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Everything posted by Dynamic_Banda

  1. meritocracy is the way man, but you still have to be given the position by the dude before you who hade merit and was selected by the dude before him and so forth and the original dude was selected by Dude of all Dudes Satguru
  2. coming soon ... to an SA near you. more information on the concept of hells and if this is what hell is like then what are the heavens? Hehehe.. all shall be discussed and revealed soon..
  3. yes this modern tantric sex bllox you read on the web and stuff and most books by Gora tantrists who know nothing about tantra. You want to know about tantric sex then learn about it from the Aghoris. The true tantrists.
  4. yep seriously, take all the ideas on birth, death, NDE, and just my own experiences and alot of influence from Aghori Sadhus in India.
  5. logical meditations. just like descartes.
  6. no offense harpreet but tantric sex aint something that can be spoken of on forums man, firstly the amount of bollox about tantric sex out there, the swinging 60's has taken tantra and turned it on its head. Lol topics of tantric sex are best avoided. However practical sessions are more then welcome.. lol before anyone starts freaking out.. I will also include a link to this topic. http://sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness/viewtopic.php?t=5083
  7. Yes and God made a mistake when he made men and women equal why does one have testicles and the other breasts? Must have put the wrong balls in the wrong place.. after all it was Bhrama who made the creation and he can always make mistakes.. lol.. G Singh.. I like the way you think ..
  8. LOL Palms motives how now risen.. He wants to destroy the them and US notion in order to increase his catchment group.. Lol.. Nice .. nice going .. I will defo come to the next one and line whatever pegs you want. Just make sure im VIP and on the guest list..
  9. read the hell post and you will see what I was on about, but nice stuff neo..
  10. Ahhh you see shaka Sore Eye.. Only an enlightened soul can see that the MURGI is the BABA.. Hence it can run without its head for eternity, It has the power of Naam, The man trying to hack up the Murgi Maharaj is Kaljug manifest. Your praying yellow shirt wearing Baba will never know the truth, He is blind with his sore eyes.
  11. No need to lock it yaara. I dont think locking topics helps, its just a power trip you admins.. have.. (lol watch SMS gonna kik my head in.. ) Its cool let the discussions continue.. if there is any need to continue.. Loads of love peacewale murgi baba.
  12. Lol I like the new name u gave me Neo Baba. Baba Dya Naam Ic 108 Maharaj Holy man Compassionate Name Ic.. Drink and eat whatever makes you remember the lord man.. and if you want to eat it near my feet.. then sure but wear a gas mask.
  13. sikh fauge i wonder if the dude in your avatar has a woman? maybe shes hiding in his damalla.. ? If raam had ties seeta to his dastar the whole ramayana would never have been such a problem.
  14. Rejoicing rejoicing.. But Neo the end of the world will also come in time.. New non chewy crisps at sanatan events will come in time. A big bouncy castle for those who attend BOSS events will also come in time.. What kinda time can we expect SA to arise from the depths of Hell..
  15. ohhh ffs man, BOSS do your own stuff.. Congrads on the langar event at Bham Uni, wicked idea nice and new concept well organised and gave all a chance to experience Guru Ka Langar, and everyone can now enjoy doing pavitar paads. Nihangs do your own stuff, Looking forward to the website and all that funky stuff.. except those weird as$ crisps.. When we all die lets do ardas that dharamraj will set up a great big wrestling ring and we can have a big as$ royal rumble to make us all feel speshul. At least now both sides are activly doing something and majority of the sangat can get something from both sides.. Those who make mistakes make damn mistakes. BOSS needs to except that there are messed up people and ideas in some of its members.. and Nihangs need to except they aint all Demons.. lol and some of them are actually doing something good. Now lets all eat nasty chewy crisps..
