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Everything posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. Love the awareness threads bro. By disrupt the supply they mean bust smaller dealers while they themselves keep getting rich.
  2. International terror governments and cartels will use any sidelined peoples to peddle their shit. Don't be a fool. Honest. Money. Only. You. Can't take it with you. But you do take the karam.
  3. Looks like I'm going home bro. Better luck next life.
  4. An ever better one. ਮਨਮੁਖਹੀਅਰਾਅਤਿਕਠੋਰੁਹੈਤਿਨਅੰਤਰਿਕਾਰਕਰੀਠਾ॥ manamukh heearaa at kattor hai tin a(n)tar kaar kareettaa || The hearts of the self-willed manmukhs are hard and cruel; their inner beings are dark. ਬਿਸੀਅਰਕਉਬਹੁਦੂਧੁਪੀਆਈਐਬਿਖੁਨਿਕਸੈਫੋਲਿਫੁਲੀਠਾ॥੩॥ biseear kau bahu dhoodh peeaaieeaai bikh nikasai fol fuleettaa ||3|| Even if the poisonous snake is fed large amounts of milk, it will still yield only poison. ||3|| Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Gauree - 171
  5. Probably both right anyway. Mainly recent arrivals, sometimes being used.
  6. And manson family painted helter skelter. And swastikas. But weren't white supremacists just trying to frame them.
  7. Never works. Always makes a new imbalance. Always sounds like a good idea at the time. The solution is massive hunting. We are the balancing factor invasive species.
  8. Who cares? Dude supports terrorism. And here for nefarious purposes. Oughta shit can him.
  9. Lol. Say they defend the kingdom... can't defend the airstrip. Par for the course in eu and us.
  10. Looks like a fit! Never seen it but love that music video.
  11. I've criticised the us for a long time. Rightfully. And I will continue to do so. If you think these rabid betas will be an improvement you're wrong. Called even worse.
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