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Everything posted by SunnySingh

  1. It is true what you say Bro, but, at the same time it is very very painful ... I can not see any inhuman acts on anybody or from anywhere, I feel at that time like god to give me some powers to wash away all these viruses people from the earth at that very moment, they have no right to continue living. I know it is something hard what I am saying, and maybe I have no right to take away lives, but may god save and forgive me...it is not in my nature to say or do such things, but, whenever I see this type of devlish behavior, I get very much affected ... Sorry sangat.
  2. Kaur10 Pen jee, your sincere effort is much appreciated, thus no need to say bhul chuk maaf ....
  3. Though history is full of stupidities and utter nonsense, but seeing this video above, one can not but just ask oneself, how much more low can one fall? It seems people keep on wanting to break records with such painful inhuman acts. How long more god? How can one behave so mercilessly with just a child of 2o years, who was brutally gang raped, and if that was not enough as a beast devlish behaviour, then she was tortured physically and mentally... My god, I do not know what I would have done if I was present there, I would just fire them all with a machine gun and throw their corpses into the sea that the sharks may eat all these devilish people. Shame on such a society where all these still things keep happening... After watching this video, I am anguished and just full of anger, if they are crazy or mad, I could be more madder than them, and make them eat their own medicine but in double dose Fu....gly sickened societies...go to hell all of them
  4. Well, I do not know if what I am going to write now can be of any help, but it is from my own recent expierence. I do have a knee problem since about 2 years now, which made it difficult to sit cross legged in meditation (hardly 10 / 15 minutes, then I would keep on changing positions after each while), and which by the way, I used to do on the bed when waking up at Amrit Vela time, but with much frustration I was almost all the time asleep, LOL. But then, I noticed that when I used to sit on the sofa to watch the TV in the hall with a small cushion on the back, I could easily sit for more than a hour cross legged, so I thought why not get up and come out of the room and sit on the sofaand give it a try... And you won´t believe me, the very first day, I tried it, I could sit more than a hour at one stretch and crosslegged, I thanked God for it, for inspite of my knee problem, and the sleeping issue, I was alert all the time, and that has been going on since about 2 weeks now. You too, may give a try at other places, until you come across a suitable/comfortable place, where you can sit without falling asleep. I am quite sure, it can happen with any one, it it has happened with me, it nothing special nor extraordinary. It is just to keep trying without giving away hope, for giving away hope, is a tool of the devil in our spiritual pursuit. I hope I have helped you in some way. Good luck.
  5. How do geniuses view people of average intelligence? Geniuses and average people may be compared to an eagle and a peacock. An eagle commands a spectacularly different view due to its high altitude flight and a sharp long-range eyesight both of which are absent in average birds such as a peacock or a parrot for example. Geniuses puzzle how other people cannot see what, according to them, is so damn obvious. They usually occupy their own high altitude flight cabin and so caught up with what they get to see or do, they largely aren’t even aware that others exist. Whatever doesn’t interest them doesn’t exist for them, and that may include food, money, name, fame, career etc. It is often not clear to them that not everyone can learn/ perceive/ understand/ explain/ imagine/ visualise/ analyse/ decipher as they can. They usually assume everybody can think the way they do and will not be able to understand with a childish stubbornness that others just can’t. Call it curse of knowledge. Some may feel like an imposter when they are applauded by common people. Many will not want any applause. In their eyes they haven’t done anything extra ordinary so why the praise? In any case they didn’t do it for praise… What they totally cannot understand is other’s lack of perspectives, logic, reasoning and curiosity, and a pronounced boredom with learning, seeking and discovering, all of which is a great turn on for them. Still, having a better handle on perspectives, geniuses often try hard to understand other’s limitations and may play themselves down in order to fit with them and not to come off as showy jerks. (This may and may not be visible to common people.) They both may regard each other as boring, fools, stupids and time-wasting. (A genius loves to delve in mysteries of deep subjects and seek answers which the average almost always finds boring, complicated and a waste of time. Similarly, average people love spending time with friends, lighthearted parties, movies, tv soaps etc which a genius person will have little time or interest for.) When they are misunderstood by average people, they may well turn impolite, peevish, sarcastic, frustrating, tiresome, disinterested or just plain dry and turn off. Sometimes they even admire average people for the things the average can do which they can’t. And it’s a genuine admiration stemming from the fact that they regard ‘ability to learn and master things or knowledge acquisition’ exceedingly attractive. Geniuses may not tire of hard work, repeated failures and tough challenges but limitations of average intelligence exhausts them, impedes them, frustrates them and bores them to death. They’ll do anything to avoid, postpone, cancel, even lie, give false excuse, hide, conceal or run away to escape such times.
