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My Trip to India March 2004


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Nice pictures indeed. For those who may not know, the Baba in the last picture is the ‘Guru’ of the kukas. We as Sikhs do not hold him in any shape or form as a ‘Guru’ as the only true Guru on the Gurgadi of Guru Nanak Dev Jee is Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. All other Gurus who claim to be the rightful Gurus on the Gurgadi of Guru Nanak Dev Jee are false Gurus. But nice pics, keep em coming!

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i completely agree with you singh 47 jee. Gurus/Babas are a complete mystery. Many of the babas/gurus say that they are not God but agents who will help you get closer to God. I really don't get why one would need to put ones application through an agent...when you can directly approach Him.

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