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Mian Mir's descendants to visit India


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tribune India

Mian Mir’s descendants to visit India

Rashmi Talwar

Amritsar, February 24

For the first time, descendants of Sain Mian Mir, the Muslim seer who laid the foundation stone of the Golden Temple in Amritsar will be visiting India to participate in the kirtan darbar being organised at Ferozepore from February 26.

Mr Nasin Maqdoom Sayeed Chand Pir Qadri, the 19th descendant of the Mian Mir, will be arriving with a host of other descendants of other prominent Muslims spiritual leaders who had close association with the Sikh Gurus.

The descendants would be bringing with them historical ornaments and documents for ‘darshan’ by the Sikh sangat in India .

Nasin Qadri will be bringing the precious necklace presented to his forefather Mian Mian Mir by Guru Arjun Dev .

He will also bring to India the pearl necklace of Mata Ganga.

The delegation will also bring the hand written ‘Hukamnama’ written by Guru Gobind Singh which was handed over to the family of Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan. The two were responsible for ensuring a safe passage to the guru by disguising him as ‘Uccha Pir’ at Machhivara when he was surrounded by enemies. Mr Yahood Ahmed Khan, descendant of Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan will be bringing the hukamnama in which the Guru had stated that “Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan were like his sons.

Bhai Lal Singh, the 17th generation descendant of Bhai Mardana, a Muslim who accompanied Guru Nanak Dev on his journeys, will also accompany the delegation that would participate in the 12th International Bhai Mardana Yadgari Kirtan Darbar at Ferozepore from February 26.

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Mian Mir’s descendants denied ‘siropa’


The 19th descendants of Sai Mian Mir, the Muslim seer who laid the foundation stone of the Golden Temple and those of Nabi Khan Ghani Khan who had once saved the life of Guru Gobind Singh, were denied 'siropa' (the robe of honour) by the SGPC during their visit here today.

Bibi Jagir Kaur, SGPC chief, said the Shiromani Committee was yet to establish whether they were the 'actual descendants of the seer ? She said the SGPC would also try to establish the authenticity of the relics brought by the descendants of Nabi Khan- Ghani Khan from Pakistan. "She said before coming to India, Mr Nasin Maqdoom Sayeed Chand Pir Qadri, who claims to be the 19th descendant of the Mian Mir, had not approached the SGPC . Mr Yahood Ahmed Khan, descendant of Ghani Khan, and Nabi Khan, had also not approached the Shiromani Committee.

She, however, said only after establishing the veracity of these religious personalities, the SGPC would give the required honour. On the hukamnama in which the Guru had stated that "Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan were like his sons, Bibi Jagir Kaur said the Sikh historians would be consulted in this regard. However, the descendant of Sai Mian Mir expressed his anguish that he was not invited on the quadricentenial celebrations of the installation of Guru Granth Sahib . He said it was shocking that the descendants of Sai Mian Mir, who had laid the foundation stone of Golden Temple, were ignored by the SGPC.

The delegation claimed that the hand written ‘Hukamnama’ written by Guru Gobind Singh with blood ,was handed over to the family of Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan. The two were responsible for ensuring a safe passage to the Guru by disguising him as ‘Uccha Pir’ at Machhivara when he was surrounded by enemies. Bhai Lal Singh, the 17th generation descendant of Bhai Mardana, a Muslim, and Mr Harpal Singh Bhullar, President, Bhai Mardana Yadgari Kirtan Darbar, also accompanied the delegation.

Tribune News Service

Link along with Mian Mir's picture : http://news.sikhsangat.com/index.php?page=...ments&id=11

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