is rewiring the brain to ignore high frequency sound which is causing the problem.  Meditation with closed eyes is also essential and should be done for several hours.  Any neccessity to look at phone tv should be in dark mode in medium brightness for shortest time possible.  Putting olive oil in ears and either coconut or ghee massage is essential.  Large text should be seen and not low fonts that strain the eyes.  Try to look at text in bold.  Having spoken to doctor take some garlic aspirin.  You should not go out in the cold and have cold wind blowing on your head you must always wear a bandana and then a wolly hat. Its essential to have hot baths and go to the sauna.  Its also essential to have long uncut hair and switch off WIFI from mains when possible.  No noise in sleep or home lying down regularly is important also.  Completing all the above is neccessary plz look at the links im going to give below to nutrition and special music that cures tinnitus.  Tinnitus is caused by too much treble noise and a lack of bass sound.  Hope i have helped many thanks.

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The main thing to do is to cut out audio sound signal coming into the ears.  So like you close your eyes because there tired what you want to do is to cut out sound and allow the ears to rest.  Also regular head and face and ear massage with oil such as ghee or coconut or olive oil.

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On 12/29/2023 at 11:38 PM, PAL_07 said:

The main thing to do is to cut out audio sound signal coming into the ears.  So like you close your eyes because there tired what you want to do is to cut out sound and allow the ears to rest.  Also regular head and face and ear massage with oil such as ghee or coconut or olive oil.

Could have some benefit. Depending on type and extent of damage. 

If the little hairs are all blown down that going to take a miracle of healing through Naam, but even then the rest can't hurt and would help a lot of intermediary forms of hearing damage. 

But if you longterm, loud whitenoise, your way into tinutus and deafness that's medically considered permanent. Only God healing that.

Ultimately good advice for hearing health, or overall health. 

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this is how i cured my tinnitus from buses rattling and coach driving all day noise pollution...also you gotta lower your blood pressssure and rest

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