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Everything posted by HSD

  1. HSD

    War Footage

    It looks like you replied to videos from page 1 but the site decided to quote videos from page 7 lol.
  2. Dude, this is a discussion forum. Most people here have had arguments with one another at some point. If you feel you need to say something just come out with it as long as it’s not illegal. It’s not like I can reach down your phone line and grab you through your computer screen….. The anglos blame the y-words in front of brown people partly because they think we are all the same. The main reason they do it in front of Indians though is because they think we are obsessed with money. By bringing up Jews they are hoping to make us jealous because these racists think we would get upset at their community’s financial success. This might sound childish but a lot of brits have some sort of racist pantomime playing in their heads where the rest of us are reduced to ridiculous caricatures. The funny thing is that out of all the developed nations they are the most money grubbing lot. Add to that the whole reason they attacked Punjab is due to being jealous of our wealth and their need to impoverish us to maintain their world view. These people love to add insult to injury by accusing the victim of what they themselves have done. Racism, being based on hatred, is neither rational nor logical. Sulleh go on about white racism around us but when they are alone with anglos they love to take the p*ss out of Sikhs. Both groups consider us to be ugly, dirty and stupid criminals. As for what muslims blame us for, take your pick: islam not being prevalent in all of Asia, the failure of muslim power in South Asia, the destruction of the Afghan empire, the failure to create a Pakistan as had been promised by Britain, the justice killings of 1947 against their attempted genocide, winning wars for India, standing up to groomers, countering islamists in other ways etc. I think the mad Sikhs are the ones who aren’t able to understand racism and islamism in front of their faces…… Good thing I wrote it down for you then.
  3. It was disturbing to see what he suggested. Not funny on any level. Another giveaway is the way he talks about islam. He doesn’t talk about it from a Sikh perspective of having to grow up around them or deal with islamists in certain situations and the issues they cause. He uses anglo talking points instead which amount to incitement. I doubt he would ever get his own hands dirty. I think a lot of his type do this simply because they want a panthic leader role. Once they get that they hope some religious family will hand over their meek daughter to him in marriage. Coconuts ape the same obsession with progenation that their racist idols have. The alt right have a whole thing about the need to find a tradwife. The failure of the arranged marriage system for millennials and modern sexual culture has hit people like him pretty hard. He probably thinks getting a quiet girl will be an outlet for his frustrations and cover up his fruity side too. Having said all that, if he’s not from your ends then he’s someone else’s problem. For us, looking in from the outside, a lot can seem contradictory or odd. To people from those cultures and countries it seems normal. Look at that video I posted of the Ukrainian nazi talking about what roles he would tolerate a Jew doing in his government. No western nazi would tolerate Jews in those sorts of positions if they gained power. As for conspiracy theories, many contain truth or are proved to be correct eventually. Other are just smokescreens or disinformation. We just need to avoid getting suckered into anything detrimental in the future.
  4. Breanna Taylor was killed just for sleeping in her own bed. America gets a lot right but police issuing evictions and no knock warrants aren’t the way to go about it.
  5. You’re both right. I posted that police video as it’s funny but I’ve seen the authorities do similar things with snitches in the past to throw people off and increase the rat’s credibility. Tommy wasn’t charged and was let out of the airport shortly after….. He probably has an agreement where he gets to keep all the money but has to inform on all his acquaintances and anyone involved with him. As for the Anglos and their blame game: when they are in front of brown people they blame the y-words, in front of black people they blame the p-words and in front of other whites they blame the n-words. The sulleh do something similar: in front of Sikhs they blame the goreh, in front of kaleh they blame the Jews and in front of goreh they blame the Sikhs.
  6. If you got that where I think you did, then I have to warn you about the poster. A lot of young hairy fairies get to a point in their lives were they realise all the stories and promises they were given growing up are rubbish so they gravitate towards becoming commies or coconuts. You don’t pick up on it but that guy uses a lot of alt right buzz words and phrases: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-goyim-know-shut-it-down https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/the-goyim-knowshut-it-down I’d be careful of his agenda when he posts this antisemitic stuff. As for Kolomoisky, it’s probably true that he funds Azov/Aidar/Dniepro/Right Sector etc. I’ll have to give a bit of background to show how this all came about. When the Soviet Union collapsed the countries that formed had to give democracy and capitalism a go. Rather than the pristine capitalism that we deal with in the West, the people there practiced capitalism as they knew it - armed thugs going around claiming things belonged to them. This is how the Soviet propaganda explained capitalists acted and so in the 90s the criminal gangs made up of various members of the old regime just grabbed farms, mines, refineries, football clubs, factories, banks and anything else that produced revenue. This is how the oligarchs came into existence. They were the guys in charge of the gangs taking over the old Soviet assets. The reasons for Kolomoisky funding these groups is pretty simple. He made a lot of money by offering to act on behalf of Russian oligarchs in Ukraine in the 90s and 00s. When they sent him money, he just pocketed it and refused to do what he had been paid for. The Russians couldn’t touch him until 2014 when they chased the Ukrainian army out off Crimea and other parts of the country. Obviously he wasn’t happy about the idea of Russian troops near him so he funded the only lot who could offer him protection and were motivated against Russia - the Ukrainian fascists. It was a convenient arrangement as the fash were legitimised and resourced, Kolomoisky got protection as well as an armed group willing to attack his political/financial enemies. Having a Jewish backer doesn’t make these nationalist ‘battalions’ any less racist, nor is this arrangement some proof of a worldwide Zionist conspiracy to get the goyim killing each other.
