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tva prasad

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    tva prasad reacted to Soulfinder in PDF's of Sikh Books   
    I will try to veer ji avoid movies serials both english and hindi. As i used to watch eastenders eveyday on tv but since giving that up for about 6 years i will happy as it was a waste of energy and time.
    Luckly at my home we don't have any sky tv channels like star,sony,zee for serials movies so i have got just a empty sky box with just sikh media channels which are not that gurmat related at all so i avoid that as well as it doesn't have anything interesting.
    I also know one aunty ji who watches serials from 6pm to 11pm but they are really addicative is what i have heard as i have been introduced to the hindi tv serials due to no access etc.
    Also my mama ji (really religious) who has got Guru Sahib Ji's Saroop at his home used to watch many zee serials and use to avoid the phone as it was his serial time lol.
    But i also find movies boring if i watch one after a bit of time or after doing paath i like them but without it effecting me and just taking in the good bits.
    Veer ji english movies are not suitable to watch infront of family parents even eastenders i would feel uncomfortable with watching it around family as we used to watch before but i stopped just my dad who watches it now.
    True i usually am vert picky with a english movie as recently watched the omen 1970s which was very good as i had it on blu ray. 
    But i do like violent movies as well cos they help show the true nature of a human like taxi driver and i also started to watch natural born killers which i have got half to watch.
    I have noticed that i am not that into movies as i was when i was 18 with names of titles actors etc but that was a quite a long time ago.
    Nowdays since increasing banis paaths i have forgot so much about the movies i used to like back than as nightmare on elm street, scarface, a clockwork orange etc.
    But i do suppose it works differently for different people movies and how it effects the mind.
    I remember once watching a usa serial episode and next thing i felt drained out from it that i had missed my banis paath and this was during the early stages a few years ago.
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in What do you think about giani thakur singh   
    So, how do you interpret the following verse (part of Nitnem)?
    ਹੁਕਮੈ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਸਭੁ ਕੋ ਬਾਹਰਿ ਹੁਕਮ ਨ ਕੋਇ ॥
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in What do you think about giani thakur singh   
    Did Operation Blue star occur within the Hukam of Akal Purakh or not?
    Yes or No?
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in What do you think about giani thakur singh   
    Majority is not right always.
    Majority of the "Sikhs" are non-Amritdharis too. 
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    tva prasad got a reaction from paapiman in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    Things that are beyond the perception or understanding of our untrained mind, by us are termed "mystical" and "supernatural". Since people as such are unable to comprehend them they think they were made up by someone or are false. The trained and stilled mind knows that these things are the truth of the universe coming forth.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from paapiman in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    Do share your thoughts on the above two tales and similarities and differences.
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    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    I had originally thought it was 1001 stories with one story ending and one beginning every night.
    Cool. Never knew that.
    Great info. Wonder why the priest added it. Or did it replace a story? Or was it just a really good story to include?
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    tva prasad reacted to amardeep in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    The Aladin was not part of the original manuscript but was added by the Europeans in the 18th century 
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    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    Nothing. It is the bedrock of beleiving in some entity you can't see.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from paapiman in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    Apparently the original had 1000 tales.
    Source: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101219080335AAKMNjE 
    Doesn't really matter,  though. We can still compare. 
  11. Thanks
    tva prasad got a reaction from paapiman in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    There was a popular show called "Alif Layla" on TV,  I remember watching it when I was young. So I think they were read in mughal India and probably afterwards, too. 
  12. Thanks
    tva prasad got a reaction from paapiman in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    The original was written in Arabic. It might have been translated to Persian, though.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from paapiman in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    Story of Allahdin:
    Charitar #5:
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    tva prasad reacted to DeNiro in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    ha ha
    The Truth itself is 'supernatural' and 'mystical'
    Truth is not maya.
    Behind the veil of maya is the truth. 
    Do only brahman know what's behind veil of maya?  Maybe only brahman knows the supernatural and mystical.
