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Everything posted by OnPathToSikhi

  1. You mean to say Sri Darbar Sahib would still have been attacked ? You have shown your anti-Sikh and anti-Faith views for the n time.
  2. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Bluestars-mask-turns-Hindus-into-Sikhs/articleshow/35801317.cms
  3. Are you denying state sponsored terror crimes? No. You provided the list of killings which you have labeled on "Khalistanis". All I am asking is how many do you see before 1984, in the list that you have provided.
  4. Some one has worked really hard it seems to compile this list. Partial list? Why not full? Half truth is a lie, but what else to expect from you. You constantly fail to see the state sponsored crimes. I will give some food to your thoughts - How many do you read in this list BEFORE the attack on Sri Darbar Sahib? Here is just one instance of the thousands of innocent Sikhs silently killed in Punjab post 1984 by the Indian government (you can read it by majority Hindu government if you like): In this video, what is sad is that the family is looking for justice from the same Indian government/system that has been responsible for these crimes. Classic case of how the pathetic & useless Indian government is.
  5. That's the way you see it, not me or anyone else here. So you just read "which was built there" and then jumped to "in 15th century"? As Amar has indicated, you do not want to accept truth. Everything mentioned in http://gurudwarademolished.blogspot.in is true. Problem is that you are so clogged up with hate that you lack common sense and have become delusional.
  6. Read the statement again you clown. It reads that Guru Nanak Dev Ji "visited" in 15th century.
  7. Dodging and running away from facts is not going to help you, Mr. cut-paste-history-crook-and-distortionist. Vekhee jaa tu hoon ...
  8. Intolerance to hate. Absolutely ANY random reference to Guru Sahibs from you and I will ensure that you are out of here ... forever.
  9. No co-relation to what is being discussed. I think you were warned to keep any references Guru Sahibs out of your comments if you do not understand the Sikh historical contexts. You are again cunningly try to inject hate. If I notice anything similar going forward I am going to have ask to have indefinitely keep you out.
  10. http://jagopunjabjagoindia.com/sikh-muslim-clash-in-hyderabad-condemned-32028
  11. Provide COMPLETE historical facts providing references to Guru Sahibs, else refrain from stating anything if you do not understand Sikh history and if it is beyond your capability to understand.
  12. Gyani Zail Singh was the president during Operation BlueStar, not "after". One comment I would like to make as a general observation on this forum. I think anyone adhering to Sikh beliefs and way of life is a son, daughter of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. Our lineage begins and ends with our guru. Anyone thinking otherwise is surely misguided.
  13. The contributions being made by others are well worth learning from. But you .. you are here only for your anti-Sikh agenda. In fact the discussions were constructive until you showed up in this forum and started spewing your bottled up hate. You have mastered the art of hijacking threads in your typical cunning ways, derail and then start you anti-Sikh and anti-Khalsa rants. Giving you the benefit of the doubt.
  14. "hijacking threads"? I think you should give a strong look at yourself regarding this. I have made my point.
  15. You never are. You are angry at yourself. Anger is not a good sign ... for you. Your original texts speak "— Like the Mani j)ttri/;a7ia of Mahi^rnja Ranji't Singh of 7th Asauj" which I don't think people understand. So you have decided to show your real self. You don't want to show respect to the topics and discussion here? Let the mods hear that.
  16. My apologies to all other posters, for going off topic here, but I think this is needed.
  17. "— Like the Mani^r, " ??, "j)ttri/;a7ia of Mahi^rnja Ranji't Singh of 7th Asauj"?? what is all this? "unquote"? Where is the "quote"? Was this a cut and paste in haste? Do not force yourself to comment without without showing some respect to the original topic. Remember that.
  18. Narration of Sikh history, either by singing or in speeches, is integral to Sikh faith and culture. You don't like it, plug your ears. Also by referring as "rotten pieces of oratory", you have only reiterated your hatred towards Sikhs. It is a well know fact that SantJi's movement for Sikh rights and interests was hijacked by the government to give it a totally different form and to put in the seeds of separation between Hindus and Sikhs. Santji's fight was with the Indian government and not with the common person. Also his speeches have been read and interpreted in a totally different context (as is by you) to suit personal justification. Listen to his speeches and numerous times he says he will "give his head" if he is proven wrong. Why don't you also talk about this? You know that when you just talk half truth, it is a lie anyway. Now if he did give "fiery" speeches, the "majority community (of India)" had to get back and murder thousands of innocents? "venom" ? People clearly know where the venom is coming from. Just take a look at all your posts here and you will (or maybe not) understand.
  19. What happened to your freedom of speech? Or is it only for the "majority community"?
  20. "compliment to the majority community" ?? ... Can you be more specific? Just throw out the word. "As far as the personal attack on me is concerned, this is the best characters like onPath can do. I would dismiss it with just word - pathetic." I thought I was being polite to call you a clown.
  21. The same democratic system that mass murders innocents? India is/has been a failed democracy. It is just a democratic illusion. It has been limping forward by the sheer goodwill of some of it's folks and that we can call a miracle if we must, but please do not call India a democracy. Can you please provide some recent examples specifically in reference to Sikhs? Also, for Sikhs I think it is better to see how you "see yourself" (follow the guidelines of Gurmat) rather then relying on media brainwashing. VeerJi, I think here you maybe 100% wrong. It is the "good in people" that makes them feel that there is no racism in India, but believe me it exists very much. Just try to show your pride in being a Sikh (in India) and see how you may start rubbing the people on the wrong side (also evident from this forum). Yes, it also may also exists in west but the west seems more tolerant in general. Also the challenges in the west may be different, but may exist nonetheless. Sikhs generally have been respected because of their high ideals and moral standards. Remember respect is not given, it is earned. India wants to keep "giving" (as someone here wants to "give" leadership to Sikhs) respect so that Sikhs are happy "receiving" it. Is this what you want? West has it's own challenges possibly, which seems to be changing slowly as people have started learning who Sikhs are. Maybe yes, but just due to the number of Sikhs in India. But in the west there seems to be genuine appreciation of our culture. In fact I can say a lot of revivalism to appreciate our culture may be coming from the diaspora Sikhs.
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