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Posts posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. 20 minutes ago, Mooorakh said:

    Depressed n Guru k singhs??

    Never mind. 

    I guess it's high time I can stop making you guys understand my point.. The one who hasn't tasted Amrit rass of love n bhakti can't understand the power of its intoxication and healing.. ... 

    But I would still say one last time that Guru k singhs were in love with the Guru -they weren't paid slaves or soldiers like that of mughals...  they won't need any such superficial thing if they have the real thing..- the Amrit (only if you knew the power and how high it can make one! - but aap aapni budh hai jeti- you are considering them ordinary human beings like me n you) 

    I won't be taking this debate further.


    Don't worry bro @GurjantGnosticMy husband loves me more than you can think of. He's a teetotaller - won't allow me a drop of wine be alone sukha ... 


    Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki Fateh! 

    Yes you just brim over with love. Sukha and alcohol aren't in the same boat but I'm glad he's tetoataling. I don't touch tea myself anymore. 

    Anyway send my love to my bro and tell him I'm still here for him. 

    Later bestie. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    Lol now won't they need drugs then? When I was trying to say that Sarab rog ka aukhad is naam -- that is what guru Sahib has preached, believed and practiced.. you were quoting false stories. .. How can you believe on two contradictions at the same time? Which one is you? Or is there a psychological error? 

    Your precious comments @GurjantGnostic


    Your poor husband, lol. 

    I bet he wishes you'd use some Sukha for his medical health. Lol. 


  3. 59 minutes ago, Mooorakh said:

    I am aware that you are interested in old writings and texts so you must be knowing how they were altered many times to finish n defame sikhi...YOU AGREED THAT YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN THEM SO Y SUPPORTING THE WRONG..

    Also please compare -  what you have posted to what has been posted by paapiman. You are mentioning its use as a medicine when a sikh is hurt in the jung and he is mentioning it as a source of strength - to keep sikhs in bliss -- really? 

    As for @GurjantGnostic one more time please read properly before commenting- #1. there's no point in supporting what u haven't read 

    #2 there's no point in me answering to a passersby comment as it was quoted above by you. 

    Oh okay. Charmer on all fronts. Convenient for you. 

    I'm just gonna say it. You don't smell right. 

    Here's some traits so far. 

    Abuse a member and call on admin in the same breath. 

    Try and silence a member on a platform specifically for discourse on these subjects. 

    Avoid all questions.

    Show absolutely no social grace. 

    Show no personal accountability for your Krodh. 

    It's okay. I find people like you fascinating. We can be besties. 

  4. A quick aside on physical and emotional violence, and men and women. 

    If we say that men excel in the physical and women the emotional. I would caution women to not threaten, or engage in, violence with men. It's therefore also inappropriate to threaten it, and it puts men in a very uncomfortable position. 

    Considering that emotionally women are a super highway, and men are a foot path, in the world of the brain and nervous system, it's unfair for women to abuse men emotionally also. That would be like a man using his forte, and beating on you. 

    Ultimately we all need to respect each other. 

    I think it's a little cheeky to both threaten somebody with violence, and complain to the admin in the same paragraph. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Mooorakh said:

    Again.. Pls correct yourselves ONLY as medicinal supplements and that too on others. 


    See thas my point of 'larai' is - why post such things on a forum where many sikhs and non sikhs visit to give them a wrong impression of your own Guru Sahibs quoting these false stories about Guruji. He's Sarab kala samarthan he wouldn't need these things and reading this kind of stuff may let people relate those ' chittaah fudus to my Guru Sahib' - we can't let that happen. Pls ask him to remove these false stories mentioning Guru Sahib consumed these things for refreshment, power etc

    Yes Veer Ji. For the record I don't touch opiates with a ten foot pole and I recommend the same to anyone but the maimed or dying.

    I read the posts as well as I could in passing. It seemed more to reference use of certain things in the Paanth, the requisition of things for the Fauj, and a personal anecdote about Sukha which doesn't offend me. 

    I am interested about the sources but have not had time to read up on them. 

    I think the Guru Sahiban having Afeem for their Fauj in war and using it are two different things.  

  6. 7 minutes ago, Mooorakh said:

    See Mister this is no baani.. These are all false stories.. So you better stop promoting these crappy stuff else YOUR BHOOL CHUK IS NOT MAAF cos this is INTENTIONAL no bhool


    None of the Sikh Gurus ever supported Nasha . Period<img src=">

    You ignored my question and you owe @paapiman an apology in my opinion for how Krodhi you are bro. What are you doing to keep that in check?