  6. Bro, I do agree with what you say, but let us be frank and go direct to the point. Those who want to drink alcohol, and be crazy, do not need just bhangra..... they may do it with birthday parties, weddings, and any other celebrations, so does that mean that culture of weddings, birthday parties .... is the cause for that behaviour? The answer obviously is a flat NO. We humans as usual, like to easily blame other things, situations, people ... rather than looking to ourselves and see where the fault is. All confusions are wrong, and so not less also, that bhangra is the cause of all the unhealthy situations you mention. Bhangra time is not in contradiction or incompatiblity with sports or studies or work. You see, every thing, every activity has a place and time, the week has 7 days and 24 hours in each day. If people have obesity, that rather has to do with the food they eat, and lack of exercise, or whatever ... but certainly not because of bhangra.... Bhangra is enjoyable, is beautiful, is something our very own, and above all to feel proud about it, that too when most of the people in world be it of any nationality do enjoy that our music style. It is adorable to be dressed and have fun whenever possible in that attire, I feel very much emotional, when I see how the people around the world talk only of goodness of Bhangra. It not any other thing, let us see the positive side, dancing in bhangra style for even 30 minutes will help you burns some good amount of calories, and make you move your whole body, it is somehow like excercising to an extent. Bro, I respect everybody´s opinions, but let us be frank, bhangra in no way is the cause to feel ashamed of ourselves as sikhs, because "the drinkers" as said above, just need any such ocassions to let their mind and body indulge in those one sided unhealthy/negative behaviours, which has absolutely nothing to do with it.
  7. Bro, the smoking , drugs, whisky or any intoxicants, which creates addictionss are bad for sikhs as well as all others. Bhangra, is style of music, though I am a sikh, but I do not keep dancing in this style all the time. Just as we have rock and roll, or hard rock music, hip hop, reggae, sou,l or be it any other music, all of them have associated a type of dance with them, so is with the punjabi Bhangra music, just as also in the bollywood films, they take 2 steps forward and one back whil dancing...lol. Bhangra is a folk dance, just as drummers and other musicians or singers are involved in this music, but that does not mean all of us are playing drums, or playing music.....etc. Or as many believe that listening reggae music you have to take ganjaas or hash, weeds, marihuana... that is ridiculous. For if the singer takes narcotics, that does not mean the listenner also takes or has to take narcotics, again some may say, that music induces people to take drug. I myself like a lot of reggae music singers, but that does not mean I will take narcotics or smoke,,. never, I am against all that rubbish. The thing is, people are manipulative and do so to those who are weak mentally.... But like in all fields, one has to be mature and use a bit of common sense if any left And the pendu catse horseshyte you mention, is true, it is really disgusting, but then again, I think this bull5hit, has been dragged somehow by the wicked. Personally when I am down or even fine, whenever I listen to bhangra music/songs, I feel fine and uplifted, don´t know about others, but taking out the rubbish of the scene, the bhangra style of music by itself as it is, is a much valid music style.
  8. Bro, I do not think sikhs are living a stupid lifestyle. As human beings like any others, we may have our pro and cons, but then that is present in all socities and cultures, nobody is free of them. Maybe, we are mixing some concepts, cause though we have a goal to acheive, which is to become one with Waheguru through spiritual discipline, but then too we do move and mix in the world to an extent, thus it is natural to like and practice sports, watch movies, listen music, gathering with friends and any other healthy social activity as long as we do nothing morally bad or inflict any pain on others . There maybe a handful of besharams, which is also normal to an extent, but then, that does not covers the rest of our vast majority, who are noble in nature. We should not be that rigid or hard on ourselves, that we should limit ourselves that much, cause that would really be being stupid.
