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Everything posted by Sukhi

  1. gee Neo. i wonder where you're getting all these excellent threads, news stories and pics recently. :roll:
  2. i don't think there's anything i can say to that... but it was a good read... informative...
  3. pssshhh... whatever Neo. the world REJOICES when you fall asleep cuz then even though they need to endure your horrendous snoring, they're at least free of you! which makes me wonder if i should subject the other paapi timmywaley babey to your snoring, or your personality in narak khand. both sound horrible... maybe i'll subject them to both, but alternate it. MUAHAHAHAAA! :twisted: you know i'm kidding Neo. for the most part. hahahaaa!
  4. Sukhi


    ok shut it already beast. seriously.
  5. really? how funkadelic is that! i'll just continue believing that they borrowed punjabi words for themselves. (kidding)
  6. OYE! how dare you make fun of the great mahadevi! you mahadevi slanderers shall surely fall into narak khand (my particular territory of choice) for these paapi thoughts! and there i shall subject you to Neo's eternal snoring cuz i'm gonna put him to sleep and give him horrible nightmares and while he nightmares away, you shall suffer through a never-ending night in which you can't fall asleep cuz of his (alleged) snoring! HAH! okay, east side mario's for you dimwitted timmeywaley babey is ACROSS THE FLIPPIN STREET OF TIMMIES. (just shows how intelligent you nimwits really are.) :roll: but the plan's not 100% pakka yet. all i wanted to do is let you guys know that the mahadevi bhagats and mahadevi herself (possibly) shall be padhaar-ing there around 7/8. oh and for those of you who are planning to go to the parade, if you look at the plans in the original thread, you'll see that there are no plans from the end of the parade to the beginning of the timmy get-together specifically cuz we wanted to let people do their own thing, take the afternoon off if wanted cuz saturday's gonna be a looong day. those who are ignorant of what i am speaking of, it's quite alright. you're not important. MUAHAHAHA! :twisted: j/k please ask Neo, or cybersingh (or me if you feel like it) for details. (or join www.sikhportal.com and check out the appropriate thread.)
  7. oooh... dayam... tha's some meanness... defo can't feel the love in this thread. what's with the sparks between guv and ce? like normally sparks are a good thing cuz they're nice happy loveable sparks, but these are the wrong sort.
  8. see my comment in your duplicate thread made in the music section. *ahem*
  9. sounds interesting. where are you guys based? the uk?
  10. he's scared to say anything cuz he know some people like to dl albums. *cough*cough*beast*cough*cough*me*cough*cough but i thought the couple of the month wasn't amrik-jaskaur, but rather amrik-jattiwidagandasa...? if not, then what the hell were you doin in grass with her?! :shock:
  11. the interpretation is fine. the issue is defining hindu in a comprehensible manner. hindu race = gene pool hindu faith = religious practices that come under the umbrella of "religion" (although some scholars will argue that hinduism as a religion doesn't exist since the beliefs and practices followed by religious hindus are so varied) i believe what beast is trying to say is that sikhs are hindus in the sense that we all share the same genetic pool (ie most of us are indian in terms of heritage and ethnicity), not practitioners of the hindu faith. is that clear enough?
  12. ye the picture was nice but the horrible attitude this timmywaley babey have is disgusting. not to worry though. timmywaley babey, just to let you know, there's gonna be a great gathering of some eastsidemarios babey and bibiya on sunday april 24th around 7 p.m. are you guys going to be meeting there?
  13. why do i need to show or prove to you i am what i am?
  14. that question was directed at hell-bound monkey!
  15. i hope that question is directed at hell-bound monkey.
  16. brucey lucy... CHILL OUT! geezus...! (and yes, i'm your enemy. so go ahead and take your best shot. and ye, just to make your life easier, i'll say "i got no ego and if you challenge me, you're up against the khalsa panth".) :roll:
  17. yes. any banana. hell bound monkey loves em all.
  18. gup shup, jokes, now the music section... a couple of others. i thought you guys were doin some house-cleaning or something.
  19. *smacks her forehead in disdain* they eat any and every kind of banana out there. they're not that picky. bejeebers. why do i have to spell it out for you?!
  20. there're threads missing all over the site.
  21. hmmm... a really smart aunty ji once said the same to me. basically you're not supposed to engage in those thoughts, in either trying to fight them off or to actively think about it, but rather go with the flow (and pray like hell that you'll get back to doin what's important {simran} soon).
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