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Rehat Piyaree Muj Ko, Sikh Piyara Nahi...

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When guru ji said that which Rehat was he talking about? I have asked this question few times and i go no where. Perhaps my own stupidity didn't let me see the asnwers, but in any case as far as my inquiry goes i would like to know few things.

What is the Definition of the word Rehat??

Can the Word Rehat be a Synonym to the word Hukam?

When guru ji said that which Rehat was he talking about?

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Codes and conducts of sikh living style is "rehat" ...

Also, when Guru Gobind singh ji started Khalsa panth he tried to eliminate The Tenth Guru administered Amrit to break Sikhs free from Dharam Nash, Karam Nash, Janam Nash, Sharam Nash and Bharam Nash. This was a formal declaration. In other words he bestowed upon the Sikhs:

1. Freedom from all previous religions, customs and practices.

2. Obliteration of and freedom from the effect of the past bad deeds.

3. Freedom from the influence of the previous caste or family (ancestor worship).

4. Freedom from the stigma or distinction attached to a calling or a hereditary profession.

5. Freedom from all rituals, prejudices and inhibitions. (author:preetmohan singh ahluwalia)

Also, rehat was based on Gurus life style and their teaching so in order to understand rehat one need to read all of the Gurus teachings and preaching. You can't learn about sikhism through books. First need to finish Guru Granth Sahib's teaching then Go through all of our previous Gurus teaching and thats how the Rehat maryada was organized.

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guru sahib says rehat pyaree mujko sikh pyara nahee. by this he means that he cares for a sikh who keeps rehat and is strict in his rehat, he does not care for the person who is a hypocrite.

we must stay stead fast in our rehat....and not waver in it....by doing this, guru sahib makes our jeevan that much better. Its like if you look at great people like bhai randhir singh and what he had to sacrifice in jail, like keeping his sarbloh bibek rehat. so much had to be sacrificed, outwardly he may have looked frail and powerless, this was because he had to fast for 40 days without food or water to get his rights, but inside his spiritual state was increasing fast and he was in chardikala.

this was mainly due to sticking to his rehat till the end. and having up most faith in guru sahib.


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my personal opinion and it just a thought that came into my head.

Is that maharaj may be saying...

Rehat (what an individual believes to be his dharam based on his understanding of right and wrong according to his own budhi at that moment in time) is what matters to me..

Not the sikh.. status.. so calling yourself sikh or being named sikh or even being into sikhi..

So just be truthful, if that means not waking up and doing ur nitnem simply coz u are lazy then accept your lazy and ask for help and get on with the rest of the day. dont make some excuse about why u cant do ur nitnem when its simply u dont want to.. and when u do end up doing it even if its once in a blue moon.. it will feel great and u will get more out of it then that person who has been doing AmritVelas like a machine..

thats my personal view and experience..

like a wise man once said to me, we should be like the bee who within minutes goes to the lotus and comes back with its nectar.. from that it creates hunny for all, not the frog who spends its whole life on a lilly looking at the lotus yet in the end dies with nothing.

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no one has to do anything - there isnt a gun to our heads saying wake up

the people who wake up at amritvela wake up because they want to follow the hukam of our masters, can someone not wake up because of their love and because they have the desire to do their nitnem and feel great, rather then being labeled as a machine?

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well if thats why they are doing it if it is truely for love, then the same applies to them they wake up acting in truth.. as they precieve it according to their dharam.. which is wonderful..

And I respect that person as much as the one who wakes up in the afternoon and says to himself/herself damn im lazy dont want to do no nitnem 2day, well maharaj u help me.

But those who do it as a Machine not with love and those who make crap excuses and do not live by truth even if its not what others would precieve as right.. They are the frogs..

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  • 1 month later...

my personal opinion and it just a thought that came into my head.

Is that maharaj may be saying...

Rehat (what an individual believes to be his dharam based on his understanding of right and wrong according to his own budhi at that moment in time) is what matters to me..

Not the sikh.. status.. so calling yourself sikh or being named sikh or even being into sikhi..

So would i be correct to say that the Rehat can/does come from within you.

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No veer. Its rules of principles set by guroo maharaj ji.

Live by principles and Die by principles. :twisted: :twisted:

You may want to watch "The Last Sumraie" :D

So the Principle is the basis of a Sikh, he is to follow a set command his whole life and never find the treasure which lies within him. In the beginning it is helpfull to follow the principle, but if it were to follow me to the end, then what have i done for my self. The principle is my life, the fountain will never sprout within me, i will drink from the well that has already been dug up for me. If i am confined to that well, i become dependent on that well, dependency is attachment and at the end of my life where have i gone, Where is the well that is to sprout within me to feed me for eternity?? Where is it??? That fear that it might never sprout is suffocating for i have wasted yet another life, yet another precious life. I cannot be dependent on the well on the outside forever because it will dry up, i need to dig something inside of me. I take aim, direction, courage from the well on the outside, but there has to be something within me that it is projecting.

That principle must be born within me, it has to. I cannot be dependent on the principle which is meant to only guide me. I myself must become the guide, guidence and the guided.

That is the difficuly i face with these rehats and there ever changing nature. Perhaps no one here understand the difficulty i am having.

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Guest Javanmard

Again a shabad quoted out of context (curse :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: )!!!!

Admin Note: Your rest of the message was deleted. You should know better to control your anger. Also you can point us kindly right meaning of that shabad

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