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Everything posted by Dynamic_Banda

  1. Dreams are the subtle conciousness being magnified into an illusion of some sort and in this magnification process there is distortion, a hell of a lot of distortion, from the normal conciousness hence events of the day will be mixed with the subtle concious and create a funky mixture of funk. This is a dream. Interpritation of a dream is hence difficult as you wont know which is the underlying subtle concious influence (more likely to become true) or what is just part of the distortion. For example a dream about death, Is death the influence of the subtle conciousness? and everything else around that is part of the distortion or is death itself the distortion of a feeling of lets say being alone, or being cold, or the fact that its dark and the distortion has taken the darkness to be seen as an eternal darkness which would easily be linked in the brain as death and hence you see death as part of the dream. lol, for this reason unless you can tune into the subtle conciousness it will be impossible to know what is true and what is a distoriton and the origin of that distortion.
  2. There is a common assumption that someone being spiritual is someone whos religious and someone who is religious is on a path to God, and hence will not be intrested in the whole Bla Blah of a relationship. And hence most girls will avoid a turban dude, and most guys avoid hairy women - or whatever.. Its just a common misconception, As I would gladly say im spiritual but would never class myself as religious. And I know that those within the religious fold would not class me as religious either. SO you cant really assume such things but people do, and thats why turbanned fellas get left out.
  3. lol you know if i had called a woman just another piece of meat, I'd be called sexist and slapped around the head, but it seems a woman can call herself a piece of meat and we all got to .. accept.. !! Whats this world coming too..
  4. The Fighting sperm idea is actually a unproved theory (as of yet but I agree with it) Its basically some sort of alpha male technology which comes from our animalistic days when we humans were no more then just animals.. etc, Throughout nature the male species have specific ways to ensure its their seed which is used to generate the next load of whatever species you are. Like dogs have that knot or whatever to make sure once they are in they wont come out until the swelling goes away and that will take about anything from half an hour to 2 hours.. in that time it gives its sperm a head start to the egg before any other male dog comes along wanting to try. But according to a tantric ideology, sperm holds your ojas and shakti within them. SO the fighting sperm are actually there to destroy and reconsume that shakti of the sperm which get tired and fall behind, ensuring that when the fighting sperm do get to the egg they have consumed as much of the original ojas and shakti of the man and hence a strong child is born, (thats how they explained deformalities saying the fighting sperm killed each other off and a weak sperm accidentally reached the egg first). Funky huh..
  5. I have a choice between meeting deadlines and writing essays, or writing this crap.. lol you can see what I chose to do..
  6. Time for the controversial information Ghosts, demons, shaheeds Angels, Dieties, What in the hell are they about ? Well lets start from the lowest upwards, firstly I would just like the emphasis a point I made earlier a state of higher concious is simply a state of more subtle conciousness, where the rola rapa of the world and life become mute and you can fine tune your mind frequencies and senses to a more subtle reality. The more subtle you are able to go the more you can pick up. Just like a telescope the more powerful its senses the more subtle an energy it picks up and the more you find out about what you know and the more you can find about what you couldnt before. This is what bhagti, paat is all about fine tuning. This realm is a jumble of physical manifest varieties supposidly 8.4 million of them (numerologically if you take 8.4 million add all the digits together until you get a single digit. so 8.4 000 000 000 (or however many zeros is 8 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 etc.. the answer is 12 then 1+2 = 3 and three is the number of the manifestation the manifest world. (Bhrama vishnu mahesh are the saugun aspect of the nirgun shakti- unmanifest) So in one interpritation 8.4 means a manifest lifeform and the million is like a general statement of great magnitude. So plain english alot of lives. And the spirit(ual) realm has loads more lol, and labeling all the variations is stupid and I dont know them so I aint going to bother, the ones I have been able to identify by reading a book by robert e svaboda are as follows. We always hear of poot preht but the question is what is a poot and whats a preht.?? Poot - is a newly dead ghost entity which is still attached to its physical body it doesnt know or believe it is dead. Preht - is a ghost of one who died without a burial ceremony preformed or a death ceremony (this is basically where the person died knowing they should be cremated or buried but has not been and hence the last thought at the point of death is what about my last rights) Then there are all those who have died by poison, been killed, accidents, etc etc basically sudden deaths. You might say but they may have lived a good life etc true. and they will probably be given a better place to reside however remember there is no time in that realm so a sudden death leads to maybe