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Everything posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. I might be confused what I'm saying here. What's the map where Muslims divide up india into its prospective new muslim territories? With the fake khalsa state promise to try and get us to help?
  2. In my world this went viral already. And theres tik toks of people doing it all over the world.
  3. You're uhh...gonna hear a lot more Julius Malemas out there shortly. And russia, right, wrong, indifferent, honest or not, have fostered good relations globally everywhere we been exploiting ...
  4. Combine that with all the shady ish the us does? Being another country must suck. Constantly undermined, eroded, usurped by western sociopaths.
  5. Ghaziz al Hind or whatever might backfire. Seems like the principle of Ghaziz al Pak has not been lost on many as being a way to solve everyone's troubles.
  6. All of em. Fakes, snakes etc, better learn to lay low. All the predators have an apex above them.
  7. It's over for all you clowns and cultists with Kirtan like this. Kiss your corrupt azzs goodbye.
  8. He did it. We've regained the sound. Har har har.
  9. Odd timing with nazis running everything. Like how he gonna hate biden who's a white nazi supporting white nazis? Clearly some sort of weird pr.
  10. This is why reefer madness on parchar stages isn't funny, it's destructive. If dude was high he'd have eaten some roti and talked to what should be his wife. Repent Basics of Sikhi. Repent Sikh2Inspire. No excuse for this damaging manmukh ignorance.
  11. Ever wonder how or why the russians are part of the final battles before Khalsa Raj? I mean Turaks, obviously included as part of victory, but how the russians come in? If not true prophecy... I see no other reason for their inclusion.
  12. On. the. nazi. side. Facepalm. Respect to the lone Singh who stopped in to say he was on his way to fight for the russian civilians. Still think our place in this is training in our own faujs and securing water and farmland, then networking with the wider populaces.
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