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Baba Anoop Singh Ji - Gravesend


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Baba Anoop Singh was the garvaee of Jathedar Baba Sahib Singh Kaladhari. He served him for many many years and was also by his side when teja bhashuaria and the british took over the Akal Takht (his eye witness account is somewhat different to the glorious romaticised tale made up by akj and tapobanis).

He was exclusively a paathi within Budha Dal, under the reign of Baba Chet Singh and Baba Santa Singh he served as a senior paathi. He is very well respected within the Dalpanth as he has serving the khalsa since the early part of the last century. He is also known as a sorrma and his credited with having fought for good causes,including fighting for the right of Sikhs to wear shastar more than 9 inch ( a law introduced by british and malech sikh, main opponent was baba sahib singh). He has extensive knowledge of Gurbani, Sikh history and puratan maryada.

Im sure others will be able to add more.

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