a millisecond of physical time between the death and the spirit being moved onto its relevant existence within the realm. But for that ghost entity it will seem like an eterniy, and if you are in that realm at during that same millisecond then you will be there with this ghost of someone who has died a sudden death, (if you get what i mean) These are the easiest to tune into and probably the first group you will as they are still all limited and associated to the physical manifest world in some way and hence their vibrations and frequency is closer to that of the manifest world. Now we go into the higher entities, There are many types here too, but each has their own power in a way these are the types which can be used to help in obtaining ridhia sidhia (weak ridhi sidhis but some kinda power). One well known entity is called the Karna Pishachini, which is an entity that once you please and are able to tune into you can get it to sit next to your ear, and it will whisper things into your ear, it will tell you many things mainly to protect you, it will know alot about the past, some about the present and little about the future. So if you see a baba who seems to know alot about your past and then ,akes funky ideas about your future just smile Now we get to the intresting entities and this is what may offend. The Yakshnis Yakshas, Mokuls and Angels (possibly shaheeds??) The reason I mention shaheeds is that so many people come up with these funky concepts that yes shaheeds protect us and shaheeds do this and that if thats the case then they are in the same group as the angels - they are not dieties but they are close, they were once human and lived good lives and hence are blessed with greater powers. To some people the frequency that these entities exist on is a type of Heaven. You see many references to this kind of heaven where all your dreams come true you are surrounded by light and angels who serve you and blah blah. This frequency and part of the realm is that form of heaven (mainly found in christian, muslim ideology). They are right in many ways in their depictions, the angels have transcended the physical world, (they do have some human traits and hence are not at the level of dieties but they are close)and hence appear as bright white lights, basically no form is associated it is just a powerful energy and entity. If you live a good life and this is the heaven you desire this is the part of the spiritual realm you will exist in. So anyone who wants to go here take notes Those who through bhagti and sadhana are able to reach this frequency will feel blissful and will be granted an angel who shall become pleased with your bhagti. lol and they basically offer you celestial sex, a sexual experience which is beyond words it would beat any physical experience as there is no perversion there just true experience and the yakshni or angel will not tire or complain so it is beyond words. Lol I guess the best things come to those who wait. .lol, If you look at the imagery of angels especially in rome and old christian paintings you will realise quickly that even though this concept might seem abit unreal it is quite obvious that is their purpose. However also a word of warning, it is extremely dangerous to accept that offer if you intend to return to this realm. Just like after spending the night with a person on this realm you desire to see them again, lol just imagine how bad the desire would be to see an angel again. !! It could drive a man insane or worse. Some have pleased the yakshni so much that the yakshini offers to take a form in order to be united with you, however the price is dear. I will explain later. The angels will also become extrememly passionate and possessive destroying any type of physical relationship you presue. leaving you a lonely person.. Then comes the highest form of entity which is a diety, what happens at this level, ask a sant. I have no clue. but I bet its bad ass. So far I have spoken of a hirachy (or however you spell it) it is not ment to be taken literally, it is just how I would precieve it according to spiritual development etc, however just as I said in an earleir post what you desire at that moment of death is the place you will go, if you desire heaven with the angels you go there if you desire revenge you stay with your body (near it) if you think of a diety I guess you experience that. Now if like a budhist at the time of death you think nothing and you have accounted for all you karma you may achieve Navada, a state of emptiness a state of nothing. That too is a type of heaven (or hell) if you dont wanna be there.. In that state there is nothing not even you, it is just emptiness. for infinity (or what would seem like infinity) but just like when before the creation there was emptiness, navada, then through the hukam came creation, in the same way you may be in navada for infinity but if the hukam says then that infinity will become finite and the emptiness will become defined by walls and hence it will become a location and no longer a true emptiness, but that is if it is the hukam. Then you have the state of all states, maybe this is what sikhi believes ?? with the statement raaj na chao mukt na chao.. It is believed that this state .. well whats the point if i could explain it then it wouldnt be a state beyond explination.. lol so you will have to get there and see for yourself. then send me a postcard and tell me about it.. so i can add it to this post. Now comes the nasty part.. lol. using these entities, especially the lower entities such as the poot preht etc, alot of black magic and malicious forms of bhagti involve calling these entities to influence