  16. Hummm well Hell, does it exist.. !!! The actual question here is what do we define existing as? Does it mean something which is present in the physical realm and has the attributes of location, space, depth, mass, volume etc etc or do we define existing to mean that which is there, no neccesarily manifest but there. Just like a dream or a thought, it doesnt really exist but you cant say a dream never occured or never happened. This is the same thing with hell or heaven or whatever and whereever, The manifest realm the realm of the Physical body, is what we all see hear feel around us its the manifest creation, and it is bound by laws such as the laws of physics. There are four dimensions which limit all that which is manifest, the four dimensions are height length breadth and time. These make up the manifest world the realm of the Physical Body Next is your Soul, it is regulary called an essence of God. The atma, is part of the Parmatma. Alot of people believe it is the Soul which moves from one body to the next. But if this was the case then that would also mean that the soul would carry the Karam of a person from one body onto the next. Yet God is beyond Karam, and judgment so how can Karam attach itself to the atma? which is no different from the Parmatma.. This atma exists in all living and non living objects, it exists in all manifestation, It is atma which allows something to be manifest but it is not atma which is bound to the manifest world. So there must be a third body something which exists in all the bodies, which can carry karam, which can be identified by your present and previous life form and associations of those life forms. This is called you GHOST. It is your higher conciousness, your budhi. A unmanifest form which can be bound to the manifest body and when unbound can carry the karams of previous births onto the next. The substance which the GHOST is made from is that which exists in the realm of the Higher Conciousness, and shall be called the spiritual realm. This is a realm where all shaktis and ghosts exist but they are not manifest as such. They are pure energy, Spiritual energy, which can be converted into elctro magnetic engery on this physical realm. This is why accorrding to many old traditions the direction in which you sleep and the different states of the moon, the direction in which you bury a dead person, or cremate one are all extremely important, as they are all linked to the magnetic forces which surround the earth and the magnetic forces of the planets etc. When you walk down the street and you see someone you think you know and your sure you have seen that person before infact you can feel their presence yet they are a complete stranger. That is a past association being achnowledged. A link between the two Ghosts is made in the spiritual realm, and this is echoed in the physical realm by electro magnetic stimulation within your brain making you recall a connection with that person, yet when your brain attempts to find the link associated to that person in its PHYSICAL memory banks it finds non, and hence you think Naaaah nevermind. Hell or heaven or the after life is all part of that realm the subtle yet massive realm of spiritual energy. This is why at the time of death whatever you think is what you become. Now you may think that well then I will cheat my way into Bliss by thinking good things at the time of death, but when is that time and how can you be sure that you will be thinking good things. Just think next time you go for a number 2, were you thinking about God and bliss or wondering what the hell caused such a bad smell. ?? Neo did a funky presentation and I did enjoy reading the slides and stuff it was very informative. Pay close attention to the slides which depict western views of what happens when one enters the after life having died with bad deeds on their heads. There is one picture of a guy being made to hold onto a burning metal woman, while the picture shows him previously having slept with a woman (possibly meaning adultry). In the Indian tradition there are simliar depictions and these are why most fear jamdhoots. As they are the ones who are ment to force these punishments on you. However that is an artistic exoteric representation of the after life. One way of thinking about it is that, You commit adulty because of a desire for lust and sex, when you die this remains on your mind and may turn out to be the final thought at the time of death, Now as your GHOST leaves your body the final electro magnetic energy released from the body along with the Ghost was to do with lust and adulty. This will echo throughout the Spiritual Realm as the Ghost will be attached to that thought as they are both of the same substance, so its like the last thought is a visa for the Ghost. Where that visa takes you is all dependant on what kinda visa you got. That last thought will constantly resonate around your Ghost acting like an item of clothing. Now in the spiritual dimension it is worse then the Ghetto, there are many gangs, and you can only seek refuge amongst those who are wearing similar colours to you. So your ghost will attract the sangat of others who resonate with lust. As I mentioned there is no concept of time in the after life so depending on when God blesses you with another womb to be reborn you will remain surrounded