    I don't know anything about brahmans, so not speaking against them. Don't know much about  taksal, nanaksar, akj,  so i'd be a fool to speak against them. I learned a little more about naamdharees on another thread, so I can assume they don't know who my guru is. They're not in my boat and my foot's not in theirs. 
    Tell me more on Alif Laila, because I don't know anything about it.  If you do, i'll tell you more about Adam and Eve an also my favorite "gingerbread" man story.
  15. Like
    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    I think it definitely would have been, seeing as the stories were from around India region, and also with it being a persian work I would say it would have been part of the language culture in the moghal darbar.
  16. Thanks
    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    She didn’t tell 1001 stories but spread the stories out over 1001 nights. 
    I think there are some 300 odd stories. 
    At the end of the telling she had borne the King 3 children (1001 nights is almost 3 years) and then she asked the king whether there was any justice in killing the mother of young children so the King rescinded the sentence on her.
  17. Thanks
    tva prasad got a reaction from paapiman in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    Yes, she told Shahrayar half of the story each night. This made the Shah curious of the rest of the story so he did not behead her as he wanted to hear the rest. She repeated this for 1001 stories. When she had told 1001 tales she ran out of tales to tell, however by this time the Shah had fallen in love with her and spared her life. 
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in Sri Charitropakhyan Sahib jee Series - Charitar #74   
    On the whole, they are better than Bindra's.
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    tva prasad got a reaction from paapiman in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    Both of the plots seem to have a king who has an unfaithful wife. Due to the wife's unfaithfulness other characters in the narrative (Hanuwant SIngh in CP and the king's brides in Arabian Nights) are made to bear harsh punishments even though they may be innocent. In both pieces of literature the king has a wise person who helps him to make better decisions through the telling of many tales that teach lessons.  
  20. Thanks
    tva prasad got a reaction from paapiman in Arabian Nights And Charitropakhyaan   
    Let's start with the plot of the 1001 Arabian Nights and Chartiropakhyan. 
    1001 Arabian Nights plot:
    A Sultan, Shahrayar one day find out that his wife is cheating on him with a black cook. He beheads both the cook and the wife. Later, he goes to visit his brother, Shah Zaman, who is also a king. He witnesses his brother's wife cheating on his brother with a black slave. He then witnesses an unfaithful wife of a Jinn. Shah Shahrayar later went back to his kingdom, resolving to marry a woman and behead her in the morning just to repeat this cycle again. One day a smart woman, daughter of his Wazir was married to him. She told him stories, to keep her life. These stories became the 1001 Arabian Nights. 
    Source: http://www.wollamshram.ca/1001/Vol_1/vol1.htm  
    Charitropakhyan plot:
    Source: http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Charitropakhyan 
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    tva prasad reacted to DeNiro in PDF's of Sikh Books   
    Good man.
    You remind me of myself when I was about 23/24 yrs age.  Doing the banis was the ignition that got me climbing. I'd say it  lay the foundations that gave further discipline and dedication.  I maximized the hours and began cutting off from maya with time.   This was preliminary for getting all amped and psyched when I began serious years of bhagti.
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    tva prasad reacted to Soulfinder in PDF's of Sikh Books   
    Veer ji it is a confussing question i totally agree with you 100% as the AKJ are Gursikhs and his books changed lifes but Raagmala (i believe in it 100% to be gurbani) is quite controversal as this is a article i found on the Damdami Taksal website. I do believe Bhai Randhir Singh was a gursikh but rest Waheguru knows.
    Here is the article which akj doesn't believe in but since its published online i will paste here. Note this is not my view and i am not creating a controversy on here.
    The Last Time Sant Giani Gurbachan Singh And Bhai Sahib Bhai Randir Singh Met
    On 19th February 1960 Sant Giani Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale met Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh in Ludhiana at Bhai Sahib’s residence. They did vichaar on Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s Manglan. Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh was ill at the time.  Sant Giani Kartar Singh Ji Khalsa was also present and other members of the jatha.
