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Everything posted by paapiman

  1. It might be Sau Sakhis, but Daas is not 100% sure. Bhul chuk maaf
  2. Bro, there is a specific bachan of Maharaaj, in relation to sex with a Muslim women. A Sikh will not be forgiven, if he commits adultery with a Muslim woman. Bhul chuk maaf
  3. Bro, they deserve respect. They were not perfect, but they were way higher in spirituality, than many people (including some Amritdhari Sikhs). They made some mistakes, but a person like me commits so many sins in a day. Daas is no where close to them. According to your line of thinking, should we also stop respecting our mothers, fathers, elders, fellow Singhs, teachers, preachers, etc? After all, most of them are not perfect and cannot give us Naam or Amrit. Bhul chuk maaf
  4. Bro, for 108, please check the links below. http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Significance_of_the_number_108 http://www.sikhawareness.com/topic/8476-what-is-the-meaning-of-108/ Bhul chuk maaf
  5. Two events in which you have to go for a Peshi, for sure are: - Removal of hair for medical reasons or any other reason. - Removal of Kachera, even if it is accidental. Bhul chuk maaf
  6. Bro, are you 100% sure that there is no discrimination against Majhbi Singhs at Dera Rummi? Quote first of all letme tell you that- my nanke pind is bhucho kalan, a lot of my childhood was spent playing in dera rumi wala, and my mama is a granthi in there . when i grew up i was always indifferent to all shrines alike due to my scientefic approach/bent of mind.so no wonder even that he is patron saint of my nanke side, and was probably a great man in his own right and his own times,i dont feel any extra reverence towards him.what i learned was that- it is a dera of jatts , people of lower caste are not allowed there since the old times. Unquote [1] [1] - http://punjabijawani.com/forums/topic/baba-maha-harnam-singh-ji-bucho-kalan/ Bhul chuk maaf
  7. Great day coming up - Aug.29, 2015 - Rakhree, Pooranmashi and Baba Nand Singh jee's barsi - all on the same day - It's weekend too - Dhan Guru Nanak - tu heen Nirankaar

  8. How many Teekas (commentaries) of SDGSJ are available? Does anyone about it? Thanks a lot Bhul chuk maaf
  9. Awareness is very important. We need to know about the evil that exists in the society too. Not every person is of a high spiritual state. Bhul chuk maaf
  10. The so-called SRM has not been accepted by the Panth and has other problems too. By definition, a person cannot call himself a Sikh, until he/she gets Baptized. This is according to Gurbani and Gurbani is above, this so-called SRM document. If a Gurudwara allows marriage of Niguray/Patits (Non-Baptized/Outcasts), then the Gurudwara should have no problems in allowing an inter-faith marriage. Hypocrisy is a big sin in Sikhism. Bhul chuk maaf
  11. Bro, what do you mean? Do they tell sangat not to do Nitnaym, but instead do Sri Sukhmani Sahib jee? Sounds against Gurmat. Did Srimaan 108 Sant Baba Mahaharnaam Singh jee Maharaaj Bhuchowale approve this or not? Bhul chuk maaf
  12. Relax sister -- he might be a good person. Some Muslim faqirs wear black clothes. Some Nanaksar Singhs also wear black cholas. Bhul chuk maaf
  13. Sangat jee - Please listen to Gyani jee's audio clip below. Some people are using black magic, to impress people. Request - Stay away from such people (who use Black Magic) and firmly hold on to the feet of Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Rai Dev Bedi jee Maharaaj (currently in the form of SSGGSJ/Gurbani) aka God. Bhul chuk maaf
  14. Sangat jee - Has anyone heard of a sakhi of Ninth Master's encounter with monkeys? Maharaaj talked to them in their language and blessed them. Can someone please provide details? Thanks a lot. Bhul chuk maaf