  7. 7 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    See Mister this is no baani.. These are all false stories.. So you better stop promoting these crappy stuff else YOUR BHOOL CHUK IS NOT MAAF cos this is INTENTIONAL no bhool


    None of the Sikh Gurus ever supported Nasha . Period<img src=">

    So, after battle when you have tens or hundreds of survivors, or soon to die, dismembered, disembowled, eyeball hanging out Soormas, the ever loving, ultimately compassionate Father of them all prescribed what to ease their agony exactly?

    If someone pulled you out a pile of shit and blood and dead bodies, and took you to the side and cut your leg off, your supposed aversion to Afeem might dissipate friend. 

    Not everybody in a Fauj is Baba Deep Singh Shaheed. 

    Only some Soorma are going to have high enough Avastha to Naam Jaap through amputation and surgery etc. 

    There are allied forces, non Sikhs, helping in some of these battles. You think the Guru had no Afeem for them as part of the supply chain for war?

    When you go to war, your mobility, food, water, weapons all have to be seen to. You bring supplies for the dead, for the wish they were dead. When you go to war the necessary supplies make it obvious how brutal, disgusting, degrading, disfiguring, crippling and lethal what you are about to do is. 

    You're a little red in the face Veer Ji over something that is honestly your own naivity. 

    Just because Guru Granth Sahib Ji doesn't cover field medicine methods of the Faujs doesn't mean they didn't have to practice medicine and surgery bro. That kind of info, or historical accounts would be covered elsewhere....like probably where @paapiman is quoting from. 


  8. 1 hour ago, paapiman said:



    Syqe Medical's randomized controlled trial demonstrates for first time that THC doses measured in micrograms relieve pain without significant side effects


    [1] - Israeli Researchers Present First Clinical Evidence That Cannabis at Microdosing Levels Relieves Pain (prnewswire.com)


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Bro we done coulda told them that. But they won't listen. Lol. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    @chatanga1 @dalsingh101 @sarabatam @Soulfinder @Trimandeep Singh and others.

    Have you heard of this Maryada before? Did Nihangs Singhs do this in the past? Any historical sources which mention this?

    A bowl of sacrificial blood (possibly after Jhatka), is passed around during Amrit Sanchar (possibly for sipping) to initiate the Sikh into Kshatri (warrior) tradition of the Khalsa. This is done after the regular Amrit Sanchar, where the bowl of Amrit (Khande da) has been passed around for drinking.

    @GurjantGnostic - Have you come across this tradition in any other warrior cultures?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Pygmies are the current holders of that tradition, but you would find that broadly in the past. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    Now! As for Bhakti let me tell you wats mentioned in Guru Granth Sahib ji. He says

    ਜੋ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੰਡੇ ਸੋਈ ਪਿੰਡੇ ਜੋ ਖੋਜੈ ਸੋ ਪਾਵੈ 

    Jo Brehamanddae Soee Pinddae Jo Khojai So Paavai ||

    The One who pervades the Universe also dwells in the body; 

    ਜੋ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੰਡੇ ਸੋਈ ਪਿੰਡੇ ਜੋ ਖੋਜੈ ਸੋ ਪਾਵੈ ॥

    Jo Brehamanddae Soee Pinddae Jo Khojai So Paavai ||

    The One who pervades the Universe also dwells in the body; 

    So when one sits in Bhakti they generate the super energy and intoxication of mind called - Sunn - (quietness) to enter the state of silence- samaadhi. All the abhiyaasi sikhs would know it as they experience it daily. There's a mention of such harmone being produced in the mind by Lucky veerji somewhere here on the forum. So the way these natural herbs grow on the earth they are produced in one's mind as well -- Kabir jee call it taari    We read it as Naam khumaari too--- Guru k Chardikala waale singhs were capable enough to do this JOG and get United in the feet of the Lord plus get the power to win any yudhh -- so please 🙏 stop spreading these jhooti kahaniyaa and if you have little awareness - don't read them yourself too - else you won't be able to save yourself as well cos NO VIVEKI sikh is going to believe the crap you have posted - only few foolish followers may - dubb mooye bug bapde sir tull upar paav- along with - SO EVERYONE BE AWARE

    I am sorry for being rude 👿 but I mean each n every word of it 

    Between the Sunn and the boundless energy Simran provides, some.of the people at work think I'm on drugs. Lol. The reason is they're on drugs and can't keep up .

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