the world we live in, it may be to cause disease or death on someone or it may be to gain money from thin air or whatever, and these entities can be employed to do such a thing. The lesser ones are easier as they hear you better and you have to do much less to entice them (easier frequency to obtain) infact these entities are so attached to the physical world you can obtain them through the use of physical objects (taveez, mantras, yantras, powders mercha, etc etc), As you channel into their frequencies you can enslave them or contain them as if they listen to you for what seems like a second, to them it will be an eternity. The higher entities are less likely to listen to you if you ask for stupid things, and infact may curse you, so its best to only invoke them if you are doing something good. (lol thats why so few people call them coz most of the time its all about bad stuff) also their powers are extremely useful in the manifest world, but no good for trivial things like most people are intrested in. Now you may think there is an equal exchange going on, you do the mantra or make the yantra to invoke the entitiy and it does what you ask. lol, if you use yantra you have forced the entity into being called in a way conned it into servicing you, made it you slave.. Now how much would you charge to be someones slave for what would seem like eternity? Never getting tired because there is no fatigue Never knowing if its enough so continuing unless told to stop ?? Lol im sure the price would be high. And my friends.. we live in a world governed by Karma. You might get all the pleasures here but when your entity enters that side or in most circumstances once that slave entity finds a link to yours or someone you care for they will attack. And the attack will be serious. possibly possession or as these entities are closely related to the mind (same electro magnetic force when manifest- hence ghosts are detected by those electro magnetic detector thingies) they can make a person mad or effect your thoughts to make you do something crazy. The Karma of sleeping with an Angel or Yakshini even though it may be worth it, is lose of funtion to your sexual organs as you live and then a birth in the womb of a ghost, and as ghosts dont die anythnig born in that realm stays there lost until a higher entitiy shows compassion and pulls it out. Shagging angels when you are dead is very different from when you are alive. Lol. Karma of trusting a Karna Pishachini - lol every entity has somethnig it wants, lol you trust it, in return it will become attached to you, and want you, then can you trust its information, or is it deciecving you out of jeleousy or attachment like a stalker??? I guess this post covered both the things I said I would talk about the ghosts, how to use them, and the different types of heavens.. Oh on a closing note.. TO communicate on the lowest form is to speak.. sound formed out of our mouths.. Then to communicate with the lesser entities its more to do with the speach of the mind, not a manifest voice but still words and mantras like you conciousness or your thoughts they speak english or punjabi or whatever question is what accent or like whom do they sound?? .. hehehe intresting and freaky hunnna.. Then to communicate with the angels and at this level of heaven, nothing is spoken or thought it is just known. its better then telecommunication. its just known before you think of what to ask you know the answer .. like that. thats the stage of antar jami i guess.. and the narvana well lol there is nothing there so no point in talking about that one, and the highest form of communication is the Naam the unstruck sound which is like .. screw it I dont know If I did i wouldnt be here.. lol .. :twisted: but im sure its funky whatever it is. :shock: So over and out.. dont have nightmares my friends..
  7. lol nothing is futile, understanding an experience and understand a degree of experience is totally erm non futile.. However understanding the limits of God or attempting to Define God or attempting to define Universal Truth or attempting to define Love are all futile.. Dont define just be sublime and intertwine it will be all fine (Thats my pick up line) ooh that rhymed too how unexpected..
  8. I agree with all Gupy points. And that is why, The Dal Panth Budhadal is the only one which fits all those criteria. They are the only ones who make both Meat and Vegi Langar universal law of dharma. And make degh and kra Prashaad, they dont really have any path of practicing dharma and hence they can relate to all paths as and when they see fit, they can definatly adapt look at udhay singh. The above statement is a sole individual opinion and is in no way based on the instituational ideas and philosophy of the Dal Panth ( i would assume)
  9. Whats the point in all this standing and dying, and fighting and tiredness. Man the only philosphy in life is Degh. Tegh Fateh.
  10. those who fall in love with the divine through bhakti do not care for authenticity and neither do they care about the Oraas and the eraas. They just engrossed in the divine man, hence mahapursh like Sant Baba Isher Singh JI could play kulia tarna because the colour and raas (the raag) was created by their love and bhagti. (but even Sant Mahapursh Ji has lineage lol.. ) But you get what I mean.
  11. The extra bani in budhadal gutka according to oral tradition when I asked a nihang singh baba in India, is due to the beautiful effects of Degh, he said that when the printers were ment to stop the machines just carried on. LoL I wouldnt hold this story true to you heart I also wouldnt disagree with the baba as he dont like being corrected.