  9. Can meditation heal your body? Healing the body through meditation depends on several factors: 1) how high the the body vibration is; the higher the quicker the healing. 2) how much higher energy (prana/chi) the person can bring in meditation into his body, 3) how long the person can wait, since energy healing is a treatment and takes long time, it’s not like gulping an aspirin for a headache and in 15 min you are good again If it’s more a superficial illness, like a flu or the like, with meditations and some herbal teas you are good again in a matter of days. If on the other hand you have diabetes, cancer and the like, so a grave or terminal illness, then meditation certainly won’t cure you by itself no matter how good meditator you are. In this case meditation is just a tool, and enabler for you to find out from your soul, or even from your parent-soul if you have higher access, how did you diverge from your destiny path so that you got that illness as a big warning. Only after finding out the cause and working on the acknowledgement and release of that cause, with no expectations and lots of humbleness, one can hope to heal also the illness physically … Certainly that one can call this releasing of a negative belief also a meditation, but we can call it as a separate special releasing procedure.
  10. Who am I, if I am not the body, and even not the mind, as we practice it during meditation? That “Illusive” SELF The ‘Ego’ Quandary: “My ego made me do it.” “How do I get away from the ego and be more present?” “How can I live from a place of higher vibration, in touch with my higher Self?” “Which chakra do I need to cleanse in order to access my Self?” Understand this. You are not the ego. The ego is yours. It’s yours to play with as you like. Your conscious faculties? They’re yours. Cognition? Yours. Ideation? Yours. Imagination? Yours. Intuition? Mentation? Yours. Emotion? Yours. Yours. Yours. It’s all yours. Who is this you to have earned all of this? Why are you so special amongst all the sentient life in this universe? To have earned this life and been empowered to live it with a supercomputer of a mind and all of these tools at your disposal. Who are You? You. Are. Self. Self is not yours. It’s not myself and yourself. You ARE Self. All of it. The whole thing. Read that as many times as you need to until it sinks in. Meditate on it. Chant it like a mantra. This is the biggest lesson you can ever hope to learn. The biggest truth. The biggest trap and the biggest hurdle. You’re so close, that you are confusing. You’re looking for a mystical feeling to accompany a realization of that what you already are. This is where everybody gets lost. You are already that! Stop saying ‘I am not the Self.’ ‘I am lost.’ ‘Where am I?’ ‘I am material’. ‘I must be spiritual’. ‘I must do this or that to attain to the higher level and find Self yada yada’. You are right here. Right now. Reading this. This is the experience of Self. It is so normal that it’s disconcerting. You have been feeding this self lies, looking here and there, when actually, right here, right now, you are free to do what you do and enjoy your experience of life. Stop separating. Stop confusing. Realize right here, right now, that there is only you in this conversation with self. Realize that it’s only these feelings that you willingly attach to that make the whole ball of yarn into something complex. Self is happy. Self is sad. Self is learning. Self is traumatized. Self is right. Self is wrong. Self must. Self should. It’s amusing, isn’t it? We don’t talk like that. We say I. I’m thinking this. I’m thinking that. I’m watching the thought. I’m watching the watcher watch the thought. I am the ego. I am the body. I am the driver of the ego and the body. But that’s not me! This is me. Me is free. To make any choice at all. To see or say anything at all. Me is free. Me is free! To do what I does and be as I is. I am free!!! This is me. There is no confusion. It’s all me. Even the background that all this plays out on, in my mind. My beautiful mind. Not to object. Not to question. Not to separate this from that. Why? It’s all I. There’s nothing else there. Really. It’s plain to see. So if I wants to choose one thought over another, I does. If I wants to be here, now, or there, then, I goes. I does. I is and I am. What’s the problem with that? After all, it’s all me. I’m free. With choices. What a happy miracle it is. Yogic philosophy says that it’s all Self, that the illusion lies in the very questions that separate Self into this and that modality. Yogic philosophy constructs a model of layers, each a part of the one Self, and goes even further to allowing for a connection with and a perception of the background and environment in which Self exists. The illusion lies in the creation, and nurturing, of the thought that you are, or are not, anything but that which is all of that – Self, the generator and preserver of the construct, and the driver of the vehicle on this ever-changing, never-ending path we find ourselves journeying along together.