  7. Haven’t seen it. Russian war movies can be very hit or miss, if you watch it let us know if it’s any good. I enjoyed this one:
  8. If it’s the 1993 film I would say it was ok. It has high ratings but it drags on and isn’t very coherent. It feels like watching a bunch of randoms go through various set pieces associated with the Stalingrad siege. You would be better off watching a documentary about the battle instead. If you want to watch a film about the Eastern Front I would recommend Cross Of Iron. If it’s something in the German language you want then the tv show Generation War is worth a watch.
  9. He just says whatever suits him in the moment. When the EDL were having their multicultural phase, he did big up his Gaelic roots. It was a case of “I’m not racist - my ancestors were foreigners!!”, another one of those comments supposed to prove he’s not a bigot. As for it being ignored by the middle classes… the left wing ones were always going to call it islamophobia and the right wing ones just saw an opportunity to attack New Labour. Everything with these people eventually turns into a point scoring match. A lot of them don’t have a problem with paedophilia either, it’s part of their culture.
  10. There are a lot of causes but the three main ones are (in no particular order): 1. The disneyfication of our children’s education when it comes to the relevance of history to modern social issues. I get that a previous generation may feel they had it hard growing up, however swinging the pendulum the other way to how you were raised doesn’t help as it leads to overcorrection. For example, claiming racism is based on ignorance, rather than hatred, has led to a lot of people my age doing stupid things when faced with racism/islamism that make life harder for other Sikhs. Real life isn’t like a Gurinder Chadha movie and trying to reason or make excuses for predatory behaviour only increases the damage our enemies wish to inflict. This relates to grooming, forced relationships, abductions etc. 2. On average, Sikhs are low IQ and stupid in a collective sense. Examples of this can be seen by our inability to focus on more than one enemy at a time or our belief that options when it comes to our development are mutually exclusive. A lot of our people are proud of their ignorance. Everyone knows this and it is something they go on about behind our backs. This emboldens them to target Sikh women as they believe many of their victims will be too dim to understand what is being done to them. Many Sikh women are so stupid that they think being used and abused is a sign of freedom and a way of getting back at Sikh men for perceived slights and other absurd insecurities. They have no idea that many floaters and sulleh are deliberately using reverse psychology, suggestion and coercion to emotionally trick them. 3. Our enemies are devious and cunning in many ways that most Sikhs simply wouldn’t believe no matter how it is explained or whatever evidence is produced. The enemies know that women and children are soft targets who can be hit with impunity. The payoff from targeting them is greater than direct violent conflict against an unpredictable and vexing menfolk. Many of our enemies big themselves up in secret, usually with stories of atrocities committed against us. Many of them take great delight in the thought of reenacting their ancestors depravities without the historic risk of getting killed. They dress up these desires by claiming friendship, love and physical attraction but in reality their motivations are far darker. Sikhs aren’t able to decipher this so have no way of countering it. A result of this can be seen with the number of Sikh women who end up with racists/islamists/hindutva types. I’m sure some of them will moan that Sikh men get into relationships with women from various backgrounds, but who can blame us when Sikh women can be such an unknown quantity when it comes to being trusted to not open us up to attacks along these lines? To summarise, how we raise the youth, how we think and how we understand our enemies are the main contributors to the issues of grooming/racial fetishisation/hate sex.
  11. This image below is being passed around online by a lot of young whites. I get the the feeling they don’t like how the war is going for their far right friends…
  12. HSD

    War Footage

    This one’s hilarious:
  13. HSD

    War Footage

    Probably. That’s not why the tank is firing into that building though. ? They haven’t. Still in the jungles. Trying to beat Hiroo Onoda’s record.
  14. He’s just a far right gobsh*te. The whole exposing grooming gangs is just a money maker for him. Half his friends are nonces as I showed in a post earlier on this thread. A lot of whites I’ve come across on that island claim to have Irish ancestry, probably to differentiate themselves from the natives and play up their individuality. They were all as racist as the Brits though and I couldn’t tell the difference between them. Some taliban boys could tell us about their experiences of growing up under western imperialism but that doesn’t mean they’re the good guys. Sikhs need to grow up about some of these topics. There is nothing that we can’t say, figure out or do ourselves, there is no need for white handholding or waiting for a white voice to articulate.
  15. HSD

    War Footage

    This footage is from a Su34 not a Su25.
  16. HSD

    War Footage

    After an air strike, part of a body was found with these familiar looking documents on it. Anyone know a Shaun Pinner from Watford lol? Maybe he was one of the sick freaks from my previous post…
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