  12. Chandi di vaar.. hehehe.. wanna know what it does, hehehehe.. Nothing bad and the whole concept of bir ras Haha.. nice idea coz its chandi bani and chandi isnt goddess chandi is anger or birras so bani of birras must give birras.. Yes ... that makes sense.. Then why does the bani end with Durga paat banaia sabhe pauria, Fer na juni aya jin eh gaya.. ? )the above transliteration is done off the top of my head so forgive mistakes) The last part of the above took, Fer Na Juni Aya jin eh gaya.. well you dont need a masters in sanskrit for this one do ya Shaka Saw Eyes. Simple punjabi, whoever sings this prayer shall not come into another life - hence it is a bani which takes you out of the circle of life and death and hence.. its a moksha mukti shabad. What good is bir ras when you are attempting to obtain mukti. And if its mukti you want then why cant it be recited at any hour of day. ? However I aslo know that using certain shabads from Chandi di vaar as mantras one can achieve ridhia sidhia which are linked to Bir ras and the use of higher entities to aid in different ways depending on the shabads against your enemies. However I aint going to post those shabads on a forum like this.
  13. lol if all your life you see every woman as your mother sister and daughter then its freaky to think when your parents are showing you pictures of girls you have to say well yes mom I like that sister to be no longer a sister and now a wife.. Funky concepts man..
  14. lol seems like we are all saying the same stuff just posting a hell of a lot to explain the same ideas.. I agree with hari - amrit is impotent - And neo I will justify, Something which is said to be the nectar of Gods which turns men into lions blah blah have the power to take severed heads and return them to their rightful bodies even though when guru gobind singh ji takes amrit no one cuts his head off and he was taking the role of sikh at that point. That same amrit is given to Banda Singh bahadar and he messed up and lost the plot. Nowadays millions have taken that same amrit and what they got from it? Nothing more then a placebo effect which lasts until you suddenly realise that the same sikhs you once looked upto now you are a part of that order (institionally) they are no different from normal people. Sikhi is Naam Khalsa is Degh.. Why is the khalsa and amrit of today impotent, because those who are not ment to take it have began to take amrit it has become an institutionalised ritual of pride of identity. Sikhs are seen as initiated after taking the initiation ceremony which is called amrit, you will see that concept in most modern books on sikhism be it encyclopedias or others, that is not true on the social level or the individual level, hell its not even true in the old ways, but it is true of the new contemporary sikhism which is nothing but an institutionalised label created so that the colonial administration was able to stick sikhs in a box and hence make them easier to control and rule over. But thats my view. The khalsa is the khalsa and only hukam and guru kirpa can make the khalsa khalsa, the amrit is nothing without gurukirpa and sikhi is nothing without Naam, and naam can be whatever you understand it as according to your budhi which guru has graced at this moment in time. for me satgurparsad Naam is truth.
  15. Poem for khalsa Fauj, Jo sukhe di kare Badhi, Peh ohda kuta ma ohdi Gadhi..
  16. Without some desire - you will have no reason to do anything Without some attachment - you will have faith Without some greed - you wil have no passion for what you beleive without some anger - you will have no concept of right and wrong without some Ego - you will not take responsibility for your own actions.
  17. You cant define love, you can only experience it. And it comes in different degrees and quantities there isnt a regulated de facto amount of love which we then label as LOVE. it varies in form and context. Hence love for mother love for God love for Chicken. etc etc Now you could argue that the true love is the nirgun and the manifest world and the experiences within this world (like some budhists or hindus) is all an illusion, but then you cant actually deny that you are real. If you believe yourself to be unreal in this state then there is a logical paradox where something which is unreal stating that something is unreal infact makes the statement void. And thats just a stupid rumble in the jumble of words
  18. lol I respect amrit and I respect what its about, but hell man its nothing more then a fantasy ritual nowadays and even in the older days. People always say crap like back then the sikhs were this or that or when satguru was alive this and that, lol satguru is alive nowadays too and amrit is made by 5 singhs and all, but people take amrit get a mad ass placebo and then reality sinks in.. nothing has changed except you announced publicly your a Khalsa. You look at the kirpan on your side the kara on your wrist the kesh on your head the kanga in your back pocket because you always forget to tuck it behind your hair after you combed it and start to tie your dastar. And yep the funky underwear everywear and overwear the kashera. You look at all these items so called divine and special, but they do nothing non of them talk to you, non actually have much effect on you. If a person was to say that oh but when I go to do a bad thing I see my kara and it stops me, lol when then your following an idol. hell if I got a luimp of metal and threw it at your head it would stop you, but you wouldnt see that as divine interventioin. This talk of the khalsa back in gurus days, well Banda Singh he was saved from the evil ways of vegitarianism and junglist (living in jungles)sadhu or whatever by Satguru and given amrit made immortal, by Guru himself. Now Guru aint stupid hes not the type to make mistakes according to those who believe he is infalible (that includes me) so why did