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Everything posted by paapiman

  1. Sri Vishnu jee does not reside everywhere. By making him look like God, you are committing the same mistake which some Hindus used to and still do. Gurbani focuses so much, on worship of only one Almighty Lord (God) and explicitly proves that the three famous Demi-Gods are under him. Bro, by equating Sri Vishnu jee to the Almighty Lord (God), you are committing ninda. How can you compare a devta with God (who can create millions like him)? Bhul chuk maaf
  2. Thanks paaji. Please do get more information on the paath maryada at Sri Hajoor Sahib jee. Bhul chuk maaf
  3. Sangat jee: Does anyone know, which mantar is used as a Sampat, while doing a Sri Sampat Paath of SDGSJ? Is it the Gayetri mantar? Thanks a lot wjkk wjkf Bhul chuk maaf
  4. Dhan Dhan Srimaan Sant Baba Ishar Singh jee Rara Sahib wale Dhan Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Rai Dev Bedi jee Maharaaj
  5. Excellent points bro. Hanumaan can also refer to a Mantar (Hanumant). This does not mean that Sri Hanumaan jee did not exist physically. Bhul chuk maaf
  6. Dangerous times -- Kaljug. Only Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Rai Dev Bedi jee Maharaaj can save people in these times. Bhul chuk maaf
  7. Bro, Bhagat Baba Naamdev jee Maharaaj used to worship Sri Vishnu jee, when he was young. There is no doubt about that. But, as he moved ahead in spirituality, he started doing Bhagtee of the Almighty Lord and attained Brahamgyan. The Sakhi in the other post, where Sri Vishnu jee comes to protect Bhagat jee does not prove that Sri Vishnu jee is God. In fact, Bhagat jee had darshan of God in 72 different forms (dog, lion, Mughal, idol, etc). Does that mean, we should start worshiping lions, dogs and idols? Bhul chuk maaf
  8. Gurmat advocates worship of Raam, the Almighty Lord which resides in everyone, not of Sri Raam Chandar jee, who was an incarnation of a Demi-God. Hence, the arths done by the above two scholars, completely conform with Gurmat. Bhul chuk maaf
  9. Bro, do you seriously believe, that you have more knowledge of Gurbani grammar than Professor Sahib Singh jee and Gyani Harbans Singh jee? Paaji, your interpretation is right; there is no doubt about that. But, you cannot discard the other interpretations, which are in line with Gurmat. The arths, done by the scholars above, completely conform with Gurmat. Bhul chuk maaf
  10. Bro, all the above three Devtays exist and are not just mere abstract ideas. God can do anything. Why cannot a person have four heads? There are people, who are born with two heads. Please have a look below: https://www.google.ca/search?q=kid+with+two+heads&biw=1366&bih=705&tbm=isch&imgil=NUfT3jyF7wU0GM%3A%3BEbOhF0uW5JIeoM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.emirates247.com%252Fnews%252Femirates%252Findian-baby-with-2-heads-clings-to-life-2014-03-18-1.542062&source=iu&pf=m&fir=NUfT3jyF7wU0GM%3A%2CEbOhF0uW5JIeoM%2C_&dpr=1&usg=__yihu8LS6RZOnusJ78sgTY7-i_L0%3D&ved=0CCgQyjdqFQoTCNWg_Pvf4scCFYZ5PgodKtsP8w&ei=MF_sVdXIM4bz-QGqtr-YDw#imgrc=NUfT3jyF7wU0GM%3A&usg=__yihu8LS6RZOnusJ78sgTY7-i_L0%3D Sri Varaha jee lifting the earth is a fact, not fiction. The story might have varying layers of interpretation, but the actual physical happening of the event, cannot be denied. The moral of the above story is simple. Sri Brahma jee is not God, as he became a victim of lust. Give him respect, but don't think of him as an ultimate creator. Bhul chuk maaf
  11. Sangat jee: Is there a book in English, which goes into details on the life of Srimaan Sant Baba Raam Singh jee Naamdhari? Thanks a lot wjkk wjkf Bhul chuk maaf