by that lust aura which will resonate for eternity as that is what it will seem like, because there is no time. Being stuck around others who have lustful intent and having to constantly and for eternity view the same thought over and over again, at first sounds quite intresting the ability to shag for eternity. But then as you will surely realise thinking about it, the Ghost has a job to do and that is to pay of the heavy load of karam and become mukt. But surrounded by the same thoughts and reinacting the same thought over and over and over it becomes like a burning sensation burning your very unexistence. This is the hell that is depicted in the pictures etc. Another way to look at it is that the womb you will get from being amongst sangat which is like minded is a womb which caters for that kinda sangat. So surrounded by lustful entities you will soon be given an oppertunity to take birth as a being which spends most its life engrossed in lust. Usually they say you would become a horny bull. or donkey. This is also why when we are reborn we do not remember the period that we were dead. It is believed by some that a child for some years remembers all about its death and its last life, but then as it begins to get older it starts to forget and soon ends up replacing all its memories with new ones and on goes the cycle of life and death. That is true to some extent, just like a dream you will remember it well while it is happening when you wake up you will remember the key parts which stick in your head, then as time goes on the memories become more vague and soon are replaced by other memories. You have not forgotten its just that the links associated to those memories are associated to new ones so when you trigger a link it goes to the new thought or memory rather then the old one. (Read mastering your memory by Tony Buzan and his paper on thoughts and mind power) Erm I guess thats all i can think of at the moment. Theres more but that goes off at a tangent like how one can use the ghosts of others and what are shaheeds are they just divine ghosts like angels and mokuls and what would this imply and so forth and so on..
  17. Sorry Jack, we are all friends of AKU here..
  18. :shock: It has officially been decided that SikhAwareness is no longer panthic.. I was at the official meeting held in Akaal Takht just a few minutes ago. And the hukam has been passed that SikhAwareness is the cause of all problems in sikhi and around the world. Iraq war - Sikhawarness Afghanistan - Sikhawareness Fat americans - Sikhawarenss. The list went on and on.... Me, being the true nihang that I am fought till my last breath in defence of Sikhawareness however NEo and all you other moderator babas, the only way to save SIKHAWARENESS now is to MAKE A CHAT ROOM ON HERE so we can all actively slag one another off hence vent our anger prior to posting on the forum... I mean we can all discuss ACADEMICALLY (hunna SMS) So please save the pracheeen Purataaan Sikhawareness Samparydaya 108, and make us a chat room.. with a little beya who sells gharam chai.. :twisted: Hehe I have on creative imagination..LoL .. i thought id try and be all dramatical just to add falvour.. For all ur freaks and geaks .. NO I AM NOT AKAAL TAKHT OR SHERBAT KHALSA. its all a joke.. but the request for a chat room is serious.. Gurbrakaaal and so forth and so on..
  19. wow they all want me to continue.. I was looking for acceptance all my life and suddenly Im accepted as the messenger of death.. HAHAHAH get it the messenger of death coz im chatting about death.. Ahh forget it..!!! So what u wanna know sukhi
  20. Also main reason as to why we are not satisified is not only that we dont know what we want, but also because we do not know how to satisfy one another. When a child draws a picture or brings you something even though its incomplete, you are overly joyed by what you recieve and it always more then enough, even if its nothing. But if a person was to do the same it wouldnt seem satisfactory, its because as we get older we start expecting something which is the only reason why we will do something. Theres always alittle whats in it for me even if the action seems selfless or proffessional. Its that little bit of whats in it for me, which makes a person unable to provide 100% in whatever they give, and that is why when someone recieves they always feel that there is not enough or something is lacking, even if at first they seem satisfied.. Its the law of karma man.. equal and opposite forces..
  21. main reason why we want more.. because we dont have enough.. !!! its not rocket science sukhi.. Come on lass..
  22. plastic is fantastic.. G kaur, I have an old 18 Century Barbie, made with special damascus steel and having arabic text engraved in gold along the handle.. ... oh wait this aint a barbie.. !!
  23. Googly I shall take ur advice.. from now on I shall wax my legs.. is any woman attracted to my soft soft hairless legs yet??
  24. SMS sahib, ur cleverist.. if we all must discuss in an academical way then only the elite clever people who can form proper grammatically correct sentences and structered arguments will be allowed to express their views on this forum.. Poor ann paar like me will just have to keep attempting to be stupid and funny. You Cleverist.. !!!
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