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Recently there were reporst that Grave of eight Imam was discovered in Punjab and Nihung Singhs took great care of it.

Shias are planing to pay he debt under his holyness Maulan Kible Razi to make Gurudwara in baghdad with resepct to First Master.

Das saw similar thing in one of the AKJ website but could not find that thread where respect to grave of Muslim was not liked by some people(who could be non AKJ people also).but if N30 Singh Ji could find the link to that threead then kindly post this link there.

Nihungs did not worship the grave as it is a sin in us but rather took care of the dead body of the great men.Respecting the faiths of others das thinks is good for Dharam.


Guest Javanmard

Vâhigurûjîkâkhâlsâ Vâhigurûjîkîfateh

This is indeed great news! The Shi'a and Sikh communities have a long history of good relations and this only proves that building bridges between traditions on the basis of already existing good relations is the way forward. The shrine of Shaikh Bahlol in Bhaghdad in the district of Qaziminya is in fact shared by Sikhs and Shi'as. I pray that Wahabis don't attack it or try to bomb it. Next to the tomb of Shaikh Bahlol, a companion of the 7th Imam Musa al Qazim, there is a room dedicated to Gurû Nânak Devi Jî Mahârâj and the Shi'as of the area take care of it and have great respect for Mahârâj. I am always pleasantly surprised when I meet people of that area who tell me about Gurû Nânak Dev Jî.

Great thanks should be offered to Akali Nihang Singh Budhâ Dal for the seva they have done in terms of interfaith relations so far. Through through their nobility of heart and action they have touched many hearts.

Let us pray to see the Khâlsâ's Nishân Sâhib in Iraq.

Yâ Nânak Shâh Faqîr!!!

  • 3 weeks later...

There already is a gurdwara in baghdad, i was stationed there with the British army but i wasnt allowed to go there as it would put the sikhs there endanger. The gurdwara is located near the main railway station. I just had to make do with going to someones house in kuwait who's house has been made into a gurdwara as in kuwait they closed down the gurdwara which used to be running.


i was a regular i was in artillery then i came out, cos i wanted a life and to get educated and i still stayed on as a regular reserve, so i was called up and did my duty to help those shia who have been suppressed for 20-30 years, its the same situation as it was in the Gurus time. There alot of singhs there from india driving trucks for the british etc. I just hope with Guru's kirpa they find a peaceful way to live with each other


javanard u wrote:

Next to the tomb of Shaikh Bahlol, a companion of the 7th Imam Musa al Qazim, there is a room dedicated to Gurû Nânak Devi Jî Mahârâj and the Shi'as of the area take care of it and have great respect for Mahârâj.

can u please provide me with a source that explains this further? it sounds really interesting..

Guest Javanmard

Most of my Shi'a friends are Iraqi and they have visited the shrine. They have all seen it themselves and I received confirmation of it by other Bhaghdadi Shi'as.Three years ago at the Cricklewood Hussainiyya (Shirazi crowd) on 'Ashura I was approached by Iraqi Shi'as who confirmed it to me and expressed their respect for Guru Nanak Dev Ji.


sounds interesting. most of my shia friends are also iraqis, but they had never heard of Guru Nanak before.

do u know how many followers Guru Nanak made in Iraq? i heard something about the "president" of the country became a follower of Guru Nanak but i dont know if its true or not.

Guest Javanmard

My friends are actually all studying to become 'alim or are already so they know who Guru Nanak is.For the rest I'll ask them.

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