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Everything posted by paapiman

  1. Bro, it applies to all Sikhs. It does not apply to Sehajdhari Hindus/Muslims, etc. There is no difference between Sikh panth and Khalsa panth. Anyways, let's stay on the topic. Bhul chuk maaf
  2. ​One cannot compare cutting kesh (one of the cardinal sins) in Sikhi, to daswandh or working for a living. If a person commits, any one of the four cardinal sins (Bajjar kurehits), then he/she become a patit. Bhul chuk maaf
  3. Thanks for the info. ​Where are those picture now? Does anyone know? Bhul chuk maaf
  4. ​Bro, he does not have to be a Sikh, to ask forgiveness from God. Non-Sikhs can also seek forgiveness. It is always good to seek forgiveness from God first, before the actual victim, as God resides in the victim too. When one does ardaas with full concentration and love, then God can perform miracles, which includes changing the mindset of the victim. Bhuk chuk maaf
  5. ​It indirectly says to have a guru; by looking down on Niguray. Gurbani says, even the name of a "Nigura" is bad. How do we adopt a guru in Sikhi - most common way - Khanday da amrit. Bro, requirement of Kesh might be mentioned in Sri Dasam Granth Sahib jee. Bhul chul maaf
  6. ​Gurmat rules cannot be changed---made by our father. I would have respected a non-Sikh too, if he would have stood up for Sikhi. That does not mean, I should start calling him a Sehajdhari. Bhul chuk maaf
  7. ​Sincerely apologize to God first and then apologize to your family. Bhul chuk maaf
  8. ​That is, one of the arths of it. Most likely, there are more arths to it. Anyways, thanks bro. Bhul chuk maaf
  9. Gyani jee talks about ego. Satguru jee does not like a person who keeps saying "main main" (mine mine or I I). CD - 009............File - 707............Please listen after 19.00 min. http://www.gurbaniupdesh.org/multimedia/index.php?q=f&f=%2F04-Katha%2F13-Giani+Thakur+Singh+Ji+(Patiala+Wale)%2FKatha+Sri+Guru+Granth+Sahib+Ji Bhul chuk maaf
  10. Can someone please explain the three tax collectors, mentioned in Gurbani? ਤੀਨਿ ਜਗਾਤੀ ਕਰਤ ਰਾਰਿ ॥ Thanks Bhul Chuk Maaf Waheguru jee kaa Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
  11. ​Bro, can you please give a practical example of it? Bhul chuk maaf
  12. ​Is it in SSGGSJ or Sri Dasam Granth Sahib jee or Bhai Gurdaas jee dee varaan? Quote ਨਾਟਕ ਚੇਟਕ ਕੀਝ ਕ੝ਕਾਜਾ ॥ ਪ੝ਰਭ ਲੋਗਨ ਕਹ ਆਵਤ ਲਾਜਾ ॥੧੪॥The saints of the Lord abhor the performance of miracles and malpractices. 14. Unquote [1] [1] - http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Martyrdom_of_Guru_Tegh_Bahadur Bhul chuk maaf
  13. ​ Is this the tuk? ਸੂਖਮ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਨਿਰੰਜਨ ਕਾਇਆ ਕਾ ਆਕਾਰੁ ॥ But to the subtle image of the Immaculate Name, they apply the form of a body.
  14. ​ ​Thanks bro for the link. The photo of first master was used by Srimaan Sant Baba Isher Singh jee Maharaaj and he was a Gurmukh Brahamgyani. Proof - http://www.sikhlionz.com/baba-isher-singh-kaleran-wale.jpg Bhul chuk maaf
  15. ​Bro, can you please provide the reference (Katha)? Are you 100% sure, he said that? I used to think that, it was the other way around. He got darshan of first master in SSGGSJ. I might be wrong. Bhul chuk maaf
  16. ​Well, we have two instances, where Satguru jee allowed his portrait to be made. One sakhi is of a woman from Dhaka (present day Bangladesh), who requested to make a portrait of ninth master and she was given permission. The sakhi is below: http://nanaksarkaleran.com/originalportraitofgurutegbahadurji Second, we have the famous portrait of first master, which is used in Nanaksar gurughars. Srimaan Sant Baba Nand Singh jee Maharaaj Kaleranwala did great parupkaar (mercy) on people like me, by gifting the Panth, the photo of first master. Having said the above, we should try to stick to the above two pictures, in addition to any other historical pictures of Satguru jee. If cartoon images are to be made, they should use these pictures as a base. Also, pictures should not be worshiped, but can be used for motivation and inspiration. Bhul chuk maaf
  17. ​Bro, some Singhs did give her good replies. Anyways, if a Sikh treats a white convert different from a Hindu convert, then he does not deserve to be called a Sikh. Bhul chuk maaf
  18. ​Respect for those monay veer, who stood up for Sikhi. Bhul chuk maaf
  19. ​So what, if he was a patit? He was a great leader of men and had immense love for Satguru jee. He made some mistakes in his life, but look at what he did for us. Bhul chuk maaf
  20. ​It is also meant to be read by females. Females should read them and try to protect their husbands, brothers, etc from evil women. In addition, on average, women are better at reading body language than men. Therefore, a female can greatly impact family life. Bhul chuk maaf
  21. ​That is normal, as you are a human. Therefore, it is important for a person to stay within his/her limits, and not question Lord's work. Bhul chuk maaf
  22. ​Don't follow manmat, follow Gurmat. We are nobodies to tell Satguru jee, what to do and how to do. Bhul chuk maaf
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