  12. Paaji, there is only one God. This is the fundamental principle of Sikhism. During those times, some people worshiped devtay as God, which was wrong. Srimaan Bhagat Baba Namdev jee Maharaaj preached people to worship the Almighty Lord (God), rather than any demi-Gods (devtay). He did start with Sargun Upaashna when he was young, but then moved into Nirgun Upaashna. Bhagat jee told people to worship Raam, the Almighty Lord, which exists everywhere, rather than Sri Raam Chandar jee, an incarnation of a Demi-God. Bhul chuk maaf
  13. Can someone please explain the below terms (types of arth)? - Samashtee arth - Vayashtee arth The other types of arths are Sankaytee arth, Anthriv arth, Bhav arth, etc. Thanks a lot Bhul chuk maaf
  14. Bro, the need of the time is to focus on the word "Erotica", as some people are having trouble with it, being used explicitly in Sri Charitropakhyan Sahib jee. How come these people (nindaks), are not questioning these tuks in SSGGSJ? Why the double standards? Bhul chuk maaf
  15. More Erotica in SSGGSJ: ਨਵ ਰੰਗ ਲਾਲੁ ਸੇਜ ਰਾਵਣ ਆਇਆ ॥ My Darling Beloved is new and fresh; He has come to my bed to enjoy me. ਕਾਮਣਿ ਤਉ ਸੀਗਾਰੁ ਕਰਿ ਜਾ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਕੰਤੁ ਮਨਾਇ ॥ O bride, decorate yourself, after you surrender and accept your Husband. ਮਤੁ ਸੇਜੈ ਕੰਤੁ ਨ ਆਵਈ ਏਵੈ ਬਿਰਥਾ ਜਾਇ ॥ Otherwise, your Husband will not come to your bed, and your ornaments will be useless. Bhul chuk maaf
  16. More importance of women in child rearing. Quote The mother is then to breast-feed the child, from this the child should become virtuous, a warrior, saintly, charitable and a vibrant Gursikh Unquote [1] Quote Mothers are to maintain a strong level of Sikh discipline. Daily after their Nitnem (prayer recital) they should go to the Gurdwara Sahib17, listen to discourses of Gur mat,18 Sikh History and Kirtan, taking their young children with them. The experiences of childhood become engraved on the child like a carving on a stone. Unquote [1] [1] - Gurmat Rehat Maryada Bhul chuk maaf
  17. Bro, Attari means mansion. Daas thinks that it also means a minaret, but I might be wrong. http://www.khojgurbani.com/worddetail/gurmukhi/ਅਟਾਰੇ Bhul chuk maaf
  18. Bro, there are also two types of anands (enjoyments). One is Joganand, experienced by Jogis, and the other is Brahmanand, which is experienced by Bhagats. If Daas finds more information, Gurparsaad - will post it. Please listen to Sant jee below. He talks about the tenth gate (Dasam Duar) and Jog mat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1J0ZGt-ttM Bhul chuk maaf
  19. Bro, Waheguru mantar existed during the times of first master. There is a sakhi, in which Satguru jee tells Srimaan Baba Mardana jee Maharaaj and Srimaan Baba Bala jee Maharaaj to recite Waheguru mantar, while crossing an ocean. Dhan Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Rai Dev Bedi jee Maharaaj Bhul chuk maaf
  20. Sister, if you want, you can listen to the katha of Sri Laavan Sahib jee. Gyani jee goes into depth too. Please listen after 13 min. http://www.gurbaniupdesh.org/multimedia/04-Katha/13-Giani Thakur Singh Ji (Patiala Wale)/Katha Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji/CD10(Ang0748-0885)/0773-Ang-0773-Pankti-01.mp3 Bhul chuk maaf
  21. Tina Kaur jee, please listen to the video clip below: Bhul chuk maaf
  22. Bro, the above points are really good, but in my humble opinion, they apply more to people who want to become preachers or join jathas (groups) in Sikhism. It is good idea for a Abilaakhee too, but the main factor to consider is death, which can strike anytime. Bhul chuk maaf
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