he give amrit the power of so called purity and immortality to a person who was going to stray. In fact why did Banda stray if he had taken to bliss providing bad ass amrit and that too during the time all sikhs were chardi kala (according to common myth). Same with Chali mukte (I fully respect them as mukt) however when reality sank in they lost all concept of divine guru or this fantasy of wonderous warriors protected by the hukam, it was the hukam which made them mukt so I am not insulting Guru or the mukte just raising the point of reality. The Khalsa was created to accomodate Change. it is the physical version of Vishnu - the sustainer it sustains the world but its soel purpose is for this world. and this world is finite, just like when the world is destroyed vishnu will go to sleep there is nothing more for him to do, and no movies left to watch no popcorn nothing. So he just thinks screw it I will go sleep and hopefully when I wake up something should have kicked off again. So the khalsa is all about the world, the return of mehdi to save the lost souls and so forth its still all linked to this world, and thats funky because this world is a reality its the manifest reality, but its not all reality its the one we can see and hence the one we think means the most. But Sikhi is all about the Naam. And Naam goes beyond this world it goes beyond the khalsa the 5 Ks black white chinese purplese.. whatever and the Naam is like I said before its what you understand it as because its maharajs hukam that allows you to understand it the way you understand it, and its maharajs hukam which allows it to develope in whichever way it wants. I once got told that there was one truth and hence no need for so many paths. I agree and disagree, I agree there is only one truth, but I also know people will take that truth in their own ways. An institution may say one thing but in reality it is usually always different. Its like If a tree was to grow straight up and there would be no branches and branches would be an off shoot from the upwards movement of the tree. So hence there could be no leaves, and no fruits. then what would all you vegitarians eat? The cause of diversion is not to move away from the truth but so that all can take in the truth as and how the hukam decides. A branch lower down is no greater then a branch higher up in a tree, the humble lower branch may not produce sweeter fruits because the higher branches get more sunlight, however it will produce more fruits and a variation of animals and people have access to those fruits. (as they are lower down) but the higher branches cover up the lower ones and get the sunlight first however their fruit is only eaten by the monkeys and birds. And those at the top of the tree have no fruit and are tiny twigs no good for nothing other then chilling out in the sun and open sky. All these branches serve their purpose, all belong to the same tree, all nurished one another, it would seem like they clash but them compliment. Lol those who say only khalsa is a sikh to them I say whats the purpose of a tree with no branches. Damn this has turned out to be another long post.. I hate my fingers. they jsut dont stop. WHile on the topic of trees that tree which grows quick and straight is the first to be chopped down, and those which twist and bend usually stay standing for many a year Being a bender is the way to God (hehehehe joke)
  19. lol you are who you are, you are where you are because its where you should be, its all in the hukam if we are all under the hukam nobody is better nobody is worse, we are all just us. Why worry about us and them and all these other meaningless finite issues, there is no need to worry. period. All you got to do is Naam, be it through recitation, meditation or good action according to what you understand to be truth at this moment in time according to the budhi maharaj has graced you with and learning to increase that budhi to better understand your truth and hence develope it.
  20. So my friend you wish to use the muslim technique to go the places the aghoris rule.. see you there my friend..
  21. after i finish my exams and hand in my essays.
  22. Break your penis like the janu akhara of the hindus, cut out your eyes so that you do not look at anyone with lust, cut off your tongue so you can not taste or sense a womans presence. Pour lead into your ears so that you do not hear anything which leads to desire. Chop off your hands so you do not feel the touch of a woman by accident, and my friend you will have physically controlled Kaam, and died by lose of blood. The problem with the above method is simple, even after doing all that your mind may wonder and recall the desire of a woman. Now you cant get rid of your mind.. or can you?? Lol control your kaam (desires) do not destroy them unless you are willing to destroy yourself. If its lust you have a problem with (a type of desire -kaam but not kaam in its entirity) then look into yoga, or take the opposite end of the spectrum and in order to not be effected by lust become accustomed to it. lol just like having a cold shower it seems unberable when you first step in or think about it, but once your in there you can get used to it. Warning: The last method is useful but does not conform with modern sikh institutional views.
  23. the reasons why women cheat.. lol there are enough excuses for men as you said the whole gene pool stuff and the reasons for women are covered in the Charitar of Dasam Granth Guru. So i guess the study has been done by some clever folk.. cleverest of all the folk of all folks Satguru Spreading the love as in the hippie idea is a waste of time, that aint spreading love thats spreading disease. Even those who are engrossed in the love of the lord will still have attractions as its part of our karam yoga, look at krishna and radha, but he married rukhmani.
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