  11. Some info on meditation . By RIKUMI How do I meditate? Just simply close your eyes and observe your thoughts. Soon your thoughts will be disappeared, and you start entering deep. What are the benefits of meditation? How do you meditate? Following are the Benefits of doing meditation every day: Regular meditation relaxes your body, it reduces anxiety attacks. Meditation helps you to get stability in your life. It grows your instinct. As an idol is created after removing unwanted stones, in the same way, meditation helps you to remove unwanted thoughts and a beautiful personality comes before everyone. A meditative person has a powerful aura, he can change other’s life too. You get infinite energy from this cosmos. Your life gets balanced. Your imagination gets improved.
  12. Our trip is Very Short............. *Our trip is Very Short I've read this atleast 5 times since this morning. It's so true and beautifully written* A woman climbed up the bus and sat down beside a man, hitting him with her numerous bags. When the man remained silent, the woman asked him why he did not complain when she hit him with her bags ? The man replied with a Smile: "There is no need to be upset about something so insignificant, as our journey together is so short, because I'm getting off at the next stop " This answer disturbed the woman so much , she asked the man to excuse her and thought the words needs to be written in gold Each of us must understand that our time in this world is so short, that darkening it with useless arguments, jealousy, not forgiving others, discontentment and bad attitudes are a ridiculous waste of time and energy. Did someone break your heart? Stay calm. The trip is too short
  13. Hi, I think I heard something some time ago regarding this question, and that is to keep our face covered, as the meditative practices may bring some refulgence on our faces, so anybody passing by may not see it and start asking questions or start treating us someone of high avastha, cause that may awaken our haume or ego, which may become an hindrance in our further progress. It is said that because of this danger, true abhyasis do hide their progress to avoid unnecessary problems in their "abhyaas". And this is because not because they are egoistics or selfish, but because they want to safeguard their "spiritual wealth" which the more one keeps it covered, the more it grows by His grace. That is why, they may talk about spirituality or spiritual experiences on a general basis, rather than talking about their personal achievements.
  14. Dear Guest Shabad Yoga, in my humble opinion, you are not wrong at all, on the contrary, if you are experiencing all this what you have said, I can well say, be thankful to the Almighty from the bottom of your heart, for blessing you to arise your soul consciousness above the gross maya and matter and have the taste of the of eternal life giving Amrit within, which is all that religion and spirituality are about. Along with His grace, my best wishes, so you may go farther and farther within, and realize your goal of life as soon as possible.
  15. How do you increase your spirituality? by Amolak Goyal. Spirituality means knowing our spirit (soul), realizing it, and stay in the consciousness of spirit. The spirit is master of the body, the body belongs to the spirit, we are not physical body but soul. The soul is immortal and eternal, it has mainly seven qualities; soul is peaceful, blissful, joyful, knowledgeable, loveful, pure and powerful. These qualities can be realized by sitting in meditation and contemplation. Have pure feelings for everyone. Feelings of anger, jealousy, ego keeps us away from the spirituality and binds us in body consciousness. Have a vision for the self and everyone as a soul. This will increase the spirituality
  16. This is quite true, these caretakers/management members should have more an sewadar attitude, of humbly serving the Sangat and the panth, of bringing it closer to the Guru/Akal Purukh by seeing and supervising if any improvement is needed in that sense, rather than inflating their ego of being viewed as superiors.
  17. By far the best answer, both from a worldly view or a spiritual view.
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