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Everything posted by HSD

  1. Even though the show does drop off as it went on, I would still rate it as one of the best. It’s one of the only ones I’ve bothered to watch twice. The first season is very good as it takes a lot of what is in the book and translates it well to screen. The scene between Hitler and his assassin mirrors a very clever part of the book that is highly thought provoking. That season also draws parallels to other’s colonial history that is relatable. The second season I think is when Ridley Scott left, or one of the other producers did. Frank Frink goes from being a symbol of American cultural reawakening like he is in the book to some weird freedom fighter more at home in a Red Dawn movie. There is no real explanation for the weird disparity in strength between Japan and Germany. Nor would Japan rely on Texan oil, it’s a very unrealistic attempt at world building. The third season is good but the fourth season again goes off in a weird tangent. Chinese communists spent most of WW2 hiding in mountains and would have been a spent force as they relied on Soviet help. The black communists themselves were organised and supplied by Japan before WW2 so why they would have been so good at resisting is another weird storyline. It felt like the show writers were simply doing that American thing of striving for a happy ending no matter how outlandish. The thing is the book offers a clean snapshot of this other world with no obvious beginning or proper ending. It does predict the course of the Cold War which is surprising for a book written in the 60s. The Nazi Germans brag about their scientific achievements with a manned mission to Venus and claim to have full social cohesion. The Imperial Japanese on the other hand are fighting a pointless war in the jungles of Brazil and have major issues in most parts of their territories. By the end of the book it is revealed the Nazi space programme is just a cover for a weapons deployment and most of its population are fed up of poverty. Japan on the other hand at least gives people a type of freedom and opportunity they won’t get elsewhere. The parallels with what happened in the real Cold War are unusually prescient. The same won’t be said of the tv show with black communists and white racists coming together to reunite the US. Or lost ones travelling from other worlds as if from a successful ghostdance.
  2. Who wants to know?! Hehehe it’s the only place I could get this:
  3. It’s probably best if you stay away from that island with your heritage. They’ll open a file on you and then try to mess you up. As for people’s mamas………… .
  4. Lol, I wish it had gotten physical but these lot don’t do that unless they have numbers. I meant rumbled in the brit english sense, as in when someone scopes you out or doxxes you. The American English version of rumble is like in WWE or a final brawl between gangs. That’s what caused the confusion. I can talk about what happened to me, obviously won’t talk about what I may or may not have done. If I get time I’ll write it up though I’m not sure if this thread is the best place for talking about a thieving, racist, drug dealing paedo masonic cult with links to the Tory establishment.
  5. HSD

    War Footage

    Both sides use them but they are a bit old now. Ukraine only has thirty or so and only seems to use them as a last resort as they are the only helicopter gunships they have. The runway for the airport outside Kiev was cratered by them to stop it being used. Russia has the Mi28 for rescues and scouting, the Ka52 is used for ground attack and battlefield strikes. The Mi24 Hind is just used for troop transport as they are large targets and not good at avoiding MANPADS.
  6. HSD

    War Footage

    Here is a decent map of Ukraine for people who have difficulty understanding where the places referenced in the media are:
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