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I'm away from my books and notes right now, but need help finding a reference. Its from Grewal and Habib's book on sikh history from persian sources. In there in the Dabistan bit, there is a reference to a Sikh relaying a sakhi about Sukhdev and Janak. Can anyone do me a MASSIVE favour and copy that bit out for me.

Thanks in advance.

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Bhai Sahib,

They say Baba Nanak in ancient times was Raja Janak. When Sukhdev, son of Byas Rakhisar, came to him in order to learn the way to reach the truth, he found the Raja sitting with one foot thrown into fire. The people, mounted and on foot and in ranks, and the deputies and ministers, were engaged in transacting affairs of state, elephants and horses passed in review. Sukhdev felt that such a spiritually perfect man should not be tied up with, and interested in, worldy affairs. The Raja, who posessed the knowledge of peoples hearts, discovered what thoughts were passing through Sukhdev's mind and with his power created the illusion of fire breaking out in the houses and ultimately fully destroying the horses and palaces. The Raja heard and saw all of it but paid absolutely no attention to it, til the fire reached the place where the Raja and Sukhdev themselves were. The Raja did not even look at it. Sukhdev had with him a wooden vessal for water, which they called Karmandal. It now caught fire. Sukhdev involuntarily jumped from his place and got hold of the Karmandal, to put out the fire. The Raja laughed and said to Sukhdev 'All these goods and valuables and such things that I had were destroyed, and my heart showed no attachment to them. They were thus destroyed, and I felt no sorrow. And you, just for the sake of the Karmadal, jumped up from your place. Who, now, has his heart tied to worldly things?' Sukhdev, hearing this, repented his own ill condition. This story has been heard from the Sikhs of Guru Nanak. In the Jog Basisht, which is one of the authoritative books of the Hindu's, the story is recorded in the following manner, story ommitted in this translation. To this point we have followed the account of Raja Janak as given in the Jog Basisht.

Hope thats ok.


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Gurfateh tSingh Ji !

You're in luck I've just come back from Amandeep and Parmjit 's UKPHA training event - full of new ways to use my scanner - 'shaheediyan' has beaten me in posting the Grewal Habib version so here is the 1901 Shea and Troyer version: (I'm not perfect yet so some scans are a bit wonky !)














**Taken from 'The Dabistan or School of Manners - The Religious beliefs, observances, Philosophic opinions and Social Customs of the nations of the East' - Translated from the original persian by David Shea and Anthony Troyer - M. Walter Dunne - 1901 - pg 284 - 295

Hope that helps in some way

Pyar Bhari Sat Sri Akaal !


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Gurfateh tSingh Ji !

You're in luck I've just come back from Amandeep and Parmjit 's UKPHA training event - full of new ways to use my scanner - 'shaheediyan' has beaten me in posting the Grewal Habib version so here is the 1901 Shea and Troyer version: (I'm not perfect yet so some scans are a bit wonky !)


**Taken from 'The Dabistan or School of Manners - The Religious beliefs, observances, Philosophic opinions and Social Customs of the nations of the East' - Translated from the original persian by David Shea and Anthony Troyer - M. Walter Dunne - 1901 - pg 284 - 295

Hope that helps in some way

Pyar Bhari Sat Sri Akaal !


Does sikhawareness.com support thumbnails?




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