  15. Singh saab, please listen to the below audio clip, after 12 min. http://www.gurbaniupdesh.org/multimedia/04-Katha/13-Giani Thakur Singh Ji (Patiala Wale)/Katha Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji/CD10(Ang0748-0885)/0836-Ang-0867-Pankti-06.mp3 Bhul chuk maaf
  16. Thanks brothers and sister for your inputs. Appreciate that. Bhul chuk maaf
  17. According to Maryada (code of conduct): Quote According to Gurmat both the bride and bridegroom should be Amritdharee. Unquote [1] [1] - http://www.damdamitaksaal.org/code-of-conduct#h9-wedding-ceremony-anand-sanskar-fourth-ceremony Other method used (in the past), in case the bride and bridegroom were non-Amritdharis, was that they were asked to take a oath before Satguru jee, that they will become Amritdharis in the future. Therefore, if a Gurudwara actively participates in a marriage ceremony of non-Amritdharis (the ones who have not taken an oath), it goes against the code of conduct. Hypocrisy (Paakhand) - Allow marriage of non-Amrtidhari so-called Sikhs, while disallowing marriage of non-Sikhs (who might have love for Sikh masters). Alternate option - A Gurudwara should not actively participate in the marriage ceremony of non-Amritdharis/Non-Sikhs, but they should also not ban their marriages. For example: Non-Amritdharis/Non-Sikhs should be allowed to book a hall and then perform the marriage ceremony on their own. Bhul chuk maaf
  18. Request to all my veer (brothers), who commit Kesh Katal (Killing of hair) - Please try to keep Kesh. Kesh are the mohar (sign) of Satguru jee. Many Sikhs have sacrificed their lives for it. Satguru jee will save us from hell fire and beatings of jamdhoots (angels of death). Cutting Kesh is as sinful as incest, for a Sikh. If one cannot take amrit, at least try to become a Keshdhari. Maharaaj will be happy at you. Bhul chuk maaf
  19. Bro..daas heard in a katha ....about stomach problems when a person does too much naam simran...don't remember the audio file. There is a chakar (energy point) in our body, near the belly button. Bhul chuk maaf
  20. Heard in a katha -- pain of death is like an "x" amount of scorpions biting a person, at the same time. Forgot the number. Bhul chuk maaf
  21. It is happening to someone else (spiritually high), not me. Bhul chuk maaf
  22. To add: - One has to do 180 malas, in total (in case of Mool mantar jaap), from one pooranmashi to the next one. It does not have to be strictly 6 malas, per day. One can do more, especially if one has time (on the weekends) and less on the busy days. - Another Important point: As a Sikh, we should dedicate approximately 2.5 hrs (Daswandh - 10% of the day) for God, on a daily basis. Nitnaym can be completed in approximately 1.5 hrs. Therefore, this is great way to cover the remaining approximate 1 hr left and also attain the reward of a Sehaj paath of SSGGSJ. Dhan Dhan Srimaan Sant Baba Nand Singh jee Maharaaj Kaleranwale Dhan Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Rai Dev Bedi jee Maharaaj Bhul chuk maaf
  23. Sister, all the Bhagats, mentioned in Gurbani, including Srimaan Bhagat Baba Fareed jee Maharaaj, were Keshdharis or became Keshdharis, once they reached high spiritual states. Many avataars and prophets were also Keshdharis. Important note: The above message applies to people, born in Sikh families or people who claim to be Sikhs. Not sure, if it applies to non-Sikhs. Bhul chuk maaf
  24. What was that Singh doing? This is a big Paakhand (Hypocrisy). Bhul chuk maaf
  25. Sangat jee - Please listen to the clip below. Gyani jee talks about the brutal punishment, for cutting Kesh. Their (who commit this sin) heads will be battered by Jamdoots. Satguru jee showed this (scenes in hell -- where people are getting battered) to a Sikh, by the name of Bhai Daan Singh. Please listen after 9.50 min. http://www.gurbaniupdesh.org/multimedia/04-Katha/13-Giani Thakur Singh Ji (Patiala Wale)/Katha Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji/CD09(Ang0620-0747)/0745-Ang-0730-Pankti-01.mp3 Bhul chuk maaf
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