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Everything posted by paapiman

  1. ਤਰਾਸਦੀ - Tragedy Bhul chuk maaf
  2. Also, please do try to find and speak to a Mahapurakh about your situation. He might be able to guide you really well. Bhul chuk maaf
  3. Irrespective of his personal life, he has brought forward many experiences of Naam abhiyasiye Singhs for the benefit of the sangat. Bhul chuk maaf
  4. Learned a new word from my mother: ਊਤ - Clumsy, Stupid, Foolish Bhul chuk maaf
  5. ਚਰਬੀਦਾਰ - Greasy Bhul chuk maaf
  6. This Charitar is a bit related to the base tale. Sheel Manjri has been duped to believe that the person in front of her (her husband) is someone else. In the base tale, Chitar Singh has married Chitar Mati, just because of the fact that she looked like his ex-wife. Maybe the wise minister is trying to convey to Chitar Singh that you have been tricked by looks. Bhul chuk maaf
  7. This Charitar talks about how body language (wide eyes in this case) can be perceived differently. Sheel Manjari was surprised by looking at her own husband, as she thought, he was a different man. Her eyes opened up wide in astonishment. The husband thought that she freaked out by looking at him (believing in his mind that he had caught her cheating with someone) and that's why her eyes opened up. Bhul chuk maaf
  8. If you are looking at Sikhi from a western lens, then you will definitely have troubles understanding the great intellect of Chanakya jee. Bhul chuk maaf
  9. What do you think the cook could have done in this situation? IMHO, he should have left the services of the king and then maybe sent a letter to him explaining the assassination plot against him. In this way, he would have saved himself and also performed his loyal duty towards the king (possibly saving his life too). From my personal experience, once you get into trouble with women at a workplace (especially in any of the western countries), one of the best ways to save your honor, is to leave that place. Some of them can play really filthy deceptive games. If you are an ethical/moral individual, you will likely not survive this battle. It is much easier to face men, than women. After reading the Charitars though, a person should be in a better position to deal with women at a workplace. Bhul chuk maaf
  10. Imagine, if someone's aunt or cousin wants to have sex with him. The person might refuse, but then he is in a very uncomfortable position. Should he tell his parents or siblings or anyone else about the approach or should he keep it a secret? Bhul chuk maaf
  11. Warning: Sexually explicit material below. Daas will kindly request sangat, below the age of 25 or people who are greatly affected by Lust, to stay away from this discussion. Daas heard about an incident from someone, which is related to the Charitars. The person who told me about it, used to live and work in a rich middle eastern country. One of the drivers (of a native Arab family) told him about this incident. A native Arab woman (whose family the person worked for as a driver) told him to have sex with her, otherwise he would be jailed. In those countries, non-natives don't have the same amount of rights, like those enjoyed in the western countries. The driver then had sex with her. I guess he had no option at that stage. In a western society, this would almost classify as a rape. The guy was threatened and coerced to have sex with that woman. Bhul chuk maaf
  12. The moral from this tale seems to be that if you indulge in immoral/unethical acts, don't expect others involved in it to assist you, when you get caught. Most people will think about self-preservation first, before helping anyone else out. Bhul chuk maaf
  13. Well, in this Charitar, you cannot really blame the princess for betraying her paramour. She could have been possibly seriously punished (depending on the law of the kingdom) and therefore, had to save herself. They were doing something in secrecy. The lover had to be vigilant (this was a life and death situation for him) and should not have left the place without accompanied by the maid. He should have woken up the maid. Both parties were immoral in character. One made a mistake and paid heavily for it. Bhul chuk maaf
  14. If I have got it right, this Charitar is about pre-marital sex affair. Bhul chuk maaf
  15. Well, you can discuss spirituality on this forum. Admins are very broad-minded over here. Bhul chuk maaf
  16. Please do let us know, if any of the methods worked. Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  17. An excerpt from "Was Bhindranwale a Congress Creation"? This will again point to the fact that Jats/Jatts belong to the Shudar varan. Bhul chuk maaf
  18. What happened after that? Is that family friend still alive? Thanks Bhul chuk maaf
  19. So Dhadri is a Sant/Mahapurakh, according to you? Bhul chuk maaf
  20. One might wonder how can jaap of shabads provide us with worldly gains such as increase in wealth, restoration of health, boom in business, sharpening of intelligence, family peace, etc. Please listen to Gyani Kulwant Singh jee for the answer. Please start listening after 1:00 min: Bhul chuk maaf
  21. Have you done it b? Bhul chuk maaf
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