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Everything posted by Singh123456777

  1. I can't post pics! It's saying there was a problem processing the pictures.
  2. It's good you stayed calm bro when the shit was hitting the roof. A lot of apney would be able to handle it.
  3. Not-Sikh Khoj you believe in what ever the f**k you want. We will believe in our guru.
  4. According to baba hari Singh randhawa kavi ji was the first to marry outside of his caste in sikhi.
  5. I'm trying to get to 160 by May. I make little goals like 177 in two weeks or this much weight by 4 weeks etc. It's easier with small doable goals. When I go to India i generally lose weight even though I eat more. I also tend to join a gym and buy a punching bag there so I can still workout. I'm planning to be 170 by April 1. I am cutting for a fight in June if I can get one. I can cut water weight to be at fighting weight but that sometimes can be really dangerous so I'm just gonna cut gradually for few months so I only need to cut 5 pounds of water weight at the max. I don't want to be exhausted and drained by cutting drastically.
  6. Holy hell I have been eating like shit for the last couple of days. I feel like crap as well. Gotta just chill out on the food for a few days. Im trying to lose about 3 pounds in a week and a half. I have a goal of 177 pounds by feb 23. Right now I'm 180 and I gurantee can lose that much weight only if I don't binge like a fat ass. I need some restraints lol!
  7. Damn son! That's crazy! Eat roti only once a day! Either for breakfast, lunch and dinner not three times lol.
  8. I'm not as old as this planet but not as young as a new blade of grass ;)
  9. Hey satkiran if you actually did your research you would find out that the ddt Maryada was written way before 1987. Satkiran you know your head from your ass about this type of stuff. Just stop now. You follow your version of sikhi and we will follow ours. Don't try to change us.
  10. Why are you forcing your beliefs on somebody who has their own thinking? Your no better than the people you hate.
  11. Sparring separates the Cubs from the lions lol. When your sparring you have to be ready to kick ass or get your ass kicked!
  12. Nah man I don't train with a spotter. If I fail I have to do the roll of shame when I fail on bench press lol. For sqauts I have safety bars I can put the bar down on if I have to fail. The trick to kicking high is to keep your legs loose and limber. Also stretching helps immensely. Basic leg stretches go a long way. I have a tractor but not a combine harvester. Those things are expensive if you want to buy them new. We just get somebody who owns a combine to just come and harvest the fields and we pay them how much they did which roughly amounts to 700 bucks. Now that we are gonna plant alfalfa we don't need a combine harvester to come and harvest it. We can do that ourselves with a tractor and a hay mower attachment.
  13. My grandmother and distant relative took khanda di Amrit from hazur sahib.
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