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Recently I have been reading into gnosticism, which has a common theme of God being within as well as outside. (thats it in a nutshell)

And with the recent attention towards the gospel of Judas.

Does early account of christianity have closer parallels with sikhism ???

In the wise words of neo "Discuss" :P

Also the second point that would come from discussing the early christianity, Are we going down the same road?

Such as how from 30 odd gospels 4 where chosen as the canon and became the backbone of modern christianity. Is there a smiliar possibility of this happening in Sikhi or has it already happened? With the removal of Dasam and Sarbloh Granth. ???



One light thing,

Mr Rajinder Nijjer is also from present gnostic church which has nothng to do with old gnostics who were Brahm Gyanis.Oterh gospels in light are Gospel of Mary Macdaline and Gospal of Thomas.

Apostal Judas did as Brahmgyani Lord Jesus wanted him to do.

We can say that removal of Dasham Granth or Sarbloh Granth is nearer to Martin luthers anta gonsim to old testment if at all but here older is put over newer.In our case those who remove or have remved both the later Granths will loose the Sikhi altogather as Guru Granth Sahib Ji are rather apparntly anti to keeping external symbols just ofr sake of show off as often many people do this who in fact concider themselves as Purest Of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Term Sabat Surt(not Surat Perhaps) Dastar Sira tells to discard physical turban and have concentration without break as turban.

So do not have to wory as in futre only those will undergo baptism of sabre and 5ks who have beive in Dasham Granth and Sarbloh Granth and they are not yet discarded rather Guru has discarded them who tried to discard these Granths.

Guest Javanmard

Vâhigurûjîkâkhâlsâ Vâhigurûjîkîfateh

I would like to add a few lines to this topic:

1. Regarding what Pheena calls the "Gnostic Scrolls":

Pheena is confusing the Qumran collection of scrolls (also known as Dead Sea Scrolls) with the collection of scrolls of Nag Hammadi. There are huge differences between the two:

a. The community of Qumran was NOT gnostic. If anything they were a dissident movement within Judaism disgusted with what it perceived as the usurpation of the Temple of Jerusalem by the Saducee party. The texts are written on parchemin in hebrew and aramaic.

b. The Nag Hammadi collection is mainly gnostic though not all texts of the collection are gnostic. A famous example for that is the Gospel of St. Thomas ("The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you" , probably what Dynamic Banda is refereing to "common theme of God being within as well as outside" ) which actually is not gnostic at all. It is considered by many in the Orthodox Church as an agraphon (non-canonical sayings of Jesus Christ).

c. Christian Gnosticism as exemplified in the Nag Hammadi texts is strictly dualistic. It makes a clear distinction between God and the creator i.e. God is not the creator of the world, rather the creator is an evil entity that created this world in which we are trapped. Jesus would be the redeemer sent to give us the knowledge (gnosis in Greek same indo-european root as gyân). Gnosticism hence considers the world as intrinsically evil and has an extremely negative view of sexuality and women. There is a trend nowadays to consider Gnosticism as the original form of Christianity but most people who do so so have a very poor knowledge of the Gnostic tradition in the first place and ignore much of the mystical treasures of the first centuries of early Christianity. This of course presupposes the mastery of Ancient Greek which has become very rare these days.

I hope this helps.

  • 9 years later...

This is interesting topic ..I have Christian gnosis in my Google drive will try to do comparative study on it.

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