    They started vichaar on Gurbani. Sant Ji said to Bhai Sahib that the anand Bhai Sahib get’s from doing simran and the avasta they’ve got that they have ras. After hearing those words of Sant Ji Bhai Sahib got very emotional. Bhai Sahib then replied by saying that Sant Ji was saying all those things to him in nimrata and that the truth was that Sant Ji is the Jathedar (Mukhi) of Kalgidhar Paatshah’s Taksal and that they have Brahm Vidiya and that they are a Mahapurakh. Bhai Sahib then told Sant Ji that they have read their antreev meanings of Raag Mala the ones that you can’t find anywhere in any teeka’s. Then Bhai Sahib did vichaar and agreed that Raag Mala is Gurbani and said that “Bani Agam Hai Sikh Bhulanhar Teh Guru Bakhshanhar Hai.” Also Bhai Sahib said that Sant Ji had Apaar Kirpa.
    This was the last time Sant Ji and Bhai Sahib met. After the vichaar ended Sant Ji and the jatha had something to eat and drink and then Sant Ji and Bhai Sahib said fateh to one another and then Sant Ji left.
    After that the next day Sant Giani Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale went to Rara Sahib to attend a meeting which included other Mahapurakh’s Sant Isher Singh Ji Rara Sahib Wale Sant Giani Kirpal Singh Ji Sato Gali Wale Giani Niranjan Singh Patiala Wale and Giani Arjun Singh Ji Muni. After this meeting another two-four other meetings happened. These Mahapurakh’s then had meetings with the main Shromani committee members and other vidvaan’s and made the final decision regarding the Manglan.
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    tva prasad reacted to Soulfinder in PDF's of Sikh Books   
    Thats really good veer ji paying 200 rather than 4500 is a hell of a lot of money especially in those days as well no wonder you had a chance to meet Robert De Niro as normal working person would pay 4500 pounds as only rich and famous could afford that rate.
    Thats a really interesting experince you must have had working for BA as a courier.
    I am glad veer ji you know how it feels as with Wahegurus Kirpa i recently last few years i have stopped watching television stuff like eastenders and tv programs as its really boring and i only look at the tv when my mum has it on in the kitchen during roti dinner time.
    Recently these last few weeks have been a blessing as since i did banis like Akal Ustat, Chandi Chirtar 2, Ugardanthi (for the first time since my migraines started over a year ago) along side with my usual nitnem of banis like Chandi Di Vaar, Brahm Kavach, Shastar Naam Mala and panj bani nitnem and sometimes Sukhmani Sahib the Ras Anand i got from the current banis made me want to forget everything around me like the tv movies going out to social events parties weddings etc.
    Since this i feel like Gurbani is sach and the truth only. And i value my time a lot more compared to before.
    Also i usually like to watch a movie only after doing my banis nitnem but usually i am tried afterwoods and i usually go to bed sleep lol.
    My username was just a quick thought i had as my previous username is really close to my real name so this was this first thing that came in my mind at the time.
    You are 100% right as i enjoy certain movies more now compared to my teens as i am in my late 20s as some movies require a lot more understanding with age.
    USA very nice i have also wanted to go there to vist or for a holiday but i have been to Canada Vancouver which was a really nice place compared to the uk lol. 
    As the our punjabi people are more desi and it has a sense feeling of being in punjab compared to the uk with our people fitting in as the culture here is boring lol compared to usa and canada.
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in Dhadrianwala Vs Great Sikhs   
    That's your opinion. You have a right to your own opinion.
    But, why did you bring the so-called "Brahmanism virus" into it?
    Let me ask you again.
    This is my second time asking you.
    How are the four primary colors of the Khalsa related to the so-called Brahmanism virus? Can you please explain?
    Bhul chuk maaf
  25. Thanks
    tva prasad reacted to Soulfinder in Today - Gurpurab   
    Thanks veer ji best wishes and to everyone on here !!
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